Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions
Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327
Link: View Live Stream
No. | Item |
PRAYERS Minutes: Prayers were led by Rev Canon Ling |
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 21 March, 25 April, 13 May and 16 May and 17 June 2024 (previously circulated).
Minutes: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 21 March, 25 April, 13 May and 16 May and 17 June 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared. A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates. If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.
Minutes: There were none. |
MAYOR'S COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.
Minutes: There were none. |
URGENT BUSINESS To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent.
Minutes: There was none. |
PETITIONS AND PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9. Minutes: Question from Mr Robert Shippey “Local
residents campaigned hard to preserve the eastern side of the
Parkway site. It is described as a mosaic of habitats and according
to Cambridge University ecologist Geoffrey Morely who visited in
April 2021, it fits the description of an alkaline fen which is a
high conservation priority. The previous administration conceded to
not build on this side of the site, and in January 2023 the
previous administration agreed to work with Norfolk Wildlife Trust
to preserve this site. Does the current administration still commit
to preserving this site and are you making progress on
this?“ Councillor Beales gave the following response: “I can reassure you that this administration is fully committed to and will deliver both the wildlife area to the east of the Florence Fields development and also additional tree planting between Fairstead and Kings Reach. A detailed Habitat Management Plan and Tree Planting Plan have been prepared and both of these documents are available on the Council’s website. The ecologically significant, alkaline fen nature reserve that you refer to specifically, extends to 5.33 hectares (13 acres or so) and that will see the installation of sluices to regulate water levels in a manner suitable for water voles, installation of a footbridge, circular walking route including boardwalk and connection to existing footpaths. The intention is to improve public access whilst respecting the valuable habitat. Much of this work has been planned in cooperation with Norfolk Wildlife Trust. A budget of £50,000 has been set aside for these works. In terms of progress, your question has prompted attention to an officer delegated decision needed to formally implement the management plan and this will be done soon. On the ground, there has been some light clearance of scrub by the ever helpful and appreciated volunteers from the Gaywood Valley Conservation Group. Some of this work was put in train by the previous administration and is being implemented by this one, demonstrating Council wide support for environmental matters and concerns.”
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COUNCIL BODIES (Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session) To consider the following recommendations to Council:
Cabinet: 11 June 2024 CAB17 : Data Protection Policy Minutes:
Councillor Beales proposed CAB16: Data Protection Policy, which was seconded by Councillor Ring.
RESOLVED: The CAB16: Data Protection Policy was approved.
APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Beales proposed the recommendations and the list of nominees to outside bodies which had been published prior to the meeting. Councillor Ring seconded the proposals. RESOLVED: 1) That the Council appoints representatives to serve on the outside bodies and partnerships listed in the Scrutiny and Regulatory and Parish level and General categories as shown as an Appendix to the minutes. 2) That the reporting arrangements as shown in section 3 of the report and the proposed review as shown in Section 4 of the report are noted. |
CABINET MEMBERS REPORTS In accordance with Standing Order 11, to receive reports from Cabinet Members moved en bloc, under Standing Order 11.2 Members of the Council may ask questions of Cabinet Members on their reports and Portfolio areas. The order of putting questions shall commence with a Member from the largest opposition group, proceeding in descending order to the smallest opposition group, followed by a Member from the ruling group. This order shall repeat until the time for questions has elapsed or there are no more questions to be put.
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses shall not exceed 50 minutes for all Cabinet Members, excluding the Leader
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses to the Leader shall not exceed 15 minutes.
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
Climate Change and Biodiversity – Councillor M de Whalley Planning and Licensing – Councillor J Moriarty Environment and Coastal - Councillor S Squire Finance – Councillor C Morley Events and Open Spaces– Councillor B Anota People and Communities – Councillor J Rust Deputy Leader Business and Culture – Cllr S Ring
Leader - Councillor A Beales
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Beales moved the Cabinet reports together.
Councillor Moriarty gave an update on Local Plan Examination situation, he confirmed that the required information had been provided to the Inspectors. The consultation period would now commence in July, but would be for an eight week period to permit responses over the summer holiday period. The Gypsy and Traveller consultation was to be submitted to the Inspectors the following day, and the full Inspection would commence in September.
Councillor Kemp drew attention to the Highly Commended award that had been received from the MJ Awards by the Council’s partnership with the Purfleet Trust for the affordable food supermarket the Purfleet Pantry she congratulated all those involved. She invited Councillor Rust to comment on it. Councillor Rust commended the Purfleet Pantry and congratulated all on the very deserving highly commended.
Councillor Blunt welcomed the Local Plan update and asked that a Local Plan Task Group meeting be held to discuss progress with the Local Plan in the last few months.
Councillor Long asked when the spec units at Nora would be occupied, to which Councillor Beales responded that it was hoped for the end of July.
Councillor Devulapalli asked if volunteers would be involved in the Gaywood River study. Councillor Squire eplained that it was an IDB led study which would be led by a contractor, and was looking to prevent flooding in King’s Lynn looking forward.
There were no questions of the Leader. |
MEMBERS QUESTION TIME In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chair of any Council Body (except the Cabinet). Minutes: There were no questions. |