Venue: Remote Meeting on Zoom and available for the public to view on WestNorfolkBC on You Tube - Zoom and You Tube
Contact: Rebecca Parker 01553 616632
Attendee | Role | Attendance | Attendance comment |
Councillor Lesley Bambridge | Committee Member | Present | |
Kate Blakemore | Officer | Expected | |
Councillor Carol Bower | Vice-Chair | Present | |
Councillor Anthony Bubb | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Andy Bullen | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Sandra Collop | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Michael de Whalley | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Alexandra Kemp | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Julian Kirk | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Paul Kunes | Present Under standing Order 34 | Present | |
Councillor Brian Long | Portfolio Holder | Present | |
Councillor Joshua Lowe | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Chris Morley | Present Under standing Order 34 | Present | |
Councillor Elizabeth Nockolds | Portfolio Holder | Present | |
Councillor Terry Parish | Present Under standing Order 34 | Present | |
Councillor Alun Ryves | Present Under standing Order 34 | Present | |
Councillor Colin Sampson | Chair | Present | |
Councillor Sandra Squire | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Margaret Wilkinson | Committee Member | Present |