Agenda and minutes

Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327 

No. Item




Council held a minutes silence in memory of former Councillor and Mayor Michael Langwade who had passed away the previous week.




Prayers were led by the Mayor’s Chaplain, Father Ling.



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 25 June 2015 (pages 98 to 112).



RESOLVED:The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 25 June 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.




There were none.



To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.



There were none.



To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent. 






To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.





In accordance with Standing Order 11.1 to receive reports from Cabinet Members in the following order and under Standing Order 11.2 (a) Members of the Council may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and Portfolio areas:


(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)




Culture Heritage and Health - Councillor Mrs E Nockolds


Councillor Mrs Nockolds presented her report.  Councillor Chenery of Horsbrugh complimented the light shows in the town, in particular those lighting up the churches.  Councillor Mrs Nockolds reminded Members that they had been funded using EU grant aid as part of the Amiens project.  She further informed Members that two of the British artists on the scheme had recently had success in the form of an award at the Tatton Park, and being employed to carry out work at Westminster Abbey.


Councillor Mrs Collop asked for detail of the Friends of the Walks meetings and if the ward members could attend them.  Councillor Mrs Nockolds undertook to pass the information to the Chairman of the Committee for him to give them the information about the meetings.


Councillor Mrs Mellish drew attention to the 40’s weekend recently held in King’s Lynn which had been a great event and was still a talking point.  She sought the portfolios views on thanks being passed to Fl Lt Pauline Petch from the No 42 King’s Lynn Sqn ATC for all the work she put into the event featuring spitfires.  Councillor Mrs Nockolds informed Council that she agreed, and had congratulated Fl Lt Petch on the Saturday of the event, she had also arranged sponsorship for the spitfires featured on the trail in the town, which would eventually be auctioned for charity. She was pleased that the thanks were being made publically for Flt Lt Petch.


Coast and Tourism - Councillor P Beal pdf icon PDF 55 KB


Councillor Beal presented his report. Councillor Bird welcomed Councillor Beal to his new role, and asked for information on the £10,000 award for Hunstanton would be spent.  Councillor Beal explained that the money applied for was for the Coastal Community Team, which would involve the community including  the youth, the church, and people in the town.  He suggested that the team, and the work done may eventually all be linked up with the Heritage Lottery bid, but that was yet to be discussed.


In referring to the Safer Neighbourhood Area Panel (SNAP) meeting in Councillor Beal’s meetings list, Councillor J Collop commented that he was not familiar with the new SNAP arrangements.  Councillor Beal stated that there were now 3 meetings in Hunstanton, King’s Lynn and Downham Market, initiated by the Police, he wasn’t aware of the reasoning behind the changes as he had not been involved.  He commented that the Hunstanton Meeting had been very successful and encouraged Members to attend the meetings in their areas.  Councillor Mrs Wilkinson commented that she thought they wouldn’t be in the same format.  It was noted it was Councillor Long’s portfolio.


Development - Councillor Mrs V Spikings pdf icon PDF 196 KB


Councillor Mrs Spikings presented her report.  In relation to the LDF Examination postponement, and the briefing given to members recently, Councillor J Collop asked who had changed the rules relating to the land supply etc.  Councillor Mrs Spikings explained that the last Inspector for a planning appeal had decided the authority did not had enough of a land supply, contrary to a previous Inspectors view, despite the Core Strategy being sound.  However, that Inspector’s decision now took precedence over any other decisions made.  A letter had been sent to the Local Plan Examination Inspector setting out mitigation measures, asking for it to be restarted in September.


Councillor Collop then asked how much the delay had cost the Council, to which Councillor Mrs Spikings explained that there was not much additional cost as Officers were continuing to work hard on the matter as they would ordinarily.


Councillor Gourlay asked how many other Council’s Examinations had been “ambushed” by the RSPB.  Councillor Mrs Spikings responded that she didn’t know how many, but that South Cambs District Council was in a similar situation.  She also informed Members that the Inspectors had recently been told by the Government that they should take a more pragmatic view and work with the local authorities to come up with positive results.


Environment - Councillor B Long


Councillor Long presented his report.  Councillor A Tyler asked if all efforts were being made to continue to lobby for the planned 30 min interval trains to King’s Lynn from King’s Cross.  He suggested comments and lobbying be addressed to Sir Peter Hendy who was addressing the Network Rail CP5 investment programme.  Councillor Long commented that lobbying was being done, but there was differing information coming to MPs from the Department of Transport and Network Rail.  He commented that the service was critical to King’s Lynn and would continue to lobby to help that, whilst at the same time ensuring the Liverpool Street  service was maintained. 


Councillor Smith made reference to the difference with the age and business user friendliness of the Liverpool Street Station trains compared to the King’s Cross trains.  He also made reference  to the fact that many of the trains he travelled on were in dire need of cleaning and hoped that more cleaners would be employed to do so.  Councillor Long  responded that more trains and staff etc would be required, but that he should address complaints about the cleanliness directly to Rail company.


Councillor J Collop asked what the situation was with the changes to the SNAP meetings.  Councillor Long explained that he had been discussing it with the Police who were no longer able to provide Officers to support all 9 of the previous meetings.  The Police had originally only wanted to have 1 SNAP meeting, but following further discussion they had agreed to have 3, in King’s Lynn, Hunstanton and Downham Market.  The same members from each of the original areas would be able to attend the meetings.  He informed Members that he had raised concerns about the diminution of the Meetings, with the Police and Crime Commissioner  who had responded that it was an operational matter for the Police to deal with.


Councillor J Collop commented that there were on occasion large number of people attending the old SNAP meetings, and he hoped the new ones would be able to cope with the numbers.  Councillor Mrs Wilkinson asked if the parking provision was considered for the meetings venues.  Councillor Long reminded Members the meetings were a Police Initiative, inviting the Borough to participate.


Housing and Community - Councillor A Lawrence pdf icon PDF 61 KB


Councillor Lawrence presented his report.  Councillor Humphrey, in drawing attention to the Food Hygiene grant awarded to the authority congratulated the Council on it, particularly where the Council were leading on the Norfolk wide system.  He asked that congratulations be passed to the team involved.  Councillor Lawrence confirmed that the Food Hygiene Team were held in high regard, and were at the forefront of events in their business.


Councillor S Collop asked when the free smoke detectors would be available to private landlords, to which Councillor Lawrence responded that there was not a date yet, but he hoped they may be available in time for the Landlords Forum.


Councillor Moriarty asked if the funding awarded to the Food Hygiene team required match funding, to which it was confirmed it did not.


Councillor Gourlay asked if Councillor Lawrence knew what had become of the 29 people not admitted to the Housing Register as they had no local connection.  Councillor Lawrence stated he was not aware of the detail, but would not be able to discuss their details in public anyway.  Councillor Gourlay stated that he felt that Councillor Lawrence was an uncaring Councillor, and left the Chamber.  Councillor Lawrence went on to remind Members that all applications were confidential and information on them would not be given out.


Councillor A Tyler commended the support given to the Purfleet Trust recently and encouraged any further support that could be given to them.  Councillor Lawrence acknowledged the point and confirmed the Council would continue to work to support them.




ICT, Leisure and Public Space - Councillor D Pope


Councillor Pope presented his report and gave the following additional information:


·       The new stalls on the market place would begin in early September, with about 20 stalls and a waiting list.  Some of the previous holders had opted to stay in the town centre.

·       The new 20 min free parking bays had been operating for 2 weeks now with the following usage:

·              Valentine Road – 26

·              Albert Street – 113

·              Saturday Market Place – 272

·              Baker Lane – 279

·              Tuesday Market Place – 5,476


·       The Parking income in the last 3 months had increased by £104,733.


Councillor Mrs S Collop asked if the attendant at the bus station worked on a Saturday as she had not been able to find anyone to ask for information.  Councillor Pope confirmed the position would be covered for 6 days, and they were in the process of advertising for a further part time post to ensure that cover.


Councillor J Collop, in referring to the forthcoming meeting of the Walks Forum commented that he felt it would have been better to have a local member on the Forum as Vice Chairman as opposed to another Cabinet Member.



Special Projects - Councillor Lord Howard


Councillor Lord Howard was not present at the meeting, Members were invited to put any questions to him on emails.


Deputy Leader and Regeneration and Industrial Assets - Councillor A Beales pdf icon PDF 63 KB


Councillor Beales presented his report.  Councillor Mrs Collop asked when the cover over the cycle rack on the bus station would be installed.  Councillor Beales undertook to find out and let her know.


Councillor Beales, in referring to the acquisition of the Silo Site by the Council which was due for completion, was not yet complete as responses to pre contract enquiries were still awaiting responses.


Councillor Smith asked for reassurance that with the changes in the LDF and land supply requirements, that the land at Lynnsport which had been removed from the Major Housing Proposal would remain as open space.  Councillor Beales confirmed that was the case, and reminded Members that at the first Council meeting after the election it had been agreed to make it a Field In Trust.


Leader and Resources - Councillor N Daubney


Councillor Daubney presented his report.  Councillor Mrs Collop asked whether Council would be given an update on the Educational Attainment for West Norfolk, to which Councillor Daubney agreed that he would be happy to arrange an update later in the year.


Councillor Devereux congratulated the Leader on the attraction of so much high quality and technology to the Borough, and also commended the business support and aftercare given by the Borough, the overall picture showing the Borough was prospering and growing.  Councillor Daubney referred to the small business liaison team at the Council who assisted businesses with advice and guidance where possible.  He had received numerous compliments on the service provided by the Council on this matter.  He reminded Members that in approximately a years’ time, the new Innovation Centre would also be in operation which would be a further boost for the area.


Councillor Humphrey drew attention to the exciting inward investment in the Borough at Marham and Bexwell, particularly as the sites were close to each other so potentially providing synergy between the two sites.   Councillor Daubney referred to the advanced engineering taking place in the Borough such as the Fast Jet Technology, all of which provided higher paid jobs and opportunities for local people including local apprenticeships being formed.


Councillor A Tyler made reference to some problems he had recently experienced with delays at the bus station.  He asked if these should be reported directly to the bus company or to the Council.  Councillor Daubney commented that he should address them to the bus company, unless there were consistent problems with the level of service,  the Council would need to know about.   He commented that the new bus station provided information which was clear and accessible.


Councillor Tyler also suggested that the information rack at the railway station should be better placed for all to be able to access the leaflets it held.  Councillor Daubney undertook to arrange some liaison with the Station.


Councillor Middleton, in referring to the National Construction College award of £4.5m under the Government’s Growth Fund and its £27m refurbishment asked Councillor Daubney if the Council’s congratulations should be sent to the Board in achieving the grant.  Councillor Daubney agreed, and  drew attention to CITB’s chequered history which had included questions about its viability.  The Centre’s facilities were now second to none, and enabled the College to provide the staff to for the construction industry.  Councillor Daubney also wished to pass best wishes to the Principal of the College, who he had just learned had been seriously ill and just returned to work.


Councillor Shorting asked if the Council provided a business start up service, including funding for young people.  Councillor Daubney explained that if they enquired of the Council they would be signposted to the Enterprise Agency, or the Princes Trust in particular who were there to help younger people and also to provide some funding streams.


Councillor J Collop asked what the Leaders view was on the reorganisation or local  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:31ix



In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chairman of any Council Body (except the Cabinet) on any items in the Minutes of that Council Body which are being presented to the Council previously circulated.



As no matters had been referred by other bodies, there were no questions.