Meeting attendance

Venue:   Committee Suite, King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn

Contact:    Rebecca Parker, Democratic Services, 01553 616632

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Kate Blakemore Officer Expected
Councillor Mrs Judith Collingham Committee Member Present
Councillor Peter Colvin Observer In attendance
Councillor Chris Crofts Committee Member Present
Councillor Baron Chenery of Horsbrugh Committee Member Present
Councillor Mike Howland Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Paul Kunes Committee Member Present
Councillor Brian Long Portfolio Holder Present
Councillor Mrs Kathy Mellish Chair Apologies
Rebecca Parker Secretary Expected
Councillor Mark Shorting Committee Member Absent
Councillor Mike Tilbury Committee Member Present
Councillor Andy Tyler Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Watson Committee Member Present
Councillor David Whitby Committee Member Present
Councillor Mrs Avril Wright Vice-Chair, in the Chair Present