Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions
Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327
Link: View Live Stream
No. | Item |
MINUTES SILENCE FOR THE LATE FORMER MAYOR GEOFFREY WAREHAM Minutes: Council held a minutes silence for the Late Geoffrey Wareham, former Mayor of the Borough. |
PRAYERS Minutes: Prayers were led by Rev Canon Ling. |
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 27 June 2024 (previously circulated).
Minutes: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the meetings held on 27 June 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared. A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates. If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.
Minutes: No interests were declared. |
MAYOR'S COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.
Minutes: There were no Mayor’s communications. |
URGENT BUSINESS To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent.
Minutes: There was no urgent business. |
PETITIONS AND PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9. Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
1) Question from Julia Irving
“Why, how often, where and in what circumstances does the council use insecticides on council land.”
Councillor Anota gave the following response:
Why. To control weeds on hard surfaces. Weed growth can spread quickly during the growing season and can cause damage to hard surfaces which can be costly to repair. The presence of weeds encourages a build-up of detritus/litter which does not make for a clean, tidy, and welcoming environment.
How often. Twice-yearly application of chemical treatment Borough wide: 1st Application – March 3rd – April 1st 2nd Application May 4th – June 2nd There may be some additional spot treatment for public complaints that come in to us.
Where Central Town Areas/Tourist Areas, High footfall pedestrian areas, carparks, building back lines, kerb edges and other municipal hard surfaced areas. Neighbourhoods, Hard standing public open space, BC owned residential pathways (if required). Sports Centres/Fields, Around buildings, 3G pitches, MUGAs, athletics tracks, car parks
Circumstances. In General, we avoid using chemicals where practical, we do not use pesticides/herbicides in formal parks and gardens. Our main method of weed control is by daily operations and these are removed manually or by street sweepers. From this we actively promote non – chemical methods of weed control to be used where practically possible in preference to chemical methods. But in certain circumstances chemical control is required.
Chemical. We have now moved to a pre-mixed chemical that includes a residual herbicide and a much lower rate of Glyphosate; this is applied using controlled droplet application; this should now allow us to apply less chemical Borough wide. All Operatives are qualified to National standard and complete a comprehensive record of their work carried out which is kept on record for minimum of 5 years.”
By way of supplementary, Ms Irving asked the following, which Councillor Anota undertook to respond to in writing:
“I have read the draft Pollinator Action Plan which highlights the catastrophic decline in flying insect populations by 60% since 2024 . However the only insecticide mentioned in the report is neonicotinoids , which are to be phased out ‘in the long term’ . My understanding is that this insecticide has already been banned and use of it in any circumstance, requires a special licence . What ,therefore, is the plan to stop the use of other insecticides such as organophosphates , sulfaxaflor, pythrethoids and fipronil to ensure that insect populations are not decimated further?”
Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
2) Question from Alastair Kent
“What steps are the Council taking to ensure that those eligible for assistance to insulate their homes and meet the criteria for a boiler replacement or retrofit are helped to apply for the appropriate scheme (e.g. ECO4, GBIS etc) and to ensure that they are able to find an approved surveyor and contractor to undertake the work ... view the full minutes text for item C:43 |
REVIEW OF PROPORTIONALITY Additional documents: Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Council was invited to review its proportionality after Councillor Bartrum left the Labour Group.
RESOLVED: That the review of proportionality be agreed and that a Labour seat on the Licensing and Appeals Board be given to the Independent Partnership.
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COUNCIL BODIES (Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session) To consider the following recommendations to Council:
Cabinet: 30 July 2024 CAB28: Audit Committee Chair’s report to Council Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Beales proposed the recommendation CAB28: Audit Committee Chair’s report to Council, from the Cabinet meeting held on 30 July 2024. This was seconded by Councillor Ring. Councillor Beales thanked the Audit Committee for the work carried out.
RESOLVED: That CAB28: Audit Committee Chairs report be approved. |
LORRAINE GORE, CHIEF EXECUTIVE Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Beales drew attention to the fact that this Council meeting was the last one that Lorraine Gore, Chief Executive, would be in post for. He proposed that the Council move a vote of thanks to Lorraine for her years of service to the Borough Council, where she had led the Council’s staff with a calm and measured approach, through what were often difficult times such as the Pandemic.
The Mayor spoke in support of the vote of thanks and gave the history of Lorraine’s career at the borough council which started in 2001. He wished her well for her retirement and made reference to her love of golf and Norwich City Football Club which was also reiterated by other speakers.
Councillor Long spoke in support of the vote of thanks, and thanked Lorraine for her service to the council, and the support and assistance given to him when he was Leader.
Councillor Parish thanked Lorraine for the support she had shown him and his new Administration when he became Leader. He drew attention to the work she would be carrying out following her retirement and acknowledged the fact that the organisations would benefit from her input.
Councillor Bone spoke in support, and commended the advice and assistance she had given to new councillors, he wished her well.
Councillor Humphrey spoke of Lorraine’s quiet confidence and competence, and the interactions he had had with her over the years. He wished her well.
Councillor Moriarty commented that the last year of the Council had been his favourite, he commended Lorraine’s professionalism in her role and her poker face. He wished her rest and refreshment for the future.
Councillor Wilkinson thanked Lorraine for the support she had shown her in recent years, and wished her well in her retirement.
Councillor Kemp commended the vote of thanks to Lorraine who she considered had shown strength and support to her during their regular meetings. She spoke of Lorraine’s can do attitude which was borne out with the setting up of the Purfleet Pantry.
RESOLVED: That a vote of thanks to Lorraine Gore, retiring Chief Executive, be recorded for her service to the Borough Council.
CABINET MEMBER'S REPORTS In accordance with Standing Order 11, to receive reports from Cabinet Members moved en bloc, under Standing Order 11.2 Members of the Council may ask questions of Cabinet Members on their reports and Portfolio areas. The order of putting questions shall commence with a Member from the largest opposition group, proceeding in descending order to the smallest opposition group, followed by a Member from the ruling group. This order shall repeat until the time for questions has elapsed or there are no more questions to be put.
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses shall not exceed 50 minutes for all Cabinet Members, excluding the Leader
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses to the Leader shall not exceed 15 minutes.
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
Climate Change and Biodiversity – Councillor M de Whalley Planning and Licensing – Councillor J Moriarty Environment and Coastal - Councillor S Squire Finance – Councillor C Morley Events and Open Spaces– Councillor B Anota People and Communities – Councillor J Rust Deputy Leader Business and Culture – Cllr S Ring
Leader - Councillor A Beales
Additional documents:
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Before Councillor Beales moved the reports, Councillor Moriarty gave an update to his report. He informed members that the Local Plan Task Group on 12 September would contain an update of the Council’s response to the NPPF, the response to consultation on the Local Plan elements, and Neighbourhood plans.
Councillor Moriarty also informed members that the CIL Panel arranged for the following week had been postponed in order to review the paperwork.
Councillor Beales moved the Cabinet Members reports to council.
Councillor Long asked a question on penalty notices for the fly posting of notices tied to street furniture, Councillor Squire agreed that they were unsightly and she would look at the response to it.
Councillor Morley responded to a question from Councillor Collop on where the remainder of the Councillor Community grant which she asked for a proportion of it to go towards the security required for the Gaywood Remembrance ceremony. He suggested a request be made so it could be considered.
Councillor Kemp asked Councillor Moriarty about changes to CIL scoring. He responded that he had informed council that the meeting was postponed to review the paperwork.
Councillor Parish asked about the public consultations carried out in the planning process, and asked if the public’s views on the changes to the NPPF dictated by the Government would be taken into account in responding to the consultation documents. Councillor Moriarty confirmed some of the information was on the agenda for the Local Plan Task Group. He confirmed parishes had been contacted regarding the changes. He re-iterated the importance of having a robust Local Plan.
Councillor de Whalley confirmed to Councillor Kunes that the Carbon Audit would be published the following week.
Councillor Kemp asked about the Eco 4 Government Scheme which had some issues for some householders in South Lynn. She asked who at the Council they should contact. Councillor Rust explained that the housing standards team administered the scheme, but the installer was responsible for the fitting so it should be raised with the installer in the first instance.
Councillor Nash asked for any feedback on the audit of the environmental impact of the council’s recycling. Councillor de Whalley undertook to respond in writing.
Councillor Coates asked if it was possible to give more publicity to dog breeders needing to be licensed. Councillor Moriarty made reference questions previously answered.
Councillor Everitt asked what measures were being taken to encourage Freebridge Community Housing to turn round its voids. Councillor Rust confirmed that the council was working with Freebridge to turn these round by the end of the year. She also made reference to those properties which Freebridge would dispose of because the area was not popular.
Councillor Ryes asked if the Council was to adopt a policy for dealing with renewable energy. Councillor Moriarty confirmed it would be considered as part of the new Local Plan.
Councillor Crofts asked if Councillor Anota wished to thank the Grounds ... view the full minutes text for item C:47 |
MEMBERS QUESTION TIME In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chair of any Council Body (except the Cabinet). Minutes: There were no questions. |