Agenda and minutes

Venue: Remote Meeting on Zoom and available for the public to view on WestNorfolkBC on You Tube - Zoom and You Tube. View directions

Contact: Wendy Vincent, Democratic Services Officer, 01553 616377, email: 

Link: View Live Stream

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed Councillor Devereux to his first meeting of the Panel.


The Chair informed the Panel that the meeting was being broadcast live on You Tube.


Click here to view a recording of the meeting on You Tube


The Democratic Services Officer conducted a roll call to confirm attendees.



Appointment of Vice Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair for the meeting.



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RESOLVED:  Councillor D Tyler be appointed Vice-Chair for the meeting.







Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Collop and C Manning.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 305 KB

To approve the minutes from the Corporate Performance Panel held on 7 October 2020.



Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The minutes of the Corporate Performance Panel held on 7 October 2020 were agreed as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the Member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.


These declarations apply to all Members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on any item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area.


There were no declarations of interest.



Urgent Business Under Standing Order 7

To consider any business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chairman proposed to accept as urgent under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was no urgent business.



Members Present Pursuant to Standing Order 34

Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chair of their intention to do so and on what items they wish to be heard before a decision on that item is taken.



The following Members were present under Standing Order 34:


Councillor F Bone – Item 14

Councillor A Bullen – Item 14

Councillor M de Whalley – Items 10 to 14 and 19 to 20

Councillor G Hipperson – Item 14

Councillor A Holmes- Items 10, 11, 12 and 14

Councillor M Howland – Item 14

Councillor C Joyce – Items 10 and 14

Councillor B Lawton – Item 14

Councillor C Morley – Items 13 and 14

Councillor Mrs E Nockolds – Item 10

Councillor T Parish – all items

Councillor S Squire – Item 14

Councillor A Ryves = all items




Chair's Correspondence


There was no Chair’s correspondence.





There were no call-ins.



Knights Hill Planning Appeal pdf icon PDF 203 KB

The Panel will receive a report from the Assistant Director, Environment and Planning.



Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The Assistant Director presented the report which provided the Panel with an update and background following the decision in July 2019 of the Secretary of State, to allow the appeal at Knights Hill.  The report also set out the costs of the appeal to the Council.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillors M de Whalley, C Joyce, Mrs E Nockolds and T Parish addressed the Panel.


The Assistant Director responded to question/comments in relation to:


·         Cost of the Public Inquiry.

·         Determination of planning application by the Planning Committee.

·         Highway objections

·         Level of consistence required by the planning policy and development control aspect of planning.

·         Material planning reasons.

·         Communication with the community and Parish Councils relating to the Local Plan.

·         Infrastructure.


At the invitation of the Chair, the Portfolio Holder for Development addressed the Panel and responded to questions raised in relation to:


·         Infrastructure requirements.

·         King’s Lynn Transport study.

·         Future communication.

·         Engagement with Parish Councils.

·         Requirement to deliver number of houses over the 20 year period


The Portfolio Holder for Development commented that a Key Stakeholder Group for Knights Hill could be set up.  The Portfolio Holder for Development agreed to attend the next meeting of the Corporate Performance Panel to provide an update on the Local Plan Task Group Communication Strategy.


The Leader reminded Members of the roles of the Local Plan Task Group and the Planning Committee and highlighted the importance of Members on the Planning Committee attending the training sessions provided.


The Chair thanked the Assistant Director for the report.


RESOLVED:  1) The Panel noted the report.


2) The Portfolio Holder for Development attend the next meeting of the Corporate Performance Panel to provide an update on the Local Plan Task Group Communication Strategy.



Annual Communications Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB

The Panel will receive a presentation from the Communications Manager, ICT Web Team Manager and Assistant CIC Manager.



Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube.


The Panel received the Annual Communications Update.  A copy of the presentation is attached to the Minutes.


Members were invited to forward any questions to officers via email.


In response to questions from Councillor Nash regarding Councillor Emails and mobile devices, the ICT Web Manager advised Councillor Nash to contact the ICT Manager direct.


The Leader thanked the Communications Team, CIC and ICT for their excellent work updating the Council’s website on a daily basis during challenging times


The Chair thanked officers for an informative presentation.


RESOLVED:  The Panel noted the annual update and invited officers to present a further update in 2021.





Council Tax Support Scheme 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 413 KB

The Revenues and Benefits Manager will present the report.



Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube.


In presenting the report, the Revenues and Benefits Manager explained that the council must review and agree its 2021/2022 Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme for working age people by March 2021.  The Panel was informed that the council must first consult with the major preceptors then publish a draft CTS scheme for public consultation.  The draft CTS Scheme was agreed by delegated decision and the public consultation ran from 17 September 2020 to 2 November 2020.  It was highlighted that the final CTS Scheme must then be agreed by full Council.


The Revenues and Benefits Manager highlighted the two changes set out at Section 4 of the report.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillors M de Whalley and C Morley addressed the Panel.


The Revenues and Benefits Manager responded to questions in relation to:


·         Level of contribution made by residents.

·         Protected groups.

·         Self-employed people – assumption made that earnings were at least the minimum wage.  Council Tax supported was based on earnings.

·         Government Council Tax Hardship Fund – the Council has awarded £400,000.

·         Process for recovery of debt.

·         Potential for more disadvantage sector of the population to be geographically mapped.


In response to a question from Councillor Morley, the Revenues and Benefits Manager explained that when there was an opportunity to do so a thorough review of the scheme was an option for the Council to consider.


The Chair thanked the Revenues and Benefits Manager for attending and presenting the report.


RESOLVED:  The Panel agreed that the draft CTS Scheme for 2021/2022 which went to public consultation is recommended to Cabinet and Council as the final CTS Scheme for 2021/2022.



Corporate Performance Monitoring – Indicator Suite for 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 152 KB

The Panel will receive a report from the Assistant to the Chief Executive.


Additional documents:


Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The Assistant to the Chief Executive presented the report and explained that the Council’s performance management framework had historically included performance monitoring and reporting of performance. 


Members were reminded that a Covid-19 Recovery Strategy was agreed by Council on 8 October 2020.  The report provided an update on the corporate performance monitoring indicators for the Recovery Strategy for the 2020/21 year.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that indicators had been included to monitor key council services and impacts on borough wide issues.  These indicators are linked to the Covid-19  Recovery Strategy and were grouped under the Corporate Business Plan’s priorities.  It was highlighted that forecasting and target setting were very challenging given uncertainties relating to Covid-19 and its consequences for the community and economy.  Comparative data had been included and were available along with an indication of trend.


It was explained that the Council’s response to Covid-19 was being ramped up again as infection rates rise and in response to national measures that were announced on 31 October 2020 and will be in place until early December.  Resources may therefore be redirected from recovery to focus on response activities and indicators that were heavily influenced the external factors could deteriorate over coming months.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor C Morley addressed the Panel.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive responded to questions in relation to:


·         Budget and financial figures being included as an indicator to monitor on a quarterly basis.

·         Priority 3 - Carbon reduction, air quality and biodiversity be added to performance monitoring indicators.

·         Usage of electricity.

·         Homelessness.  The Assistant to the Chief Executive to seek clarification from the Housing Team and respond direct to the Panel.

·         Number of rough sleepers.

·         Number of referrals to Lily.

·         Major Planning Applications.  The Assistant to the Chief Executive to seek clarification from the Housing Team and respond direct to the Panel.

·         Time of completion for Disabled Facilities Grants.  It was noted that regular updates were presented to the Environment and Community Panel.

·         Monthly Budget Monitoring report.

·         Occupancy and rent arrears of retail units in the control of the Borough Council.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that meaningful indicators which were not too onerous to collect during the recovery would be presented to the Panel, but took on board the comments made by Councillor Morley.


The Chief Executive explained that it had not been possible during the recent months to produce a monthly budget monitoring report, but undertook to discuss with the Assistant Director – Resources and Assistant to the Chief Executive to incorporate 2-3 high level indicators within future performance monitoring reports.



In response to a question from the Chair, the Assistant to the Chief Executive gave reassurance that the Key Performance Indicators on DFG’s and ADAPT would continue to be reported to the Environment and Community Panel.


The Chair thanked the Assistant to the Chief Executive for attending and presenting the report.


RESOLVED:  The Panel  ...  view the full minutes text for item CP180


Additional amendments to Standing Orders pdf icon PDF 113 KB

The Panel to consider the amendments from the Cabinet meeting held on 22 September 2020 from the Monitoring Officer.



Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The Monitoring Officer advised that she had nothing further to add to the report which set out the revisions to the Standing Orders within the Borough Council’s Constitution, as proposed by Cabinet on 22 September 2020, which were to be submitted to Full Council for approval.


The Chair outlined the reasons why he had asked for this item to be considered by the Panel and provided background information on the work undertaken by Members and officers on the review of the Council’s constitution.


The Panel considered and commented on the three draft amended revisions to the Standing Orders as set out in the report,


Standing Order 33


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor T Parish addressed the Panel.


At the invitation of the Chair, the Leader outlined the rationale as to why Cabinet had proposed the amendment.


The Panel supported the amendments to Standing Order 33.


Standing Order 29


Councillor Nash proposed that the reference to Council be amended to read “The Full Council or the entirety of the Council”.  In response, the Monitoring Officer undertook to clarify the definition in the document prior to the Cabinet meeting and make an amendment if required.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillors C Joyce and T Parish addressed the Panel.


At the invitation of the Chair, the Leader outlined the rationale as to why Cabinet had proposed the amendment.


The Panel supported the amendments to Standing Order 29.


Standing Order 11


Under Standing Order 34, Councillors F Bone, C Joyce, T Parish, T Ryves and S Squire addressed the Panel.


At the invitation of the Chair, the Leader outlined the rationale as to why Cabinet had proposed the amendment.


The Chair proposed the following recommendation:


That Cabinet defer the recommendation on Standing Order 11 until the three Group Leaders have had the opportunity to discuss the changes and an agreement reached.


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Rust and after being put to the vote was carried.


The Chair thanked the Monitoring Officer for attending.


RESOLVED:  1) The Panel supported the draft amended revisions to Standing Orders 29 and 33.


2) The Panel recommended an amendment to Standing Order 11 as set out below:


That Cabinet defer the recommendation on Standing Order 11 until the three Group Leaders have had the opportunity to discuss the changes and an agreement reached.


Cabinet Forward Decisions List pdf icon PDF 152 KB


Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The Panel noted the Cabinet Forward Decisions List.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 248 KB


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The Panel noted the work programme.




Date of Next Meeting

To note that the date of the next meeting of the Corporate Performance Panel will take place on 6 January 2021.



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The next meeting of the Corporate Performance Panel would take place on 6 January 2021.



Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider passing the following resolution:


“That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act”.



Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube.


RESOLVED:  That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972,the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.



Exempt Cabinet Report: Care and Repair - Contractors Framework for Aid and Adaptations Work

The Repairs and Adaptations Manager will present the report.



The Repairs and Adaptations Manager presented the report and responded to questions and comments from the Panel and Members attending under Standing Order 34.


RESOLVED:  The Panel recommended that Cabinet approve the signing of framework agreements with the contractors named in the report, subject to the completion of due diligence checks on these businesses.



Exempt Cabinet Report: Careline Alarm Monitoring Contract


The Careline Community Service Manager presented the report and responded to questions and comments from the Panel and Members attending under Standing Order 34.


RESOLVED:  The Panel recommended that Cabinet approved the award of a new contract to the successful contractor from 1 April 2021.