Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Kathy Wagg on 01553 616276  Email:

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.  He advised that the meeting was being recorded and streamed live to You Tube.


He invited the Democratic Services Officer to conduct a roll call to determine attendees.



To receive any apologies for absence and to note any substitutions.


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Ryves (Councillor Bearshaw (sub) and Councillor Storey (Councillor Barclay sub)


The Chair thanked Councillors Barclay and Bearshaw for attending the meeting as a substitute.



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 October and the Reconvened Meeting held on 5 October 2023.


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 October and of the Reconvened meeting held on 5 October 2023 (previously circulated) were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the Member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.


These declarations apply to all Members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area.


Councillor appointed representatives on the Internal Drainage Boards are noted.



There were no declarations of interest.


Urgent Business Under Standing Order 7

To consider any business, which by reason of special circumstances, the Chair proposes to accept, under Section 100(b)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972.


There was none.


Members attending under Standing Order 34

Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chairman of their intention to do so and on what items they wish to be heard before a decision on that item is taken.


The following Councillors attended under Standing Order 34:


Councillor Coates       9/1(a)   Knights Hill

Councillor Rust           9/1(a)   Knights Hill – statement to be read out

Councillor Moriarty     9/1(a)   Knights Hill


Councillor Coates       9/1(b)   Castle Rising



Chair's Correspondence

To receive any Chair’s correspondence.


The Chair reported that any correspondence received had been read and passed to the appropriate officer


Receipt of Late Correspondence on Applications pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To receive the Schedule of Late Correspondence received since the publication of the agenda.


A copy of the late correspondence received after the publication of the agenda, which had been previously circulated, was tabled.  A copy of the agenda would be held for public inspection with a list of background papers.


Glossary of Terms pdf icon PDF 398 KB


The Committee noted the Glossary of Terms.


Index of Applications pdf icon PDF 108 KB

The Committee is asked to note the Index of Applications.


The Committee noted the Index of Applications.


Decisions on Applications pdf icon PDF 258 KB

To consider and determine the attached Schedule of Planning Applications submitted by the Executive Director.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered schedules of applications for planning permission submitted by the Executive Director for Planning and Environment (copies of the schedules were published with the agenda). Any changes to the schedules were recorded in the minutes.


RESOLVED: That the application be determined, as set out at (i) – (vi) below, where appropriate, to the conditions and reasons or grounds of refusal, set out in the schedules signed by the Chair.


(i)              22/01310/RMM

King’s Lynn / South Wootton / Grimston / Castle Rising:  Land west of Knights Hill Village, Grimston Road, South Wootton:  Approval of matters reserved for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping following outline planning permission 16/02231/OM for the erection of new homes, open space, a car park to serve Reffley Wood, paths and cycleways and associated development:  BDW Trading Ltd and Whistle Wood and Reffley Wood


Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The case officer introduced the report and explained that the site was located on the north-eastern outer limits of King’s Lynn partly within the parishes of South Wootton and Castle Rising and an unparished part of King’s Lynn and was immediately to the west of Grimston Parish boundary.  It was located to the west of the A149, Queen Elizabeth Way and south of the A148, Grimston Road adjacent to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Knights Hill Hotel complex of which the main building, Rising Lodge was Grade II Listed.


The site was located within Flood Zone 1.


The site was bisected by Sandy Lane.  The section of Sandy Lane which crossed the site was a pedestrian route with restricted vehicular access onto the A149.  To the west of the site Sandy Lane returned to an unrestricted road that curved to the north to a point that linked up with the A148, Grimston Road.


Adjacent to the site (to the northwest) was a recently approved development site known as Claylands permitted under applications 15/017782/OM and 20/00666/RM.  Both the Claylands permission and the outline consent for the site that was the subject of the report required a pedestrian / cycle link between the two sites.


To the south and southwest of the site was Reffley Wood (a designed Ancient Woodland).  The wood provided a large recreational area for residents as well as an important wildlife habitat. 


In broad terms, levels across the site decreased from north to south with the lowest elements in the most southern part of the site.


Although there was a level change of approximately 37.5 m between the highest and lowest parts of the site (AOD in the north and 5-6AOD in the south), gradients were relatively shallow due to the size of the site (35.3ha).


The application sought reserved matters (RM) approval for 574 dwellings, open space, formal sports pitches, a car park to serve Reffley Wood and associated development including substations, drainage, roads, cycle and pedestrian paths and other such works, following the grant of outline planning permission under application 16/02231/OM  ...  view the full minutes text for item PC70:a


Delegated Decisions pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To receive the Schedule of Planning Applications determined by the Executive Director.

Additional documents:


The Committee received schedules relating to the above.


RESOLVED:   That the reports be noted.