Your Council

There are 55 councillors elected to represent the people of West Norfolk.

Political structure of the Council

There are currently 20 Councillors in the Conservative Group, 21 in the Independent Partnership Group, 9 in the Labour Group, 2 Progressive Group, 2 Independent and 1 Reform UK..

The Cabinet is made up of the Leader, Deputy Leader and portfolio holders. Each portfolio holder has specific responsibilities over an area of the Council's activities such as Environment, Regeneration, Community and Health and Wellbeing.


To view details of the Cabinet please click here.

Borough Council Constitution

To view the Constitution please click here

Register of Interests

All members of the Council are required by law to complete a Register of Interests form to register their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests of their meetings.

Elected representatives

Details of this council’s MPs, MEPs and councillors.

If you would like to find out who your County Councillor is please click here.

Outside bodies

Contact details for the council representatives on outside bodies and forums that are independent from the council.

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