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Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327
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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
THE LATE FORMER COUNCILLOR ROY GROOM Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Council held a minutes silence in memory of the Late former Councillor Roy Groom who had sadly passed away since the last meeting. |
PRAYERS Minutes: Prayers were led by Rev Canon Ling. |
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 25 January 2022 (previously circulated).
Minutes: RESOLVED:The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared. A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates. If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.
Minutes: None |
MAYOR'S COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
The Mayor reported that he had been honoured to present HM the Queen with the Loyal Address on behalf of the Borough on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee.
He reported his attendance at the funerals of the late Honorary Alderman Ian Stockwell and former Councillor Roy Groom.
The Mayor also reported he had opened the 2022 Mart.
Following the series of storms over the previous week the Mayor thanked all those workers who had assisted in all efforts in the aftermath of the storm. |
FINANCIAL PLAN 2022/2026 AND COUNCIL TAX RESOLUTION 2022/23 PDF 220 KB Pursuant to Minute CAB104 : Financial Plan2021/2026of the Cabinet Meeting held on 9 February 2022, the “Financial Plan 2021/2026 and Council Tax Resolution 2022/2023” the document attached as a supplementary to the agenda for consideration and decision includes an updated summary of the Financial Plan 2021/2025, the County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner - Council Tax for 2022/2023 and details of Parish Precepts and Internal Drainage Boards levies for 2022/2023.
NOTE:In accordance with Statutory Instrument 2014 No. 165, Local Government, England, The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, any decision taken on the Council’s Budget or Council Tax setting must be taken with a recorded vote
Additional documents:
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Dickinson proposed the Financial Plan 2021/26 and Council Tax Resolution 2022/23. In proposing the budget Councillor Dickinson thanked the S151 Officer and her team for the work involved in preparing the budget and papers which she considered were a pro-active approach to savings and income generation. The proposed increase in Council Tax was £4.50 for a band D property, which was a 3.3% increase. The budget was funded for years 1-3, with a shortfall in year 4. She drew attention to the budget set aside for one off initiatives for income generation. Councillor Dickinson drew attention to the fact that the recommendations 6 and 7 of the report were to note the updates capital programme and Treasury Management documents that were included later in the agenda.
Councillor Dark seconded the proposal.
Cllr Joyce, on behalf of the Labour Group proposed the following amendment to the budget, this was seconded by Councillor Jones who spoke in support of the amendment:
“Pursuant to Minute CAB 104 Financial Plan 2021/2026 of the Cabinet Meeting held on 9 February 2022 the Financial Plan 2021/2026 and Council Tax Resolution 2022/2023 with the following adjustments:
· Reduction of £390,000 of revenue contribution to the General Fund Reserve: · £100,000 to Alive West Norfolk to fund local young people free entry to venues during the school summer holidays · £50,000 to local Foodbanks · £50,000 to fund 3rd sector organisations who combat domestic abuse and violence. · £100,000 to fund the recruitment of senior staff to the Planning Department and other departments. · £90,000 to a special reserve to enable recruitment of less senior staff. · £85,000 from the Communications Budget to fund special advice and support for businesses and residents to help combat climate change, and additional advice and support to local businesses. · £40,000 to fund a rats and mice pest control service free to homeowners. · £150,000 to fund free collection of bulky waste items. and to investigate and prosecute persistent fly-tippers and those who recklessly discard hypodermic needles. (Reallocation of funding in same Budget heading - not part of amendment only identification of funding source) · Funding to provide 100% Council Tax Support to all families who qualify for 84% (zero impact on revenue budget - not part of amendment only identification of funding source)”
Councillor Dickinson indicated that she did not accept the amendment. Individual elements of the amendment were explained and spoken in support of by Councillors Hudson, Bone and S Collop.
Council then debated the amendment, and Councillor Dickinson summed up the debate, drawing attention to the fact the in future years she would start the budget process earlier, going to members to bring forward suggestions.
A recorded vote was taken on the amendment as follows:
URGENT BUSINESS To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent.
Minutes: None |
PETITIONS AND PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9. Minutes: None |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COUNCIL BODIES (Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session) To consider the following recommendations to Council:
Cabinet: 9 February 2022 PDF 151 KB CAB103: Independent Review of Members Allowances CAB 105: Capital Strategy 2022/23 CAB106: Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2022/2023 CAB 107: Capital Programme and Resources 2021-26
NB: CAB104 Financial Plan and Council Tax resolution dealt with earlier on the agenda Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
CAB103: Independent Review of Members Allowances was withdrawn from this agenda as the item had been called in to Corporate Performance Panel.
Councillor Dark proposed the recommendations from Cabinet on 9 February, seconded by Councillor Lawrence. It was noted that the detailed figures in the reports which were considered below had also been updated as part of the consideration of the Financial Plan and had been approved as part of that process.
CAB 105: Capital Strategy 2022/23 CAB106: Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2022/2023 CAB 107: Capital Programme and Resources 2021-26
On being put to the vote, the recommendations were agreed, taking into account the fact that the Financial Plan had updated the detailed financial tables.
RESOLVED: That the recommendations from Cabinet on 9 February 2022 be agreed.
NOTICE OF MOTION To consider the following Notice of Motion (1/22), submitted by Councillor Morley:
“The broad purpose of the equality duty is to integrate consideration of equality and good relations into the day to day business of public authorities.
By continuing to hold Council meeting during “normal working hours”, this Council is preventing prospective and current Members with occupations, child or other caring obligations, that need to be fulfilled within these hours, from participating effectively in the decision making process.
To avoid discrimination against those whose daily lives embrace such characteristics and to ensure Part2 Article 2 Paragraph 2.04 “Roles and Functions of Councillors” can be met, this Council agrees that all future Council Meetings will be held no earlier than 6.30pm and will not start beyond 7.00pm.
For the avoidance of doubt the word “Council” in this Motion embraces all types of Council Meetings as in Part 2 of the Constitution Article 4, Para.4.02 and all Scrutiny and Overview Committees (Article 6).”
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Morley proposed the following Notice of Motion (1/22), seconded by Councillor Rust:
“The broad purpose of the equality duty is to integrate consideration of equality and good relations into the day to day business of public authorities.
By continuing to hold Council meeting during “normal working hours”, this Council is preventing prospective and current Members with occupations, child or other caring obligations, that need to be fulfilled within these hours, from participating effectively in the decision making process.
To avoid discrimination against those whose daily lives embrace such characteristics and to ensure Part2 Article 2 Paragraph 2.04 “Roles and Functions of Councillors” can be met, this Council agrees that all future Council Meetings will be held no earlier than 6.30pm and will not start beyond 7.00pm.
For the avoidance of doubt the word “Council” in this Motion embraces all types of Council Meetings as in Part 2 of the Constitution Article 4, Para.4.02 and all Scrutiny and Overview Committees (Article 6).”
Under standing order 14.6 Councillor Dark proposed that the Motion be referred to Cabinet for consideration and recommendations back to Council. This was seconded by Councillor Joyce. On being put to the vote this was agreed.
RESOLVED: That the Motion be referred to Cabinet and relevant Panels for consideration and recommendations back to Council. |
CABINET MEMBERS REPORTS PDF 195 KB In accordance with Standing Order 11, to receive reports from Cabinet Members moved en bloc, under Standing Order 11.2 Members of the Council may ask questions of Cabinet Members on their reports and Portfolio areas. The order of putting questions shall commence with a Member from the largest opposition group, proceeding in descending order to the smallest opposition group, followed by a non-aligned Member and finally a Member from the ruling group. This order shall repeat until the time for questions has elapsed or there are no more questions to be put.
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses shall not exceed 50 minutes for all Cabinet Members, excluding the Leader
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses to the Leader shall not exceed 15 minutes.
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
Corporate Services - Councillor B Long Environment - Councillor P Kunes Development - Councillor R Blunt Finance – Councillor A Dickinson Property – Councillor A Lawrence People and Communities – Councillor Sam Sandell Deputy Leader and Business, Culture & Heritage – Councillor G Middleton
Leader - Councillor Stuart Dark
Additional documents:
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Dark moved the Cabinet Members reports en bloc.
Councillors Blunt and Middleton responded to questions on levelling up involving Hunstanton from Councillor Morley.
Councillor Blunt responded to questions on CIL applications from Councillor Rust.
Councillor Lawrence responded to a question from Councillor Morley on the sale of land to the IDB.
Councillor Kunes responded to comments from Councillor Rust made on documents to prevent climate change.
Councillor Kunes responded to a question from Councillor Ryves on tree planting for the Jubilee.
Councillor Kunes also responded to a question from Councillor Lawton regarding an issue on Brancaster Common.
Questions of the Leader.
Councillors Dark and Middleton responded to a question from Councillor Ryves on the underwriting of the Guildhall bid.
Councillor Dark responded to a question from Councillor Devereux on the progress of the Hospital’s application for its replacement.
Councillor Dark responded to a question from Councillor Squire on the County Deal.
Councillor Dark responded to a question from Councillor Kemp regarding the hospital’s CQC report recently issued.
Councillor Dark responded to Councillor Joyce’s question on whether he was pursuing the Government regarding the way IDB levies were collected.
MEMBERS QUESTION TIME In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chair of any Council Body (except the Cabinet). Minutes: There were no questions. |