Venue: Remote Meeting on Zoom and available for the public to view on WestNorfolkBC on You Tube - Zoom and You Tube. View directions
Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR FOR THE MEETING Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor B Ayres be appointed Vice-Chair for the meeting. |
PRAYERS Minutes: Prayers were led by Rev Canon Ling. |
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 15 October 2020 (previously circulated).
Minutes: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2020 were agreed as a correct record. |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared. A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates. If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.
Minutes: None |
MAYOR'S COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.
Minutes: Chris Bamfield
The Mayor made the following statement:
“On behalf of myself and the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Wilkinson, who are both previous environmental portfolio holders and knew Chris Bamfield well, I would like to say that our thoughts are with Chris’ wife Vanessa and his children Ashton and Jamie after the recent tragic event in the sea off Hunstanton. The appeal for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution following this disaster has now reached almost £12,000.”
URGENT BUSINESS To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent.
Minutes: None |
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
RESOLVED: Under Section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as enacted by Section 75 of the Local Government Act 2003, Section 11B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as enacted by Section 11 and Section 12 of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 and in accordance with the provisions of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003, the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and the Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Act 2018 the Council determines:
1. That the council tax discount for Second Homes defined as being within Class A of the Regulations is set at 0% for 2021/2022;
2. That the council tax discount for Second Homes as defined by Class B of the Regulations is set at 0% for 2021/2022;
3. That the council tax discount for Empty / Unfurnished dwellings defined as being within Class C of the Regulations is set at 0% for 2021/2022;
4. That the council tax discount for Uninhabitable dwellings defined as being within Class D of the Regulations is set at the following for 2021/2022:
a. 25% for 12 months starting on the day the dwelling becomes uninhabitable; then b. 0% once the 12 month period has expired;
5. That the Levy rate for Long Term Empty Dwellings as defined in the Regulations is set as follows for 2021/2022:
a. 100% for properties empty between two and five years, b. 200% for properties empty longer than five years, and c. 300% for properties empty longer than ten years;
6. That any period of occupation of fewer than six weeks shall be disregarded when calculating the maximum period of a reduction or the start date of the Levy;
7. That delegated authority be given for individual applications under s13a Local Government Finance Act 1992 be determined by the Revenues and Benefits Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance and the relevant Ward Member/s.
8. In accordance with Section 11A(6) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as enacted by Section 75 of the Local Government Act 2003 and the Local Government Finance Act 2012, these determinations shall be published in at least one newspaper circulating in West Norfolk before the end of the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the determinations.
MATTERS CARRIED OVER FROM PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 105 KB Cabinet recommendations from 22 September 2020 not dealt with at council on 15 October 2020
CAB168 Revised Revenue Budget 2020-21 CAB170 Scrutiny and Executive Protocol
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Cabinet recommendations from 22 September 2020 not dealt with at council on 15 October 2020
Councillor Long proposed the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Nockolds.
CAB168 Revised Revenue Budget 2020-21 Council debated the item and with no dissenters the recommendations were agreed.
CAB170 Scrutiny and Executive Protocol
Councillor Joyce proposed the following amendments to the protocol, these were seconded by Councillor Parish:
Page 123 of the Cabinet report,
Scrutiny of decisions made, other than with regards to a call in
2 Page 124 "The Panel Chair will invite the Portfolio Holder to set out the rationale and policy objectives which resulted in the report/proposal being brought forward."
The amendments were debated, and Councillor Joyce summed up. On being put to the vote the amendments were lost.
Following the debate on the substantive, as there were no dissenters the recommendations were agreed.
RESOLVED: That the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting on 22 September 2020 be agreed.
PETITIONS AND PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9. Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Under standing order 9 the Mayor invited the following to pose their questions:
1 Question from Ms Trudy Clark
With reference to the Town Deal; may I ask what decisions the Town Deal Board have reached concerning the fund and how soon can any decisions be implemented?
Cllr Middleton responded:
The Town Deal Board have agreed the Town Investment Plan covering investment priorities (which includes the asks to government circa £25m) and this has been submitted to government. The Cabinet endorsed the TIP at its special meeting 26 October. Feedback is expected from government in early January, and it is expected ‘heads of terms’ (a broad agreement of those initiatives to be funded, the terms and conditions, and indicative values) will be agreed within a couple of months. This will be a three way agreement between government, the Town Deal Board and the Borough Council. Further detailed business case work will then start. There will be up to a 12 months for this to be completed and finalised with central government.
In relation to the Town Deal Accelerated funding that was announced in July, the Town Deal Board endorsed the proposal to support the School of Nursing and Public realm projects for the submission to government in August 2020. This was approved by Cabinet as the lead authority and accountable body for the funds at the meeting on 10th August 2020. The funding was approved by government in September and delivery of the schemes are now underway.
By way of supplementary Ms Clark asked if any of the money would be spent on the proposed Parkway development. Councillor Middleton responded that there were a variety of items which had been put forward but as some were commercial it was not possible at this stage to divulge the detail as the Government had not yet confirmed the success or otherwise of the bids.
2 Public Question from Mr Alistair Kent
There are well documented and serious adverse consequences arising from peat extraction for horticultural and agricultural use, including loss of habitat and biodiversity, run off and waterway pollution and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
Given the existence of viable and cost effective alternative products such as bark, coir and wood fibre, and in the light of the recently adopted policy on climate change, has the council committed or will the council commit to stop the purchase of peat for use in parks and gardens and for amenity planting in all situations, and for all planting associated with the Anglia in Bloom Award, and/or to set a date by when this will be implemented?
Councillor Mrs Nockolds responded: At the moment the Compost we are using contains no Sphagnum Moss harvested from sites of special scientific interest. It is free of chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides or stabilisers as per the EU Fertilising Product Regulations July 2019.
The compost we use contains between 10% to 20% composted pine bark. ... view the full minutes text for item C:131 |
CABINET MEMBERS REPORTS In accordance with Standing Order 11.1 to receive reports from Cabinet Members in the following order and under Standing Order 11.2 (a) Members of the Council may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and Portfolio areas:
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
Business Development - Councillor G Middleton PDF 140 KB Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Middleton presented his report and explained that the public realm meeting was to look at what pieces of land to include into bids. He responded to questions on the key desirables of the Town Investment Plan, confirming that the school of nursing was a big part of the plan for King’s Lynn, increasing the skills for the area, along with other plans, where the Government decisions were still awaited. He confirmed the Council was working with local stakeholders throughout the process.
In response to a question on the status of the Future High Streets Fund Councillor Middleton confirmed that the Government’s decision had still to be published, but as soon as he knew he would let councillors know.
In response to a question on the signage to be provided under the Tourism Support Package Councillor Middleton confirmed it was in line with what had been recommended in the Wayne Hemingway review. He also confirmed that the refurbishment of Heacham toilets had been put forward, and that any suggestions for siting of benches were welcome.
In response to questions Councillor Middleton confirmed the council was working hard to deliver a relief road for the East of King’s Lynn. |
Climate Change & Commercial Services - Councillor P Kunes PDF 107 KB Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Kunes presented his report. In response to questions he confirmed that with the assistance of community groups 550 new trees had been planted to date, and a further large area was being identified for many more. He confirmed that discussions were taking place with community and other groups on the issue of trees.
Councillor Kunes also confirmed that with regard to seeking expertise in bio diversity, advice could be sought from a number of partner organisations.
In response to a request to assist local firms to get onto the Green Homes Grant approved list Councillor Kunes undertook to do what he could including taking it up with the local MP.
With regard to GDPR and data handling dealt with by a “contractor”, Councillor Kunes suggested the Councillor provide him with the additional information they held.
Following a point made regarding common agricultural policy for west Norfolk, Councillor Kunes suggested the information be emailed to him.
In response to a question on the public transport system, Councillor Kunes confirmed that he felt it should be better but acknowledged that it would be difficult to encourage people to leave their cars. |
Development - Councillor R Blunt PDF 357 KB Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Blunt presented his report and in response to a question declined to comment on the Parkway application as it was due to be considered by the planning Committee in the new year. He confirmed that any points on where Town Fund money was spend, points made should be address to Cabinet when they considered the item.
With regard to a question on proposed development at West Winch, Councillor Blunt re-iterated that traffic from the development would have to come off a roundabout.
Councillor Blunt also confirmed that with the slow down in building during the year due to Covid, lobbying of the Government was taking place to try to ease the housing completion targets set centrally. |
Environmental Services & Public Protection - Councillor S Dark PDF 123 KB Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Dark presented his report and publically thanked all the officers who were working hard during the lockdown and councillors for assisting in disseminating information.
Councillor Dark undertook to send to all councillors the recycling rates and the waste arising per capita. He confirmed that recycling was still taking place and that the plastics sought in the green bins had a market. Those plastics not recyclable that were put into the green bins were used in the making of cement to replace fossil fuel.
Councillor Dark reminded members of the changes in bin collection dates over the Christmas period. He confirmed that the food waste collections were still suspended due to the need to ensure the safety of the collection crews. He also confirmed that the borough was playing a full part as covid marshalls assisting people to comply with guidance to ensure they had a safe shopping experience. Following a question on Marshalls for Downham Market, Councillor Dark confirmed that the Chief Executive held discussions with the Town Council.
In response to a question on what involvement the Council had with the covid vaccine and its arrival in west Norfolk, Councillor Dark confirmed that this was being dealt with by the CCG and NHS England, but it had been involved with setting up the walk in test centre in Kings’ Lynn, and anything else to help. He also confirmed the live data re covid cases was available from Public Health England.
Housing - Councillor A Lawrence PDF 429 KB Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Lawrence presented his report, and in response to a question regarding the siting of accommodation pods in North Lynn he confirmed that if the planning application was refused they would look to a different site.
In response to a question on Council owned housing companies, Councillor Lawrence confirmed that a report would go to a Panel in the new year.
Following a question on partnership working with Freebridge Housing when tenants had issues with the property, Councillor Lawrence suggested that the tenants report their problems direct to Freebridge when they occurred. |
Project Delivery - Councillor P Gidney PDF 133 KB Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Gidney presented his report. In response to a question he undertook to find out whether the s106 contributions from the development at Salters Road King’s Lynn would go to improve the Edma Street play area.
At 18.26 the meeting adjourned til 18.36. |
Deputy Leader and Culture, Heritage and Health - Councillor Mrs E Nockolds PDF 21 KB Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Mrs Nockolds presented her report and updated her meeting attendances. In response to questions on the allocation of funding for tourism in Hunstanton, Councillor Nockolds confirmed that the business support for covid across the Borough was £500,000, and that the Government were promoting the marketing of Norfolk and Suffolk in a tourism zone.
With regard to a question on the TIC in Hunstanton Councillor Nockolds confirmed the would be fresh talks on the subject, and also drew attention to the number of visitors to the visitwestnorfolk website. She reminded members that all businesses in Hunstanton were ambassadors for the area.
With regard to a question on the local cycling infrastructure plan Councillor Nockolds confirmed that there were over 400 responses and drew attention to where additional things needed to be done. Norfolk County Council had received government funding for it but not in the rural area. She confirmed that when the results of the town deal bid were received Councillor Middleton would let members know.
Councillor Nockolds confirmed that the Corn Exchange cinema was about to re-open.
In response to a question on the support given for a new hospital for the area Councillor Nockolds confirmed she met with the Deputy Chief Executive of the hospital and the Borough Chief Executive met with the Hospital Chief Executive regularly, a campaign had been discussed and support would be offered. She also responded on the issue of a multi-storey car park at the hospital being very expensive.
Following a point raised about doctors surgeries in King’s Lynn, Councillor Nockolds undertook to discuss it at her next health meeting. |
Leader and Resources - Councillor B Long PDF 213 KB Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Long presented his report. He responded to a question on the introduction of the collection of garden waste for free and confirmed it would cost the Council considerably and would hope to see new burdens payments to cover the losses.
In response to a question on the award of a staff pay rise Councillor Long responded that if it was feasible he would like to be able to support it. He also confirmed his support for the covid vaccine. In response to a request Councillor Lone agreed to add more financial information into his Council report.
MEMBERS QUESTION TIME In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chair of any Council Body (except the Cabinet). Minutes: None |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COUNCIL BODIES (Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session) To consider the following recommendations to Council:
Cabinet - 22 September 2020 and Cabinet Members Decision - 27 October 2020 PDF 119 KB CAB171 – Review of Standing Orders and Articles Cabinet Members Decision on Standing Orders amendments.
Council is invited to consider the proposed amendments to Standing Orders and Articles which are attached with the agenda. Additional documents:
Minutes: Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Long proposed CAB171 – Review of Standing Orders and Articles Cabinet Members Decision on Standing Orders amendments.
Councillor Moriarty raised a point of order that it was less than six months since the matter had last been considered. The Monitoring Officer deemed that the consideration of the specific items re remote meetings were not a review of all standing orders but a bespoke piece of work to incorporate the new legislation.
The proposal from Councillor Long was seconded by Councillor Nockolds with a minor amendment to include the word “working” in standing order 14.2 b so it read “seven clear working days”.
Councillor Moriarty challenged that the Cabinet member recommendations and amendment had not been considered by Cabinet as required in the Articles.
The Monitoring Officer informed Council that the minor amendment proposed was due to drafting error, which the Monitoring Officer would amend as required.
Council debated the recommendations.
Councillor Moriarty proposed that standing order 11 2a be removed from the recommendations, which Councillor Long challenged as negating the original proposal. The Monitoring Officer agreed that it did negate the proposal but Councillor Moriarty challenged this assessment. The Monitoring Officer confirmed that she would consider this Point of Order further and confirm her final assessment.
Councillor Howman proposed continuing to sit, seconded by Councillor Lawton. At 19.36 the Council took a vote on whether to continue to sit, the vote was lost and the meeting closed.
The following items of business would be considered at the next Council meeting:
Cabinet recommendations 22 September 2020 CAB 171 Standing Orders and Articles and Cabinet Member recommendations.
Cabinet recommendations from 17 November 2020 CAB193: Statement of Licensing Policy CAB194: Covid 19 Response and Recovery Plan CAB197: Scheme of Delegation
Notices of Motion 6,7,and 8/20. |