Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn

Contact: Rebecca Parker, Democratic Services, 01553 616632 

Link: View Live Stream

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Bubb.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 297 KB

To approve the minutes of the previous meeting.


RESOLVED: The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the Member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.


Those declarations apply to all Members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area.


There was none.


Urgent Business

To consider any business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair proposes to accept as urgent under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972.


There was none.


Members Present Pursuant to Standing Order 34

Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chair of their intention to do so and what items they wish to be heard before a decision on that item is taken.  



Councillor Ryves.


Chair's Correspondence

If any.


There was none.


Cabinet Report - Norfolk Economic Strategy pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


Roberta Willner, Head of Economic Development at Norfolk County Council presented the Strategy and explained that the purpose of it was to provide an updated Economic Growth Plan for Norfolk which could assist in prioritising investment.  The Strategy had been worked up in conjunction with the West Norfolk Economic Strategy and a series of workshops had taken place to seek the views of Stakeholders.


Information was provided on the key pillars, which included a placemaking and community pillar and also addressed cross cutting themes.  Information was also provided on the challenges faced in the County which included connectivity, rural areas, depravation and skills, but it was also noted that there were positives which could be built on such as key assets which could create economic growth.


The Panel was provided with detail of the engagement and consultation which had taken place and how the Strategy would align with other plans and strategies being produced.


It was hoped that the Strategy would be finalised in December 2024.


The Chair thanked the Head of Economic Development for the report and was pleased to see that the Strategy aligned with other plans and strategies.  The Chair invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


The Assistant Director thanked Roberta Willner for attending the Panel meeting to present the Strategy and informed the Panel that the Borough Council had been engaged in the consultation and workshop activities.


Councillor Ryves addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and commented that the needs of rural areas and communities needed to be considered.  He referred to the amount of rural land that had been used for solar farms and how the communities that were impacted by these did not see a benefit.  Roberta Willner explained that decarbonisation and sustainability was included in the Strategy as a cross cutting theme, including supporting the expansion of offshore wind farms.  It was also explained that the Placemaking and Community pillar would address issues faced by rural communities.


The Panels attention was drawn to the infrastructure section of the Strategy which proposed the creation of an energy action plan which would deal with how Norfolk could take advantage of renewable energy produced and would include lobbying energy providers.


Councillor Blunt commented that the area surrounding the Walpole Sub Station was dominated by solar farms and it was disappointing that local people did not get any benefit from them.  He was interested to see what actions would be included in the energy action plan.


Roberta Willner agreed to come back to the Panel at a future date to provide  information on the Energy Action Plan, including the consultation process and lobbying work.


The Planning Control Manager provided the Panel with information on what the Council had to do, as a Coastal Authority, in relation to offshore wind farms, which included making representation on the impact of solar farms on local communities.  ...  view the full minutes text for item RD49:


Cabinet Report - CIL Applications over £50k pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


The Planning Control Manager presented the report which presented the CIL applications over £50k which required Cabinet approval under the CIL Governance Framework.  Details of the applications that were over £50k were included in the Agenda.


The Chair thanked the Planning Control Manager for the presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Crofts referred to the Outwell application and explained that the railings were in poor state of repair and no organisation had taken ownership of them.  The Parish Council would take responsibility for the railings if funding was awarded and this was important for the safety of users of the area.  He supported the application for CIL funding.


Councillor Colwell referred to the application for the MUGA at North Creake which was aimed at older children.  He asked how many children would benefit from it and the CIL Officer explained that the application stated that it would benefit the wider community and it was noted that the scoring criteria was not based on merit.


Councillor Ratcliffe commented that it was pleasing to see so many communities benefitting from CIL funding.


In response to a question from Councillor Collingham, the CIL Officer explained that the CIL Governance Arrangements were reviewed on an annual basis.  The Portfolio Holder for Development and Licensing reassured the Panel that any proposals made as part of the Annual Review would be presented to the Panel for consideration.


Councillor Crofts commented that he supported the application for Emneth as it was a well-used playing field.


RESOLVED: The Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet, as set out below.


Cabinet are invited to consider and approve the funding for applications for CIL Infrastructure Funding.


Cabinet Report - Hunstanton Bus Station Library Development pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


The Housing Services Manager presented the report which set out proposals for the Borough Council to deliver 21-24 affordable housing units as well as a library on behalf of Norfolk County Council on the Hunstanton Bus Station site alongside the NCC transport interchange improvements.


The Chair thanked the Housing Services Manager for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Beal asked for information on the proposed travel hub and it was explained that this would include a refurbishment of the existing facilities at the bus station including updating the bus loop and adaptations and improvements to the bus shelters, toilets, charging and bicycle storage facilities.


In response to a further question from Councillor Beal it was explained that the installation of a Changing Places Toilet was a welcome part of the scheme as it was a fully accessible facility.  Councillor Colwell welcomed the proposals for this as currently there was only one facility in the whole of West Norfolk.  It was noted that there were plans for further facilities to be provided across the Borough in the near future.  With regards to maintenance and operation of the facilities, the Regeneration Programmes Manager agreed to provide clarification to the Panel.


Councillor Beal referred to the flats to be provided and officers clarified that they would all be let as affordable housing and the Housing Services Manager explained that with regard to local need, this would be looked at on a Borough wide basis and would be based on need.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Everett asked which Registered Social Landlord would manage the properties and it was explained that a further report would be taken through the decision making process to determine this.


The Leader of the Council commented that he was delighted that this stalled site was now being taken forward in partnership with Norfolk County Council and highlighted the Councils good track record in delivering affordable homes.


RESOLVED: The Regeneration and Development Panel support the recommendations to Cabinet, as set out below.


It is recommended that Cabinet resolves:


1.     A housing scheme of 21-24 affordable housing units at the Bus Station Site in Hunstanton plus a library in partnership with Norfolk County Council and in consort with the NCC Transport Interchange Scheme (the “Hunstanton Bus Station Proposed Housing Scheme”) shall be designed and costed up to RIBA Stage 4 with an approved budget of £250,000

2.     The Bus Station Site in Hunstanton is deemed a strategic site for affordable housing deliver.


Recommendations to Full Council:


3.     The Capital Programme be amended to include Hunstanton Bus Station Proposed Housing Scheme based on the initial cost estimate of £4m to be funded from affordable housing funding held and ringfenced by the Council of £2.2m and internal borrowing against the capital receipts from the eventual sale of the affordable housing units estimated to be £1.8m


Long Term Plan for Towns Update pdf icon PDF 933 KB


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


The Regeneration Programmes Manager presented results from the consultation and engagement findings on the Long Term Plan for Towns and information on how the feedback would be used to inform future funding opportunities.  A copy of the presentation is attached.


It was explained that updated guidance from Government was awaited on programmes that could be taken forward and the information gleaned from the Long Term Plan for Towns Consultation was invaluable in ensuring that the Borough was ready to be involved in future schemes and funding opportunities.


The Chair thanked the Regeneration Programmes Manager for the presentation, stated he was pleased with the level of engagement achieved and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


The Portfolio Holder for Business and Culture commented that although it was frustrating that this project had been paused by the new Government, he was hopeful that other projects would come in its place.  He also commented that the evidence and findings from the consultation and engagement was invaluable to the Borough.


Councillor Colwell was please with the level of engagement and referred to the comments relating to travel.  He commented that he had lobbied for improved cycle ways within his Ward.  The Regeneration Programmes Manager explained that the Tennyson Avenue Cycleway was now included as a priority within the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and she agreed to provide an update on the status of the Gaywood Cycleway.


It was suggested that the Panel receive an update on the Active Travel Plan at a future meeting.


RESOLVED: The Panel noted the update.


Work Programme and Forward Decision List pdf icon PDF 242 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Ryves suggested an update on car parking charges and was advised that the Draft Car Parking Strategy was scheduled to be presented to the next meeting of the Panel.


The Chair explained that he would also schedule in the opportunity for the Panel to have a session on work programming at a future meeting.


RESOLVED: The Panel’s Work Programme and Cabinet Forward Decisions List was noted.


Date of the next meeting

To note that the next meeting of the Regeneration & Development Panel is scheduled to take place on 19th November 2024 at 6.00pm in the Town Hall.


The next meeting of the Regeneration and Development Panel was scheduled to take place on 19th November 2024 at 6.00pm in the Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King’s Lynn.