Agenda and minutes

Venue: Remote Meeting on Zoom and available for the public to view on WestNorfolkBC on You Tube - Zoom and You Tube. View directions

Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327 


No. Item




The Mayor welcomed all to the meeting and explained that it was being broadcast live on you tube.


The Democratic Services Manager carried out a roll call of Members present.




Prayers were led by Rev Canon Adrian Ling.



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on   201..    (previously circulated).



RESOLVED:   The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 February 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.







To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.



On behalf of the Council, the Mayor sent best wishes to Councillor John Collop for a speedy recovery.



To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent. 



The Mayor proposed to bring forward to this point in the agenda the two cabinet recommendations  which were at the end of the agenda.  This was agreed.



(Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session)

To consider the following recommendations to Council:



Cabinet: 20 May 2020 pdf icon PDF 110 KB

CAB130: Future High Streets Fund - King's Lynn

(recommendation only)



Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Long proposed and Councillor Mrs Nockolds seconded the recommendation in CAB130: Future High Streets Fund - King's Lynn.


In debating the item, some concerns were raised as to the future of the existing library in King’s Lynn to which it was explained that the Borough would be actively working with the County Council to encourage continued use of the building.


Concern was also raised as to the protection of the South Gates to ensure they weren’t damaged by traffic.


RESOLVED:  The recommendation was agreed.



Urgent Cabinet recommendation from 30 June 2020 pdf icon PDF 164 KB


CAB142:          Urgent update to standing orders relating to Covid 19


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Long proposed and Councillor Mrs Nockolds seconded the recommendations within CAB142: Urgent update to standing orders relating to Covid 19.


RESOLVED:  The recommendations were approved.



Cabinet recommendations from 4 February 2020


CAB97:           Notice of Motion 5/19 Cllr de Whalley – Climate Change

CAB98:            Notice of Motion 4/19 – Cllr Kemp – Hardings Way

CAB99:            Notice of Motion 6/19 Cllr Bone – Hardings Way

CAB104:          Hunstanton Coastal Management Plan


Exempt Report


CAB106:          Nar Valley Phase 4 (Traditional Build)



The following items had been deferred from the previous meeting:


Cabinet recommendations from 4 February 2020


CAB97:           Notice of Motion 5/19 Cllr de Whalley – Climate Change


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


The Monitoring Officer informed Council that at the end of the previous meeting Councillor de Whalley had proposed an amendment which was seconded by Councillor Ryves, which was where the debate had to recommence.


With permission of Council Councillor de Whalley withdrew his amendment and moved a further amendment as follows, this was seconded by Councillor Rust:

1) That officers be requested to prepare a climate change policy and separate climate change and biodiversity strategies with action plans, including habitat and pollinator action plans, to be published no later than by the Council Tax setting for 2021/2022 and subject to an active six-monthly review mechanism.

2) That the Council fully recognise the evolving climate and biodiversity crisis and its own duty of care to protect human life by taking actions that are both possible and proportionate to include declaring a climate and ecological emergency.  That without prejudice to its own statutory services the Borough Council works towards Borough Council carbon footprint neutrality and net zero district carbon emissions; the dates will be determined taking into account emerging policies at the national and local level with significant progress made by 2030, but not beyond 2040 (sooner if practicably possible) to comply with our fair share of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change commitment to staying ‘well below 2°C and pursuing 1.5°C’ global temperature rise above pre-industrial levels. 

3) The current 12 month UEA post should be extended to a temporary 2 year fixed term post.

The amendment was debated.  Councillor Parish, with the required number of supporters requested a recorded vote on the amendment.

For the amendment

Against the amendment


J Bhondi

B Ayres

A Bullen

F Bone

L Bambridge

M Howland

S Collop

R Blunt


A Holmes

C Bower


G Howman

A Bubb


C Hudson

J Collingham


B Jones

C Crofts


C Joyce

S Dark


A Kemp

I Devereux


B Lawton

A Dickinson


J Moriarty

P Gidney


C Morley

G Hipperson


S Nash

H Humphrey


T Parish

J Kirk


J Ratcliff

P Kunes


C Rose

A Lawrence


J Rust

B Long


A Ryves

J Lowe


S Squire

C Manning


M de Whalley

G Middleton



E Nockolds



S Patel



C Sampson



S Sandell



V Spikings



M Storey



D Tyler



D Whitby





The amendment was lost.

Councillor Long proposed the substantive motion which was seconded by Councillor Nockolds. 

Clarification was sought as to whether the term Intern in recommendation 3 was a paid post, to which it was confirmed it was.  Therefore it was suggested that the term should be Post, rather than Intern.  This was accepted.

Councillor Parish, with the required number of supporters requested a recorded vote on the substantive motion.


For the Substantive

Against the substantive


B Ayres


A Bullen

L Bambridge


B Lawton

J  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:87



To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.


The Mayor invited the following public questioners to pose their questions:


1)    Amanda Bosworth

Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


In its letter of 29 June addressed to King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council and Hunstanton Town Council, the Hunstanton and District Civic Society outlined a number of serious local concerns about the sudden, unforeseen closure of the Tourist Information Centre and the decision to replace it with an unmanned space in the Coal Shed Gallery displaying a selection of free pamphlets.

Issues raised include access, monitoring, safety, hygiene - but the fundamental issue for us as a coastal resort is the loss of a service that provides information and advice both for local residents and for the thousands of visitors to the town.

Hunstanton is lauded as the borough's "Jewel in the Crown" and it simply does not make sense to close the highly valued, very well used TIC at the exact moment when restrictions are being lifted and the local economy is trying to recover post-Covid, particularly in view of country-wide efforts to welcome tourism and encourage staycations.

May I ask what steps this Council is willing to take to resolve the issues highlighted in the letter?


Councillor Nockolds gave the following response:


“At the time of the meeting with Hunstanton Town Council on June 2nd, at which we supported the idea that the Town Hall is not suitable under COVID 19 regulations, it wasn’t clear which businesses such as the Oasis or Library would be open in time for housing the TIC.


At that meeting we had 2 Options

1. Just rely on visitors using our updated visit west norfolk web-site or phone App.

2. Set up a temporary Tourist Information Centre (T.I.C) in Hunstanton for this season.


A quick decision had to be made. We all agreed that although a huge majority of the visitors would use our web-site, we would transform the Coal Shed Gallery into a T.I.C, which is at the edge of the largest car park in Hunstanton.


Within the next few days after the meeting the building was inspected for Health & Safety issues, such as accessibility, cleanliness and security.

To prepare the building for opening, we expect it to be next week, has taken a while. The main reason is that many of our staff are redeployed into other departments to support the vulnerable or shielding and working from home.


A ramp has been ordered, CCTV is installed and signage is being produced which will includes information on social distancing, stay alert and protect yourself. Hand sanitizer will be available too. Our Tourism Manager has been producing literature especially designed for installing in the Gallery.


I totally understand your thoughts and comments about having an unmanned Tourist Information Point.  We are in very difficult times which will have ongoing effects for at least a year. Some people are frightened to leave their homes after Being sheltered for 3 months. I often meet people who are  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:88



In accordance with Standing Order 11.1 to receive reports from Cabinet Members in the following order and under Standing Order 11.2 (a) Members of the Council may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and Portfolio areas:


(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)




Business Development - Councillor G Middleton pdf icon PDF 113 KB


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Councillor Middleton presented his report.  He responded to questions on funding for businesses in the area, the KLIC loan and the fact the Council now owned the building and had taken over management of it.  He responded to questions on the potential for innovative new products and the lack of suitable move on accommodation for businesses, the provision of which he explained would be moving on the NORA Enterprise Zone site in the coming weeks as building progressed.  In response to a question regarding the need for the strategic approach to be linked with and benefiting the educational offer for the area,  He confirmed that the first unit was for a science lab business, and explained he had not included all information that had been ongoing during the previous months, but pointed members to the web site to see the assistance being given to businesses. 


Councillor Middleton also responded that it had been a conscious decision not to place barriers in the town centre as this would make life more difficult for the businesses trying to operate.




At 6.00pm Councillor Moriarty proposed that the Council continue to sit after the 6.10 deadline.  This was seconded by Councillor Kemp.  This was debated, and with the required number of supporters a recorded vote was taken.


For continuing to sit

Against continuing to sit


B Ayres

B Bambridge

S Dark

F Bone

R Blunt

G Hipperson

C Bower

A Bubb

H Humphrey

A Bullen

C Crofts


S Collop

I Devereux


A Holmes

A Dickinson


G Howman

P Gidney


B Jones

M Howland


C Joyce

J Kirk


A Kemp

P Kunes


B Lawton

A Lawrence


J Moriarty

B Long


C Morley

J Lowe


S Nash

C Manning


T Parish

G Middleton


J Ratcliff

E Nockolds


C Rose

S Patel


J Rust

C Sampson


A Ryves

S Sandell


S Squire

V Spikings


M de Whalley

D Tyler


M Wilkinson

D Whitby






As the vote was tied it was put to the casting vote of the Mayor who voted in favour of continuing to sit.


RESOLVED:  That Council continue to sit beyond the three hour mark.


At 6.18pm Council took a 10 minute recess and reconvened at 6.28pm. 


Commercial Services - Councillor P Kunes pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Kunes presented his report.  He informed Council that the number of mourners permitted at the crematorium for a funeral service had now increased to 30, and also that the Hardwick Cemetery bridge repairs should be carried out in the next week.


He responded to questions around the football club car park which was being resurfaced and pay and display installed, he undertook to ascertain whether charges would be in force whilst the Saturday morning park run was taking place; questions relating to leaving cemeteries wild; data handling issues by the Borough and an issue with taxi licensing details of which would be passed on to Councillor Kunes.


Councillor Kunes also accepted thanks from Members on behalf of staff who were working during the Covid Pandemic.





Covid 19 and Emergency Planning - Councillor S Dark pdf icon PDF 132 KB


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Dark presented his report.  He thanked all key and essential workers across the board for their work, and Councillors for their communication of key messages during the recent months.  He explained that if a further outbreak occurred local outbreak control would have to be introduced.


Councillor Dark responded to questions on the opening of play parks as soon as safely possible, he undertook to ascertain if the Borough could procure sanitising gel in bulk on behalf of parishes.  He confirmed that the level of garden waste had increased during lockdown and undertook to ascertain if the level of residual waste had also increased.  He also undertook to provide information on the breakdown of cases who had received urgent food parcels from the Borough response.




Development - Councillor R Blunt pdf icon PDF 339 KB


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Councillor Blunt presented his report.  He gave an update for the June application figures of 187. The Thornham Neighbourhood plan had gone out to consultation, and the new roundabout on the A47 at Broadend Road had been given the go ahead.


Councillor Blunt undertook to try to find a report on A10 traffic impact relating to West Winch.


Housing - Councillor A Lawrence pdf icon PDF 162 KB


Members were advised to email any questions to Councillor Lawrence as he had left the meeting.


Project Delivery - Councillor P Gidney pdf icon PDF 108 KB


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Gidney presented his report, he corrected a typo in his report-  Cowper place rather than Caper place.


He undertook to provide an update on the plans to extend the pontoons and the provision of services to boat users on the quay.


Deputy Leader and Culture, Heritage and Health - Councillor Mrs E Nockolds pdf icon PDF 21 KB


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Councillor Mrs Nockolds presented her report and thanked all the staff who had been working during the pandemic, particularly those who had adapted to new roles many beyond the call of duty.


She responded to questions, confirming the need to respect social distancing and the need to provide information where required for test and trace purposes, along with condemnation of those who abuse any staff who are trying to carry out their jobs during this time.


Councillor Mrs Nockolds responded to a question on safety measures being undertaken in facilities to confirm they would be in compliance with Government guidelines.  She responded to questions on beach safety and reminded members that some beaches were privately owned.


Following questions about health and working with partners, Councillor Nockolds confirmed partnership working with the County who were the lead authority on Health along with the CCG and other partners and ongoing work to tackle deprivation in the area.   She outlined some of the work being done in partnership with others on a health front.


Leader and Resources - Councillor B Long pdf icon PDF 205 KB


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Councillor Long presented his report, he also asked for his thanks to be recorded to all staff and key workers for delivering the essential services required during the pandemic. 


He thanked opposition members who offered support in lobbying for additional funding from Government. He responded to questions on the length of time since the last meeting, which was due to covid and the requirement for legislation to permit remote meetings along with the work required to get ready to hold them. He confirmed he had been studying the Devolution White Paper and confirmed that he supported a two tier approach with a body large enough to cope.


In response to a question on the increase in littering he deplored the fact that visitors left rubbish in their wake, when they should take it home or put it in bins.  He also agreed to give an environmental update in his next report.


Following a question on why communications had ceased with the Independent Group, Councillor Long referred to accounts of the briefings appearing in the press soon afterwards which gave a negative outlook to the hospital which he wasn’t prepared to support.


Following a statement decrying the comments made about the Independent Group releasing information, Councillor Long apologised if the comment had caused offence but reiterated the information had been released in a letter to the MP and the press.


He agreed to provide a written response to Councillor Ryves on the questions he had submitted on KLIC.


He responded to further questions confirming that the NHS or CCG would decide on any new doctors’ surgeries, and that the money for the relief road for West Winch was part of the plan, and gaining the money to secure it was vital.


In response to a question He reminded Members of the answers to public questions that a climate change strategy was on its way, and responded that he thought that the process for dealing with complaints went through an Independent person.




In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chair of any Council Body (except the Cabinet).


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


Councillor Sampson, Chair of the Environment and Community Panel responded to a question about why the Panel’s agenda was limited by reminding Members of the current situation and acknowledging that many of the staff who would prepare reports had been working directly on the covid response, but it would return to normal as soon as possible.