Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions
Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327
No. | Item |
PRAYERS Minutes: Prayers were led by Rev Canon Ling
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 4 July 2019. (previously circulated).
Minutes: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 4 July 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor, subject to the addition of Councillor Kemp’s name in C25: 2) appointment to the Norfolk Countywide Community Safety Partnership Scrutiny Sub-Panel and Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the nominations from the Panel.
DECLARATION OF INTEREST Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared. A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates. If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.
Minutes: None |
MAYOR'S COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.
Minutes: None |
URGENT BUSINESS - POLLING DISTRICT AND POLLING PLACE REVIEW PDF 59 KB To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent.
Additional documents:
In accordance with Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Mayor decided that the following matter should be considered to ensure any changes could be incorporated in time for any General election called.
RESOLVED: 1) That the Polling District Report and Polling Place Review Schedule is adopted.
2) That the Chief Executive and Returning Officer be given delegated authority to agree any changes to polling stations required and to further amend the Polling District and Polling Place Schedule accordingly.
PETITIONS AND PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9. Minutes: Under Standing Order 9, the Mayor invited the public questioners to pose their questions as follows: Question 1- Mr Cliff Goodman There is a global climate emergency, official warnings from government sources suggest that bold, imaginative action is needed to drastically reduce carbon levels and slow temperature rise. There are official warnings of rising sea levels, heavier rainfall, hotter summers, and increase in climate related mortality. The list goes on. What does this Council intend to do regarding bold imaginative action? Councillor Devereux responded as follows: “Our Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk adopted the Norfolk Climate Change Strategy in 2008 and also signed up to the Nottingham Accord in 2008. As I reported in some detail to the April Council this year; The Strategy set two high level goals to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, which continue today! Firstly: The mitigation objective was “To cut carbon emissions by reducing energy consumption and promoting a shift to low-carbon technology”
Secondly: The adaptation objective was “To improve Norfolk’s resilience to the changing climate, including reduction of the socio-economic and environmental risks associated with flooding and coastal erosion A whole series of individual projects were set up at the time to pursue these goals and over several years Annual reports demonstrated their success with reducing CO2 emissions, before Government discontinued the need for further reporting. Implementation of those projects and others, have continued to deliver reductions in emissions from Borough Council sources. Recent interactions have resulted in our decision to make this work more visible, and to quantify our current achievements which will enable us to set appropriate objectives and our future course of action. The first phase of our programme is to collect data to establish a base line for the current carbon footprint of the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, then to identify further mitigation measures. In parallel we are exploring working with other Norfolk Councils and the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership to enable us to establish the overall carbon footprint for the whole of West Norfolk. Clearly the wider impact of this Councils programme depends on the relevant actions by government and other agencies. We are mindful, therefore, that the nature of our Borough presents its own unique challenges and constraints. For example, King’s Lynn and West Norfolk is the third largest district by area but sparsely populated. The peat-based fenland and history of landfill sites with few forest areas mean that historically we have contributed to the ‘carbon emission burden’. Furthermore, the rural nature of the area and the reliance on major trunk roads including the A47, A17, A10, A148 and A149; and national infrastructure such as power stations, all adversely influence our overall carbon footprint, but, are beyond direct control of this Council. Significant progress is also being made on the Adaptation Objective. My report to be taken by Council later, highlights the multi-million, 75 year programme of infrastructure work for Flood Risk Management of the Hunstanton sea ... view the full minutes text for item C:31 |
CABINET MEMBERS REPORTS In accordance with Standing Order 11.1 to receive reports from Cabinet Members in the following order and under Standing Order 11.2 (a) Members of the Council may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and Portfolio areas:
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
Business Development - Councillor G Middleton PDF 63 KB Minutes: Councillor Middleton presented his report and concurred with Councillor Moriarty in welcoming Lorraine Gore to her first meeting as Chief Executive.
In response to a question from Councillor Rust on whether revenue was up in the town when events were being held, Councillor Middleton confirmed that he wasn’t privy to car park information, but feedback he had received from businesses was that the events brought in more locals and visitors to the town, weather permitting.
Councillor Middleton confirmed that work was underway to look at future events and would book as many as possible in the time available, and if the Council wasn’t able to hold the event, it would encourage others to do so. In response to a question from Councillor A Tyler, he undertook to ask the BID for a statement as to how they felt the events had gone for the town.
Councillor Dark suggested that the Council’s thanks should be passed to all staff who had been involved in working on, before or after events in the town over the summer. Councillor Middleton agreed with the statement which councillors endorsed.
With regard to the issue of the replacement of the old out of date industrial estate signs with generic ones for the estate generally raised by Councillor Kemp, Councillor Middleton explained he had received only two comments on the proposals, but on visiting the sites and having discussions with a haulage company it was evident that the signs were not used by visitors or delivery drivers to locate individual businesses.
Following a question from Councillor Ryves regarding the activities elsewhere in the Borough, Councillor Middleton reminded members that King’s Lynn was the central hub, but that he was involved with meetings with the Leader with Hunstanton and Downham town councils and rural businesses. In response to a further comment regarding the availability of grants to encourage rural areas to celebrate their identities, Councillor Middleton cautioned against the use of council tax payers money for private entities. He drew attention to the grant secured for projects such as the enterprise zone, and stated his willingness to listen to any ideas within the current funds available. |
Commercial Services - Councillor P Kunes PDF 54 KB Minutes: Councillor Kunes presented his report. In response to a question from Councillor A Tyler he confirmed that the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Board meetings were much improved, financial situation seemed to be improving and they had a new Chief Executive.
Following a question from Councillor Jones as to whether the new cashless parking facility would include apple and google pay, Councillor Kunes believed it would be added in due course, but undertook to check.
In response to Councillor Parish’s question regarding car park charges, Councillor Kunes explained that a review of car parking charges would be undertaken in the next few years, as it was not possible to incrementally increase charges as it would involve small increase figures which were not viable.
Following the detail of an individual staff case being raised in the meeting, the Monitoring Officer prevented the disclosure of information being made and discussed in the meeting.
Following a question on the water level in the Gayton Road cemetery, councillor Kunes undertook to ensure that Councillors J Collop and J Rust were invited to a meeting with the Environment Agency and the AWA to discuss the matter. He also indicated that the situation to resolve the issue would potentially apply to other cemeteries in the same position. |
Development - Councillor R Blunt PDF 335 KB Minutes: In Councillor Blunt’s absence, Councillors were invited to email him any questions relating to his report. |
Environment - Councillor I Devereux PDF 69 KB Minutes: Councillor Devereux presented his report. In response to a question from Councillor Hudson regarding the potential noise to be experienced for householders living close to the railway sidings and whether the council would monitor it, Councillor Devereux undertook to investigate whether it would come within the Council’s jurisdiction.
In response to a question from Councillor Squires on a joint briefing on beach pollution where she had also asked it to include river pollution, Councillor Devereux drew attention to the fact that the pollution incidence which had been referred to the previous meeting was a report of a potential for pollution due to heavy rainfall forecast.
In response to a question from Councillor de Whalley suggesting that the King’s Lynn Transport Strategy should include a reduction in emissions, Councillor Devereux reminded members that the strategy was to speed up traffic flow which would improve air quality management issues. He also confirmed that he had raised the environmental issues with the county council, and the strategy would come through a panel for comments in due course.
Councillor Devereux confirmed that the meeting he had held regarding Hunstanton and Heacham beaches related to the point raised at the previous meeting regarding waste being tipped onto the beach from businesses. |
Housing - Councillor A Lawrence PDF 58 KB Minutes: Councillor Lawrence presented his report and update council with the recent Homechoice figures. He undertook to look into providing the empty homes figures on a quarterly basis within his report as requested by Councillor Howman, he also encouraged people to report empty properties.
He informed members that the shared ownership properties were situated on the NORA site and Lynnsport 4 and 5 sites. With regard to a question from Councillor J Collop, Councillor Lawrence undertook to make available the new guidance on HMO’s when it was available. |
Project Delivery - Councillor P Gidney PDF 92 KB Minutes: Councillor Gidney presented his report. In response to a question from Councillor Parish as to whether if an industrial site could be identified in Heacham funding could be available, Councillor Gidney said it could potentially be so.
With regard to the brick kiln, Councillor Kemp considered it would be cheaper to restore the building than demolish it and store the bricks, it was confirmed that restoration would be expensive and render the site difficult to sell, and the decision to demolish had already been taken. |
Deputy Leader and Culture, Heritage and Health - Councillor Mrs E Nockolds PDF 65 KB Minutes: Councillor Mrs Nockolds presented her report. In response to a question from Councillor Moriarty regarding the involvement of stakeholders in the Guildhall discussions, Councillor Mrs Nockolds confirmed that the stakeholders were involved throughout. She also confirmed that the Regeneration and Development Panel could ask to see the proposals.
In response to a question from Councillor Bone, it was confirmed that the Custom House would be open for the Heritage Open day, and also for the following weekend when a German Society was visiting, and that options were being examined for other uses of the building permitting public viewing.
Councillor Mrs Nockolds endorsed Councillor Tyler’s comment regarding the opening of the museum and the events such as the coffee mornings to encourage attendance were valuable.
In response to Councillor J Collop’s question on whether users of the Walks were required to clean up and make good the surface on their departure, Councillor Mrs Nockolds confirmed that all users were encouraged to clean up after themselves.
Councillor Rust asked how many bed days were being saved with the direct west work and how many people had to be re admitted due to being released too early, to which Councillor Mrs Nockolds confirmed 100 days had been saved to date, and she had not heard about any re admissions.
Councillor Mrs Nockolds, when prompted as to whether the meeting regarding Fairstead surgery would be successful in keeping a surgery in the area, acknowledged that the current premises weren’t suitable, but that in the very least an early health hub was needed there. |
Leader and Resources - Councillor B Long PDF 42 KB Minutes: Councillor Long gave Council an update on his area as he had been hospitalised in the run up to the meeting. He complimented the staff and treatment he had received whilst in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. He informed Members that he had also been involved in the recruitment process for their new Chief Executive. Other meetings he had attended were the Fairstead surgery meeting, the Coastal Partnership, meetings with Hunstanton and Downham town councils, opened a sailing memories scheme at True’s Yard for people with dementia and chaired the Appointments Board to appoint the new Chief Executive, who he welcomed to her first meeting as such.
In response to comments received from Councillor Mrs Collop about the urgent item for polling stations and the use of a church for a polling station, Councillor Long reminded Members that if a general election was called it was necessary to have polling stations to vote in, and the fact that church rooms were often used as polling stations.
In response to a question from Councillor Howman regarding whether the council would consider buying back the land at Fairstead if it came back onto the market, Councillor Long commented that he wasn’t able to comment on the actions of the NHS, although the area had always been a public area with car parking for the businesses and schools etc, but it would be up to the Planning Committee to weigh up the factors and depend on its valuation.
Following a question from Councillor Morley on corporate governance and what changes the Cabinet would be recommending to the Council’s culture and scrutiny etc, Councillor Long drew attention to the proportionality requirements on the Council, he drew attention to the role of the Panels and the striving for continuous improvement by members attending training and information sessions and participating in the scrutiny. He also encouraged members to do the best they could regardless of allegiance.
In response to a question from Councillor Rust, Councillor Long confirmed it was members who decided on Freedom of the Borough requests.
Councillor Moriarty asked if the Leader intended setting up any further groups which were not proportional under the Cabinet, to which Councillor Long responded that the Cabinet Group was not required to be proportional.
Following a question from Councillor Ryes regarding the allocation of Chairs and Vice-Chairs Councillor Long confirmed the Chairs were dealt with in the usual fashion with a new administration and opposition members were put forward by their groups for vice-chair positions and accepted as per the Panel’s wishes.
MEMBERS QUESTION TIME In accordance with Standing Order 11.2 (b), Members of the Council may ask any questions of the Chairman of any Council Body (except the Cabinet). Minutes: Councillor Moriarty asked Councillor Sampson, Chair of Environment and Community Panel if a member of the Independent Group had been refused the opportunity to speak under standing order 34 at the recent panel meeting. Councillor Sampson explained that the start time of the meeting had been delayed slightly and he believed the councillor asked after the start time of the meeting. He apologised to Councillor Ryves for not allowing him to speak, and asked members to ensure they gave sufficient notice to Chairs that they would like to attend. |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COUNCIL BODIES (Members are reminded this is a debate, not a question and answer session) To consider the following recommendations to Council:
Environment and Community Panel 16th July 2019 PDF 40 KB EC17: Urgent Business: Appointment of Representative to King’s Lynn Football Club. Minutes: EC17: Urgent Business: Appointment of Representative to King’s Lynn Football Club.
As the Panel had referred the appointment back to Council, nominees were invited. Mr Paul Bland was nominated by Councillor Long and seconded by Councillor Moriarty. This was agreed.
RESOLVED: That Mr Paul Bland be agreed as the Council’s King’s Lynn Football Club nominee.
Cabinet: 6 August 2019 PDF 46 KB CAB34: Code of Corporate Governance
Minutes: Councillor Long proposed the recommendation from the meeting for CAB34: Code of Corporate Governance.
Councillor Moriarty drew attention to the importance of the document and suggested that members be given a hard copy of the document. Councillor Morely suggested that a training course on the subject should be offered for Councillors. It was agreed that hard copies would be available to members on request.
Resolved: That the recommendation from 6 August 2019 Cabinet be agreed.