Agenda item

The Panel will receive a report from the Assistant to the Chief Executive.



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The Assistant to the Chief Executive presented the report and explained that the Council’s performance management framework had historically included performance monitoring and reporting of performance. 


Members were reminded that a Covid-19 Recovery Strategy was agreed by Council on 8 October 2020.  The report provided an update on the corporate performance monitoring indicators for the Recovery Strategy for the 2020/21 year.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that indicators had been included to monitor key council services and impacts on borough wide issues.  These indicators are linked to the Covid-19  Recovery Strategy and were grouped under the Corporate Business Plan’s priorities.  It was highlighted that forecasting and target setting were very challenging given uncertainties relating to Covid-19 and its consequences for the community and economy.  Comparative data had been included and were available along with an indication of trend.


It was explained that the Council’s response to Covid-19 was being ramped up again as infection rates rise and in response to national measures that were announced on 31 October 2020 and will be in place until early December.  Resources may therefore be redirected from recovery to focus on response activities and indicators that were heavily influenced the external factors could deteriorate over coming months.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor C Morley addressed the Panel.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive responded to questions in relation to:


·         Budget and financial figures being included as an indicator to monitor on a quarterly basis.

·         Priority 3 - Carbon reduction, air quality and biodiversity be added to performance monitoring indicators.

·         Usage of electricity.

·         Homelessness.  The Assistant to the Chief Executive to seek clarification from the Housing Team and respond direct to the Panel.

·         Number of rough sleepers.

·         Number of referrals to Lily.

·         Major Planning Applications.  The Assistant to the Chief Executive to seek clarification from the Housing Team and respond direct to the Panel.

·         Time of completion for Disabled Facilities Grants.  It was noted that regular updates were presented to the Environment and Community Panel.

·         Monthly Budget Monitoring report.

·         Occupancy and rent arrears of retail units in the control of the Borough Council.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that meaningful indicators which were not too onerous to collect during the recovery would be presented to the Panel, but took on board the comments made by Councillor Morley.


The Chief Executive explained that it had not been possible during the recent months to produce a monthly budget monitoring report, but undertook to discuss with the Assistant Director – Resources and Assistant to the Chief Executive to incorporate 2-3 high level indicators within future performance monitoring reports.



In response to a question from the Chair, the Assistant to the Chief Executive gave reassurance that the Key Performance Indicators on DFG’s and ADAPT would continue to be reported to the Environment and Community Panel.


The Chair thanked the Assistant to the Chief Executive for attending and presenting the report.


RESOLVED:  The Panel reviewed and noted the Council’s performance indicators for the 2020/21 year.  Performance against these indicators will be presented to the Corporate Performance Panel via periodic updates.


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