Agenda and minutes

Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327 

Link: View Live Stream

No. Item




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Following the sad death of former Mayoress Mrs Julie Manning, wife of Councillor Colin Manning, Council held a minutes silence in her memory.




Prayers were led by Rev Canon Ling



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 8 July 2021  (previously circulated).



RESOLVED:  The Minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2021 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.







To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.



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The Mayor reported that he had sent a letter of condolence to Councillor Colin Manning following the sad death of his wife Julie.


The Mayor reported receipt of a letter of thanks from HM The Queen for the message of condolence sent on the death of the Duke of Edinburgh.


The Mayor invited Councillors to join him and members of RAF Marham on the walk for the March For Freedom following the Battle of Britain Service  It was taking place around the Walks in aid of the Wings Appeal and was replicating the many miles walked by prisoners of war.



To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent. 






To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube

The Mayor invited the following questioners under standing order 9:

Question from Paul Williamson

I am concerned about the level of light pollution, noise and car parking facilities for this site as the only access is via Beulah Street which already suffers from double parking how will the council address this problem.


Councillor S Sandell responded that the current car park accommodated parking for football matches, and the 3G pitch would often be used in the evenings.  There was also parking in the main car park at Lynnsport.  She commented that the noise level would be no different to normal football matches and lights would go out at 10pm.  All the detail would be included and dealt with at the planning application stages.


By way of supplementary Mr  Williamson commented on the decline of green space and the increase in flood risk.  He asked what the Council was doing regarding setting up friends of parks groups which the Government were promoting, in order to protect the green spaces. 


Councillor Sandell undertook to give a response in writing.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


 Question from Sue Bruce

In September 2017 the council entered into an agreement with Fields in Trust to secure protection of River Lane playing fields for free recreational use.   Residents are very concerned that it has been reported that the council are now considering developing a new 3G pitch on the site which could restrict the amount of green space available.

The cost of the proposal is £910,000 of which £660,000 is to be funded by the Football Foundation.  Can you advise given that this is such a large amount of money how this money will be allocated and what is planned in regards to size and location of the planned pitch please.


In response, Councillor Sandell stated that the Fields in Trust had indicated that the use of the area for 3G use would be acceptable subject to appropriate applications being made to them.  The development was equivalent of a football pitch which would not impede dog walking etc in the green spaces. She confirmed the external  funding arrangements and that the CIL spending Panel had reviewed the project and were happy that the project fit their criteria.


By way of supplementary Ms Bruce drew attention to the additional smaller 3G pitches at Lynnsport.  She drew attention to the need for space for people to undertake exercise.  She asked why a 3G pitch was more important than undertakings given previously.


Councillor Sandell drew attention to the fact that the 3G pitch would be used for all manner of football, including by some schools.  She undertook to email a response .






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Council was invited to review its proportionality following the Labour Group membership changing.


Councillor Dark, seconded by Councillor Joyce proposed an amendment to the report submitted in that the membership of the Appointments Board remaining as it currently was, with the Labour Group losing a seat on both the Licensing Committee and Licensing and Appeals Board to be replaced by an Independent seat and a Conservative seat.


RESOLVED:  That proportionality be amended by the change of  seats as follows:


That Labour lose 2 seats – 1 from the Licensing and Appeals Board and 1 from the Licensing Committee.


Those 2 seats to dealt with as follows:


·                     Conservative Group to have the additional seat on the Licensing and Appeals Board

·                     Independent Group to have the additional seat on the Licencing Committee.




(Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session)

To consider the following recommendations to Council:



Cabinet: 3 August 2021 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

CAB26: Parkway

CAB27: Members Enquiries Inbox

CAB28: Council Meetings Interim Arrangements

CAB29: Appointment of a Monitoring Officer to the Borough Council

CAB30: Councillor Community Grant Scheme (a copy of which is attached)

Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Dark proposed and Councillor Middleton seconded CAB26: Parkway.  Council debated the recommendations, and the changes proposed to the original proposal.  Councillor J Collop suggested a more modest proposal on the site with more affordable homes.  Councillor Joyce suggested that the proposal was too large for the area due to the access and egress arrangements for the site. 


Councillor Long drew attention to the environmentally sustainable homes being built on the allocated site and the scaled down version of the scheme.


Councillor Hudson drew attention to the number of affordable homes and the level of air pollution in the Gaywood area and the need for another exit.


Councillor Ryves confirmed that the Borough needed to build homes, wasn’t sure about the site, but thanked Cabinet for reconsidering the proposals.


Councillor Dark summed up and reminded members of the requirements on the Borough to provide homes, he demonstrated that Cabinet had listened to the concern raised on the original site.  He drew attention to the green element of the proposed build.


Councillor de Whalley supported the changes to the original proposal, he drew attention to flood risk for the site and potential problems for the future.


Councillor A Tyler drew attention to the fact that he was trying to reflect residents views which people had indicated they didn’t want more development.


Councillor Blunt reminded members that this was not a planning application, but asking for approval to take the allocated site forward.  The planning committee would be considering the application.


Councillor Wilkinson asked what facilities such as doctors would be available for the properties.


With the required number of supporters, Councillor Jones requested a recorded vote.





B Ayres

J Collop

A Bullen

L Bambridge

S Collop

B Lawton

R Blunt

G Howman

A Ryves

C Bower

C Hudson


A Bubb

B Jones


J Collingham

C Joyce


C Crofts

A Kemp


S Dark

A Tyler


I Devereux

M de Whalley


A Dickinson

M Wilkinson


P Gidney



G Hipperson



A Holmes



Lord Howard



H Humphrey



J Kirk



P Kunes



A Lawrence



B Long



J Lowe



G Middleton



C Morley



S Nash



E Nockolds



S Patel



J Ratcliff



C Rose



C Sampson



S Sandell



V Spikings



M Storey



D Tyler



D Whitby







The recommendations in CAB26 Parkway were approved.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Dark, seconded by Councillor Middleton moved recommendations CAB27: Members Enquiries Inbox. Council debated the recommendation.  Clarification was sought from Councillor Howman on where some elements should be directed.  Councillor Morley suggested that some of the wording could be refined to make it clear where questions not dealt with by Members enquiries should be sent.  Councillor de Whalley explained he often went direct to the officer if it was time critical.


Councillor Dark assured members the wording would be clear, and on being put to the vote it was agreed.


Click here to view  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:37i


Cabinet : 24 August 2021 pdf icon PDF 111 KB

CAB37: King’s Lynn Town Deal


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Dark, seconded by Councillor Middleton proposed CAB37: King’s Lynn Town Deal.  Councillors Joyce, A Tyler spoke in support of the proposal, Councillor Ryves supported the scheme and suggested his priorities for development.  He expressed concern about the Guildhall proposals should the bid fail.  Councillor Morley expressed concern at the lack of Member involvement in the overall scheme.  Councillor Dark reminded Members that the Town Deal Scheme came under the Town Deal Board, with the Council as the delivering authority.  He expressed the hope that this would be an enabler to draw in further investment in the future.


On being put to the vote the recommendation was approved.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendation from the 24 August 2-21 Cabinet meeting be approved.





To consider the following Notice of Motion (3/21), submitted by Councillor Kunes:


‘This Council has recognised the scientific and moral need to act decisively on ‘climate change’ for sometime and has introduced a portfolio, policy and measures to significantly reduce its impact on its carbon emissions and the environment, with an intent to support these going forward with a specific budget. It is now the right time with this Council focussed activity well underway for us to now declare a ‘climate emergency’ to magnify the global message of the need for action to local residents, businesses and partners in West Norfolk and signal our strong commitment to help them make positive changes.‘



Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


The following Notice of Motion (3/21), was proposed by Councillor Kunes and seconded by Councillor Dark:


‘This Council has recognised the scientific and moral need to act decisively on ‘climate change’ for sometime and has introduced a portfolio, policy and measures to significantly reduce its impact on its carbon emissions and the environment, with an intent to support these going forward with a specific budget. It is now the right time with this Council focussed activity well underway for us to now declare a ‘climate emergency’ to magnify the global message of the need for action to local residents, businesses and partners in West Norfolk and signal our strong commitment to help them make positive changes.‘


In proposing the Motion Councillor Kunes explained that proposing this now was as a clear plan of Action was now in place, there was a roadmap to achieve net zero by 2035.  He acknowledged the need to engage with businesses and households to make reductions.  He confirmed liaison with the Chamber of Commerce on the matter.


Councillor Joyce spoke on the Motion reminding members of the need to slow down the change in the climate and to follow the science.


Councillor de Whalley drew attention to the low lying elements West Norfolk and sea level increases. He commented on the corporate emissions that the action plan concentrated on.  He encouraged public consultation and proposed an amendment that the motion includes a commensurate commitment in staffing and resources rather than specific budget.


Councillor Kemp seconded the amendment and commented that the strategy and Action Plan didn’t go far enough, and the Council should provide district heating using creative methods such as utilising the Ouse.


Councillor Ryves supported the amendment reminding Members of the need to educate the community, and that a proportion of the new Communication officers time be spent on that.


Councillor A Tyler sought clarification of who would decide what commensurate was. 


Councillor de Whalley summed up in that it would make it clear that sufficient resources were being allocated to the climate emergency.


On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.


Councillor Morley made comments from Councillor Parish who was not present. 


In summing up Councillor Dark drew attention to the importance of the position of declaring the Climate Emergency.  He drew attention to the work done so far, and that planned, and drew attention that they wouldn’t declare until the full extent was known.  He drew attention to the forthcoming financial report coming to Cabinet which was allocating £1m of funding over a 4 year period to deliver on Climate Change.


Councillor Kunes drew attention to a proposal to hold an exhibition in the Corn Exchange on green issues which the public and businesses would be encouraged to attend.


With the required number of supporters Councillor Dark requested a recorded vote on the Motion.





B Ayres


R Lawton

L Bambridge



R Blunt



C Bower  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:38




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Council was invited to appoint to vacancies in outside bodies.   The following nominations were made:


Southery and District IDB – Councillor Sampson

Stoke Ferry IDB – Councillor Long

Gaywood Fuel Allotment Trust – Councillor Mrs Wilkinson

Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel – Councillor C Rose

William Cleave Educational Foundation – Councillor Mrs E Nockolds.


RESOLVED:  That the above appointments be approved.



In accordance with Standing Order 11, to receive reports from Cabinet Members moved en bloc, under Standing Order 11.2 Members of the Council may ask questions of Cabinet Members on their reports and Portfolio areas. The order of putting questions shall commence with a Member from the largest opposition group, proceeding in descending order to the smallest opposition group, followed by a non-aligned Member and finally a Member from the ruling group. This order shall repeat until the time for questions has elapsed or there are no more questions to be put. 


The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses shall not exceed 50 minutes for all Cabinet Members, excluding the Leader.


The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses to the Leader shall not exceed 15 minutes.



(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)


Corporate Services - Councillor B Long

Environment - Councillor P Kunes

Development - Councillor R Blunt

Finance – Councillor A Dickinson

Property – Councillor A Lawrence

People and Communities – Councillor S Sandell

Deputy Leader and Business, Culture & Heritage – Councillor G Middleton


Leader - Councillor S Dark


Additional documents:


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Dark moved the following Cabinet Members reports en bloc:


Corporate Services - Councillor B Long

Environment - Councillor P Kunes

Development - Councillor R Blunt

Finance – Councillor A Dickinson

Property – Councillor A Lawrence

People and Communities – Councillor S Sandell

Deputy Leader and Business, Culture & Heritage – Councillor G Middleton


Leader - Councillor S Dark


In the question time for Cabinet Members the following were responded to:


Councillor Lawrence  responding to a question from Councillor Howman on the buy back of land sold at Fairstead – that it would have to go to Cabinet.


Councillor Kunes in responding to Councillor S Collop confirmed that some food waste had been put into back bins, and the operatives had been informed not to do so.


Councillor Kunes responded to a question from Councillor Devereux on the actions being taken to address carbon reduction across the rest of the borough.  He confirmed that the Council’s web site was being updated, and an exhibition was planned in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and the LEP in the spring in the Corn Exchange to raise awareness of and sell products to reduce emissions.  Keynote speakers would be invited to present.  Businesses which were the major sources of pollution in the Borough were also being contacted to discuss their plans going forward.


Councillor Dickinson, in responding to a question from Councillor Morley on whether a priority based budget based on the corporate plan, was not aware of such a policy, as it was incumbent to prioritise statutory areas first.  She agreed to look into the subject.


Councillor Blunt responded to a question from Councillor Crofts on the complexity of CIL.  He explained he had been looking at the process which he was looking to simplify.   Paper was to be taken to the CIL Spending Panel before its route through to Cabinet.  He encouraged all members to remind their parishes and wards that they needed to be ready for the next round of bids.


Councillor Dickinson responded to Councillor Ryves regarding the target for reserves in that by the end of the four year period reserves would be diminished to the minimum advisory level, and there may be a deficit on the revenue budget.


Councillor Dickinson requested that Councillor Jones email the detail of the case of taking a long period of time to receive test and trace payments.


Councillor Lawrence answered Councillor Whitby’s question regarding the level of occupation of Council owned premises by confirming that all food and retail units and kiosks were occupied, with the exception of one, which was in the process of being advertised.


In response to a question from Councillor Lawton regarding an email regarding having trees available to plant whereas the trees may not be suitable for small gardens Councillor Kunes explained that the email was from the County Council not the Borough.


Following a question from Councillor A Tyler, Councillor Middleton confirmed he  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:40