Meeting attendance

Venue:   Committee Suite, King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn

Contact:    Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 01553 616327

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Gordon Adam Officer Expected
Chris Bamfield Officer Expected
Kate Blakemore Officer Expected
Councillor Richard Blunt Portfolio Holder for Development Committee Member Present
Councillor Nicholas Daubney Portfolio Holder for Performance Committee Member Present
Councillor Ian Devereux Deputy Apologies
Debbie Gates Officer Expected
Lorraine Gore Officer Expected
Geoff Hall Officer Expected
Ray Harding Officer Expected
Councillor Adrian Lawrence Portfolio Holder for Community Committee Member Present
Councillor Brian Long Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Environment Chair Present
Councillor Mrs Kathy Mellish Portfolio Holder for Human Resources and Shared Services Committee Member Present
Councillor Graham Middleton Deputy In attendance
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Nockolds Portfolio Holder for Culture Committee Member Present
Councillor Miss Samantha Sandell Deputy In attendance
Councillor Sandra Squire Deputy In attendance
Councillor Mrs Jackie Westrop Deputy In attendance
Councillor Mrs Avril Wright Deputy In attendance