Agenda and minutes

Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327 

No. Item




Prayers were led by Rev Canon Ling



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on  21 February and 26 March 2019   (previously circulated).




RESOLVED:   The Minutes of the meetings held on 21 February and 26 March 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.







To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.






To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent. 


Additional documents:


Polling Place Review


The January Council had received a report on the  Brancaster Village Hall would not be available for use as a Polling Station for the Borough and Parish Council Elections on 2 May 2019.  The Village Hall, Main Road, Brancaster Staithe was proposed as the Polling Station for both wards of Brancaster Parish and the Parish of Titchwell.  This was also proposed for the European Elections if held on 23 May 2019.  Council was asked to endorse the amendment to the relevant page of the Polling District Schedule, so far as the area of the Polling Place was concerned.


The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Long, seconded by Councillor Mrs Nockolds and put to the vote.


RESOLVED: 1)         That the amendment to the schedule be approved.


2)         That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive to implement any additional changes to the Polling District Schedule for Polling Places required.





To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.


Under Standing Order 9 the Mayor invited the following public questions:


George Gawlinski on behalf of the Kings Lynn Klimate Concern Group and Children and Young People in West Norfolk.


“This council signed up to the Norfolk Strategy for Climate Change (Tomorrows Norfolk, Todays Challenge) published in 2009.  It was an excellent document with a real sense of urgency and clear targets. What progress has been made not only to adapt to climate change but to mitigate it through moving to a low carbon economy. Please can you report on progress.” 


Councillor Devereux gave the following response:    


“The matter was considered by Cabinet on 7 October 2008 to consider the conclusions of a Norfolk wide Officer Task Force set up to produce a Norfolk Climate Change Strategy in response to the National imperative.


The Strategy set two high level goals to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change and for 2008-2011period, included the National Indicators to measure progress.


Firstly: The mitigation objective was “To cut carbon emissions by reducing energy consumption and promoting a shift to low-carbon technology” characterised by the National performance measure of  “Per capita reduction in CO2 emissions” for our Borough


Secondly:  The adaptation objective was “To improve Norfolk’s resilience to the changing climate, including reduction of the socio-economic and environmental risks associated with flooding and coastal erosion” characterised by the National performance measure of “Adapting to climate change”


After the strategy was adopted, Regular Reports were presented by the Deputy Chief Executive until DCLG removed the requirement to continue intensive monitoring in 2011. 


On Climate Change Mitigation, the last report indicated, a 5.9% reduction in per capita CO2 emissions in 2010.  However, by June 2011 a comprehensive programme of work was in place to maintain the pace of change, including a wide range of mitigation applications ranging from housing standards, to travel policy, building services and very importantly waste management.  This continues today, with switches to the lowest electricity tariffs,  Solar Panels fitted to many Council buildings, the ongoing multi-million pound Government sponsored REFIT programme across the Estate to ensure the best available technology is employed for cost-effective heating, lighting and energy conservation with an attractive payback criteria of less than 10 years!  At the same time we have worked very hard to reduce our occupation footprint, for example with King’s Court floor-area down to just over 60% of the 2008 baseline.  A very significant policy change during the period was the waste recycling programme and the separate collection of food waste and garden waste: this avoids landfill where they would emit both CO2 and more importantly Methane which is some 23 times more damaging than CO2.  This has been a great success and we continue to encourage effective recycling across our Borough and make full use of the technologies available to us to mitigate our impact on Climate Change!  More recently, the ongoing King’s Lynn Transport Strategy signposts other emission related endeavours.  Overall, we have a healthy ongoing operational programme of  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:92



To consider the recommendation contained within the report.


As no Parishes were inquorate after the close of nominations the report was withdrawn.



In accordance with Standing Order 11.1 to receive reports from Cabinet Members in the following order and under Standing Order 11.2 (a) Members of the Council may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and Portfolio areas:


(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)




Corporate Projects and Assets - Councillor A Beales pdf icon PDF 56 KB


Councillor Beales presented his report.  In response to a question regarding the renaming ceremony of the orchard area on Marsh Lane, Councillor Beales confirmed there was still fact checking underway so it would be in the new administration.


Development - Councillor R Blunt pdf icon PDF 230 KB


Councillor Blunt presented his report.  He informed Members that in the coming weeks councillors would receive updates on the CIL payments and costs and the process to claim part of the £500,000 pot.


In response to a question from Councillor Parish, Councillor Blunt confirmed that it seemed illogical to have to have to draw up a plan for housing numbers which the Government required when the Council was a finalist in the House Building Awards 2019, and also the bulk of the delivery was in the hands of developers.  Councillor Blunt also commented that it was necessary to look at what was sustainable, following the suggestion that the Local Plan Task Group could strengthen the mitigation of climate change in the local plan,



Housing and Community - Councillor A Lawrence pdf icon PDF 62 KB


Councillor Lawrence presented his report.  In response to Councillor J Collop’s question as to why there was such a long list of live applications when only 37 people had been housed,  he explained that only 37 properties had become available to let.  He also confirmed that those not in priority need were also advised to look to private rentals.


In response to Councillor Joyce’s question regarding the numbers of those housed which were homeless, Councillor Lawrence declined to give details of those housed, but drew attention to the fact that of the houses the Council was building, 48 of them would be affordable homes.


Councillor Lawrence agreed to send Councillor Howman details of where the vacant flats were which had been used for temporary accommodation.


Councillor Lawrence confirmed to Councillor Bird that the Accelerated Construction Programme funding allocated money to individual sites to assist the sites to come forward for construction.



Environment - Councillor I Devereux pdf icon PDF 61 KB


Councillor Devereux presented his report.  In response to a question from Councillor A Tyler on if the cost of disposing of large objects was reduced it would help with flytipping, he confirmed that there were standard rates for bulk items, and it didn’t appear to be price sensitive.


Councillor A Tyler drew attention to the increasing incidences of damage by muntjac deer in the Lynnsport vicinity and asked if the issue was being addressed.  Councillor Devereux responded that he would raise the issue with the CSNN team to see if it was an issue.


In response to Councillor Parish’s question whether if the County Council restored the ability to recycle wood it would reduce the number of bonfires and wood put into black bins, Councillor Devereux undertook to raise the issue with the Norfolk Waste Partnership.



Facilities and IT - Councillor Mrs K Mellish pdf icon PDF 59 KB


Councillor Mrs Mellish  presented her report, in doing so as it was her last meeting she reported it had been a privilege to be on the Council and work with members and officers.  She thanked all for the previous 16 years.



Performance - Councillor P Hodson pdf icon PDF 80 KB


Councillor Hodson presented his report


In response to a request from Councillor S Collop, Councillor Hodson agreed to let her know who had submitted letters of support for the Future High Streets Fund application.


In response to Councillor J Collop’s questions regarding out of town shopping, empty units and what the council was planning to do to assist the town centre, Councillor Hodson confirmed that the Council was trying to improve what was coming to the town centre, but agreed to email some information.  In response to Councillor A Tyler, Councillor Hodson confirmed that he hoped the work being put in by the Council would help solve the problem in the town centre.




Deputy Leader and Culture, Heritage and Health - Councillor Mrs E Nockolds pdf icon PDF 59 KB


Councillor Mrs Nockolds presented her report.  In response to a question from Councillor S Collop, Councillor Nockolds explained that the Street Art working group was set up by the Heritage Forum with the aim to improve some areas of the town with street art.  Suggestions were also being made to install arches on Tower street.


Following a question from Councillor Mrs Wilkinson on whether ward members were to be informed about the youth loneliness consultation, Councillor Mrs Nockolds explained that young people would be interviewed, the results compiled and once available they could be shared with members.


Councillor A Tyler commended the festival town element of King’s Lynn, he asked if there was more relating to the Great British Cycling Festival which could be accessed.  Councillor Mrs Nockolds confirmed that the Cycling Festival had a web site with information available, and the council was trying to co-ordinate extra activity in the town on the day to encourage visitors to stop and visit.



Leader and Resources - Councillor B Long pdf icon PDF 58 KB


Councillor Long presented his report.  In response to a question from Councillor Mrs Collop as to whether the Council would support stopping pavement parking as in Scotland, Councillor Long confirmed that if it was within his remit he would support that, but it would be a matter for the County Council.


Following a question from Councillor Joyce on what steps were being taken to ensure that people with a severe mental impairment received the council tax benefit entitlement, Councillor Long undertook to check what was carried done and inform councillors. 


Councillor McGuinness, as it was his last Council meeting, thanked all Councillors for their exchanges in and out of the chamber, and officers, in particular democratic services.  Councillor Long confirmed that the Council was fortunate to have such a highly thought of officer team across the authority.


Councillor J Collop asked why additional money was being added to reserves when there were so many projects on the go.  Councillor Long explained that the funded budget went to council in February, and it was necessary to put money in reserves to keep the routine business of the council running.


In response to a question from Councillor A Tyler, Councillor Long confirmed he had visited the Norse operated Bowthorpe Care Home in Norwich to see it in operation.  He drew attention to the demographic of the county and the number of elderly requiring care, and confirmed discussions on the potential size of land they would require to provide such a facility this side of the county.




In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chairman of any Council Body (except the Cabinet).


Councillor Mrs Spikings thanked members for the last 20 years as a councillor and those as Chairman of Planning, particularly Councillor Peake, her Vice Chairman, and Officers, particularly the Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer, Planning and  Democratic Services.


Councillor Mrs Watson,  who was retiring at the election also wished her thanks be passed to members and officers, and wished Council well.


Councillor Morrison, who was also retiring thanked the staff at King’s Court for their assistance in making the job achievable.  He thanked Councillors for their genial and wise advice over the years.


Councillor Bambridge, following the question relating to the number of empty units in the town reported on the town centre partnership minutes which set out the detailed numbers.



(Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session)

To consider the following recommendations to Council:



Cabinet: 26 March 2019 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

CAB134:          Review of the operation of the Planning Sifting Panel

CAB135:          Risk Management Policy and Strategy Review

CAB138:          Treasury Management Strategy 2019/20


The recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 26 March 2019 were proposed by Councillor Long and seconded by Councillor Mrs Nockolds.


CAB134:          Review of the operation of the Planning Sifting Panel

CAB135:          Risk Management Policy and Strategy Review

CAB138:          Treasury Management Strategy 2019/20


RESOLVED:   That the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 26 March 2019 be approved.