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Roberta Willner, Head of Economic Development at Norfolk County Council presented the Strategy and explained that the purpose of it was to provide an updated Economic Growth Plan for Norfolk which could assist in prioritising investment. The Strategy had been worked up in conjunction with the West Norfolk Economic Strategy and a series of workshops had taken place to seek the views of Stakeholders.
Information was provided on the key pillars, which included a placemaking and community pillar and also addressed cross cutting themes. Information was also provided on the challenges faced in the County which included connectivity, rural areas, depravation and skills, but it was also noted that there were positives which could be built on such as key assets which could create economic growth.
The Panel was provided with detail of the engagement and consultation which had taken place and how the Strategy would align with other plans and strategies being produced.
It was hoped that the Strategy would be finalised in December 2024.
The Chair thanked the Head of Economic Development for the report and was pleased to see that the Strategy aligned with other plans and strategies. The Chair invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.
The Assistant Director thanked Roberta Willner for attending the Panel meeting to present the Strategy and informed the Panel that the Borough Council had been engaged in the consultation and workshop activities.
Councillor Ryves addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and commented that the needs of rural areas and communities needed to be considered. He referred to the amount of rural land that had been used for solar farms and how the communities that were impacted by these did not see a benefit. Roberta Willner explained that decarbonisation and sustainability was included in the Strategy as a cross cutting theme, including supporting the expansion of offshore wind farms. It was also explained that the Placemaking and Community pillar would address issues faced by rural communities.
The Panels attention was drawn to the infrastructure section of the Strategy which proposed the creation of an energy action plan which would deal with how Norfolk could take advantage of renewable energy produced and would include lobbying energy providers.
Councillor Blunt commented that the area surrounding the Walpole Sub Station was dominated by solar farms and it was disappointing that local people did not get any benefit from them. He was interested to see what actions would be included in the energy action plan.
Roberta Willner agreed to come back to the Panel at a future date to provide information on the Energy Action Plan, including the consultation process and lobbying work.
The Planning Control Manager provided the Panel with information on what the Council had to do, as a Coastal Authority, in relation to offshore wind farms, which included making representation on the impact of solar farms on local communities. It was noted that there would be a process to follow throughout the Grimsby to Walpole Scheme.
The Leader of the Council reminded those present that a pre-council briefing had been scheduled to update Members on the Grimsby to Walpole Scheme, and he encouraged Members to attend.
The Leader of the Council thanked the Panel for their comments and highlighted that if proposals were introduced to allow the retention of business rates on renewable energy, this would give some wider benefit to the Community.
Roberta Willner agreed to pass on the comments made by the Panel in relation to renewable energy to Norfolk County Council colleagues.
The Portfolio Holder for Biodiversity and Climate Change commented that the Strategy should include opportunities for Rail improvements and Roberta Willner explained that this was included in the Placemaking section.
Councillor Ryves addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and commented that the Strategy should include a Railway Station serving the A10 growth corridor. The Chair explained that the Regeneration and Development Panel had established a Transport and Infrastructure Informal Working Group, which had met prior to this meeting and was working with Norfolk County Council colleagues. He explained that a feasibility study on new Rail locations in the County was being undertaken and locations within the Borough were being considered.
Councillor Blunt commented that tourism was crucial to the area and should not be underplayed within the Strategy. Roberta Willner explained that this was included in one of the priority areas and detail was included on the visitor economy, culture and heritage. She welcomed further suggestions from the Panel on how wording could be strengthened if required.
RESOLVED: The Regeneration and Development Panels supported the recommendations to Cabinet, as set out below.
BCKLWN to endorse the draft Norfolk Economic Strategy, which will also be known as the ‘Local Growth Plan’ for Norfolk, subject to any amendments suggested by Cabinet.
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