Agenda and minutes

Venue: Meeting Room 2-1 - Second Floor, King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Parker 01553 616632 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Alan Gomm and Nikki Patton.


Notes from the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 58 KB


The notes from the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the Member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.


These declarations apply to all members present, whether the Member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local Member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area



There was none.


Members Present Under Standing Order 34

Members wishing to speak pursuant to Standing Order 34 should inform the Chair of their intention to do so and what items they wish to be heard before a decision on that item is taken.  



Councillor Howland.


Council owned sites

To discuss the outcomes of the meetings with the Custom Build enablers.


Members received a presentation from officers which provided an overview of meetings held with five custom and self-build enablers and the different options which could be taken forward on Council owned sites, namely the site at Stoke Ferry.


The Task Group discussed the following:


·        The pros and cons of the different methods of delivering custom and self-build on sites and the different roles of the enablers.

·        The risks associated with each option and how these could be mitigated.

·        How the Council could retain control and ensure that a quality build was delivered.

·        There had been progress on how custom and self builds could be mortgaged and the enablers could assist with this.

·        The different levels of assistance which could be provided to individuals, for example they could be guided through the whole process by the enabler, or do it all themselves.

·        Legal agreements could include the requirement to complete the build within two years.  This would be achievable as plots would already have services installed.


The Task Group was informed that officers had met with the following five custom and self-build enablers, all who provided different levels of assistance:


·        Pottons

·        Custom Build Homes (part of Build Store)

·        Lived in Custom Build (who were currently involved in the Ingoldisthorpe site)

·        C Zero

·        Steenvlider


Officers explained that the next stage would be to better understand demand for the Stoke Ferry site and this was something which could be provided by Custom Build Homes.  It was acknowledged that a general Borough wide demand assessment had been carried out previously, but it was necessary to produce one for the specific site.  It was anticipated that this assessment could be carried out fairly quickly and would assist in deciding which type of enabling method was used when taking development of the site forward.


Once the demand assessment had been carried out the Task Group could discuss which options they felt would be best to apply to the site and then make a recommendation to the Regeneration and Development Panel for consideration.


The Chair also suggested that the Task Group be provided with the opportunity to meet with Pottons and officers agreed to arrange this.


The Task Group was provided with the following information on the Stoke Ferry Site:


·        Outline planning permission had been granted for part of the site, which was an allocated site.  However a new application would be submitted.

·        It was likely that the site would be developed in two phases as one half of the site was already allocated and the second half was included in the draft Local Plan.

·        Each phase would consist of approximately ten plots and an affordable housing contribution would be required.


The Task Group was also informed that there was a second council owned site which could now be considered for custom and self-build.  The Task Group was provided with details of a site at Sedgeford and it was explained that by taking forward two different sites, the Council would have the opportunity to explore different enabling  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Action Plan Update


The Task Group was provided with an update on the Action Plan.  It was noted that one of the actions was to deliver custom and self-build opportunities on a Council owned site and progress on this was now being made.


Policies Update


Alex Fradley provided an update on policies as follows:


·        The Government had published a national design guide and a paper on ‘building better, building beautiful’.

·        A national design code was being progressed with the expectation that a local design code would need to be produced.

·        An update was provided on a recent planning appeal which was dismissed.  Evidence was provided by the Council to show that the Borough was meeting the need for custom and self-build.

·        There would be revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework.

·        The Local Plan Task Group was reviewing policies within the Local Plan.


Date of the next meeting

Wednesday 20th May 2020 at 4pm in Meeting Room 2:4


The next meeting was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 20th May 2020 at 4pm in Meeting Room 2:4.  It was noted that it may be necessary to call a meeting earlier if required.