Agenda and minutes

Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327 

No. Item




Prayers were led by the Rev Canon Ling.



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 6 September 2018 (previously circulated).



RESOLVED:   The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 6 September 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.







To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.






To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent. 








To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.



Under Standing Order 9 the Mayor invited the following Public Questioners to pose their questions:


1)       Question from Jo Rust


“Elizabeth Truss, MP for SWN, recently claimed that "We are not making cuts to local authorities. What we have done is give them more revenue raising powers so that decisions can be taken locally"


Some local authorities have been forced to declare technical insolvency as councils struggle to weather the financial pressure caused by budget cuts.  


How close is our borough council to this happening here?”


Councillor Long responded welcoming the fact that the Government were allowing councils to control their destinies, he drew attention to the fact that many of the problems in the county were with those providing the children’s and adult services which the Borough Council did not have responsibility for .  For the statutory services which the Council did provide he considered that as the authority was soundly managed it was able to continue to provide them.


By way of supplementary Mrs Rust asked if the additional revenue raised had been sufficient to plug the central government funding cuts?


Councillor Long responded that so far, yes it had been as the council was carrying out house building and commercial properties which would deliver homes for people in west Norfolk for sale and rent.


2)       Question from Francis Bone


“The guildhall is a jewel in the crown of the borough council and King’s Lynn. As a building that has this total significance and international interest why has the council not entered in dialogue with LArCH, Lynn Art, Culture and Heritage Group who want to work with the council with its team of experts including people who help raise bids to support the campaign to find the best outcome to the benefit of not the town but also the country.”


Councillor Mrs Nockolds responded:            


I believe the Guildhall Complex is not the only jewel we have in King’s Lynn & West Norfolk.


I am not sure what you mean about consulting with the stakeholders of the complex.


We have held many discussions with all the groups but at an individual level.  As each group, who uses the Guildhall, have different needs and ideas I prefer it this way.


I also believe the Council are looking at the wider picture of all our Heritage buildings and the future of our town centre in a creative way and to build on our strengths we have already. Towns are not just about shopping.  Culture and Heritage plays a unique role in creating a sense of place.


You may be aware that the Council has implemented a feasibility study as to whether King’s Lynn needs a Creative Hub. We have held a consultation evening and now we are asking the public to complete a survey.


Would a Hub provide inspiration and experiences for young creators, offer opportunities and resources for start-ups, or to enable networking and attract more people to town.


We already have a Creative company producing a new Active  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:51



To consider the attached report.


Council considered the report on the declaration of vacancy for the West Winch ward following the non attendance of Councillor Anota for a six month period.  On being put to the vote it was:


RESOLVED:   1)         That Council notes that Baljinder Anota has ceased to be a member of this authority;

2)         That Council declares as vacant the office held by Baljinder Anota as a councillor for the West Winch ward;

3)         That Council agrees that as the vacancy has fallen within 6 months of the scheduled Borough Council election on 2 May 2019 the position will be held vacant.




In accordance with Standing Order 11.1 to receive reports from Cabinet Members in the following order and under Standing Order 11.2 (a) Members of the Council may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and Portfolio areas:


(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)




Corporate Projects and Assets - Councillor A Beales pdf icon PDF 447 KB


As Councillor Beales was not present for the meeting, councillors were invited to send any questions via email.


Development - Councillor R Blunt pdf icon PDF 214 KB


Councillor Blunt presented his report.  In response to a question on the increase in applications being made by email and the work being undertaken to assist with this, and the target date for the housing delivery targets, Councillor Blunt explained that an alternative access portal was being investigated.  An action plan was being prepared for the target and would be included in the local plan for the next 12 months.    


Housing and Community - Councillor A Lawrence pdf icon PDF 56 KB


As Councillor  Lawrence  was not present for the meeting, councillors were invited to send any questions via email.



Environment - Councillor I Devereux pdf icon PDF 60 KB


Councillor Devereux presented his report.  He updated Members on the new tags for bins not complying with contents which were in place within a week.

Councillor Devereux responded to questions on recycling levels, flytipping and the issue of fly tipping on private land including Freebridge’s, the fact that the confetti and streamers used in the Christmas lights switch on had been paper and were environmentally friendly. Councillor Devereux also explained the process for the letting of the new 3 party waste contract which should come into place at the end of the summer 2019.


In response to a question on his membership of the Alive Leisure Trust Board, Councillor Devereux confirmed he had been nominated by the Leader and appointed by Cabinet.


Facilities and IT - Councillor Mrs K Mellish pdf icon PDF 68 KB


As Councillor Mrs Mellish was not present for the meeting, councillors were invited to send any questions via email.



Performance - Councillor P Hodson pdf icon PDF 57 KB


As Councillor Hodson was not present for the meeting, councillors were invited to send any questions via email.



Deputy Leader and Culture, Heritage and Health - Councillor Mrs E Nockolds pdf icon PDF 63 KB


Councillor Mrs Nockolds presented her report.  In response to a question relating to representations made to protect services at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Councillor Mrs Nockolds explained that she was attending a meeting with the CCG.


Following questions on the cost and details of the REVEAL project, Councillor Mrs Nockolds gave an update of the costs involved and the grant received for the project and the detail on the participants of the projects. She also gave an update on the Norfolk Arts Forum.


Leader and Resources - Councillor B Long pdf icon PDF 65 KB


Councillor Long presented his report and responded to a question on borrowing taken out which was re-payable shortly by confirming that borrowing was regularly being taken out or repaid as part of the treasury management process, and that all loans offered were only offered to an organisation with a good credit rating. 


Following a question on the decision not to pursue work to investigate a partnership with Breckland Council which had not been shared with the opposition members, Councillor Long explained he had held informal discussions and was not minded to pursue the proposal and had made appropriate reports to Council to update Councillors on this.   


Councillor Long confirmed that he believed that the additional fee payable for the recycling contract would have to be included in the monthly report.  In response to a question on the non attendance of members at the Council meeting Councillor Long confirmed that some members were attending a Conservative party event, or were working.  He also responded to a comment made about the disparity of the numbers of women standing in the conservative group by confirming that candidates put themselves forward and there was no discrimination in any way in the process.


Following questions on the situation with Fairstead Drs Surgery, Councillor Long explained that he was due to visit the surgery soon but the Managing Partner was considering his business and commercial issues.   He also confirmed that the provision of a surgery in the West Winch Delivery Plan may be considered and was part of discussions and consideration for the Master Plan.


He also confirmed that Universal Credit had come into force on 14 November, and he had not had reported any specific issues arising therefrom.  He also welcomed the number of staff who had taken up the offer of a flu jab this year.






In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chairman of any Council Body (except the Cabinet).


Councillor Middleton and Audit Committee Chairman was asked what questions were asked by the Committee on the NWES loan and the loan to Northampton County Council.  He confirmed that questions had been asked and relevant credit checks and due diligence undertaken - he was assured that an update would be given to members in due course.



(Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session)

To consider the following recommendations to Council:



Cabinet: 2 October 2018 pdf icon PDF 49 KB

CAB70:         Council Tax Discounts 2019/20




Councillor Long proposed the recommendation from the 2 October 2018 Cabinet meeting and was seconded by Councillor Mrs Nockolds.


In debating CAB70:Council Tax Discounts 2019/20, the Leader accepted the amendment proposed from Councillor Mrs Collop that in recommendation 4 the word Member have “/s” added to take into account multi member wards.


Councillor Dark drew members attention to the multi party decision included to give 100% relief for care leavers and the big impact this would have on those young people.


RESOLVED:That the recommendation from 2 October 2018 as now amended be approved.



Special Cabinet: 17 October 2018 pdf icon PDF 46 KB

CAB80: Revision to the Local Property Investment Fund Criteria



Councillor Long proposed the following recommendation from the Cabinet meeting on 17 October 2018, and was seconded by Councillor Mrs Nockolds:


In debating CAB80:Revision to the Local Property Investment Fund Criteria, Councillor J Collop stated that he felt that the majority of any investment should be in West Norfolk. Councillor Joyce expressed the view that all money should be invested in West Norfolk. Councillor McGuiness asked if it was investment of revenue and why was it limited to Norfolk.


In summing up Councillor Long explained that as Norfolk had a business rates pool which meant that the benefits of the pool came to all Norfolk Authorities the Borough Council would receive the benefit.  He also confirmed that the lion’s share of any investment would be made in West Norfolk, but the change opened up more opportunities.  He reminded Council that any major proposals would have to be reported through Cabinet.  On being put to the vote it was:


RESOLVED:That the recommendation from 17 October 2018 be approved.



Cabinet: 13 November 2018 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

CAB 91:           West Winch/North Runcton Strategic Growth Area - Infrastructure Delivery Plan


CAB92:            Gambling Act 2005 - Review Of Policy


CAB94:            Corn Exchange Cinema


Exempt Item

CAB96:            Re-Fit - Energy Performance Contract





Councillor Long proposed the following recommendations from the Cabinet meeting on 13 November 2018 and was seconded by Councillor Mrs Nockolds:


CAB 91:        West Winch/North Runcton Strategic Growth Area - Infrastructure Delivery Plan

CAB92:         Gambling Act 2005 - Review Of Policy

CAB94:         Corn Exchange Cinema, Councillor Long  


In summing up Councillor Long explained that he had received correspondence from the King’s Lynn Community Cinema Club raising a point on the usage of the Corn Exchange cinema, but he confirmed it would be run as a commercial cinema alongside the Majestic, which was considered better for the town centre than an out of town facility. 


In debating CAB96: Re-Fit - Energy Performance Contract item Council agreed to exclude the press and public to debate the following item, this recommendation was then taken at the end of the meeting.


Exclusion of the press and public


RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.


CAB96:         Re-Fit - Energy Performance Contract


Councillor J Collop in referring to the contract stressed the need to ensure it was closely monitored.  Councillor Long reminded Members of the large amount of CO2 which would be saved by the proposals, and that reports would be made on progress to the Corporate Performance Panel.


RESOLVED:That the recommendations from 13 November 2018 be approved.




Councillor Long proposed and Councillor Mrs Nockolds seconded the recommendations.  In debating the recommendations Councillor Long accepted Councillor Mrs Collops amendment to include “/s” after Member in recommendation 7 to take into account multi member wards.


RESOLVED:           That under Section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as enacted by Section 75 of the Local Government Act 2003, Section 11B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as enacted by Section 11 and Section 12 of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 and in accordance with the provisions of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003, the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and the Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Act 2018 the Council determined:


1.     That the council tax discount for Second Homes defined as being within Class A of the Regulations be set at 0% for 2019/2020;


2.     That the council tax discount for Second Homes as defined by Class B of the Regulations be set at 0% for 2019/2020;


3.     That the council tax discount for Empty / Unfurnished dwellings defined as being within Class C of the Regulations be set at 0% for 2019/2020;


4.     That the council tax discount for Uninhabitable dwellings defined as being within Class D of the Regulations be set at the following for 2019/2020:


a.     25% for 12 months starting on the day the dwelling becomes uninhabitable; then

b.     0% once the 12 month period has expired;


5.     That the Levy rate for Long Term Empty Dwellings as defined in the Regulations be set at 100% for 2019/2020;


6.     That any period of occupation of less than six weeks shall be disregarded when calculating the maximum period of a reduction or the start date of the Levy;


7.     That delegated authority be given for individual applications under s13a Local Government Finance Act 1992 be determined by the Revenues and Benefits Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance and the relevant Ward Member/s.


8.     In accordance with Section 11A(6) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as enacted by Section 75 of the Local Government Act 2003 and the Local Government Finance Act 2012, these determinations shall be published in at least one newspaper circulating in West Norfolk before the end of the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the determinations.