
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

15/06/2021 - PARKWAY ref: 1002    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


RESOLVED:            1)         That development does not proceed on the eastern part of the site and that the new road bridge as proposed in the planning application is not constructed

2)           That a new or amended planning application be submitted for the development in accordance with the 2016 Local Plan policy E1.6 Allocation (Kings Lynn south of Parkway) site only.

3)           That the Council seek to re-negotiate the Business Rates Pool funding of £2 million to promote active travel and deliver enhanced cycle and footpath access between Fairstead, Hardwick and the Town Centre

4)            That officers enter into discussions to recast the Town Deal submission to reflect wider connectivity issues within the town and promote active travel.


Reason for Decision

Given that the overall scheme can no longer deliver the benefits originally envisaged it is appropriate that we reconsider the Council’s position.  The addition of the words “or amended” reflect the fact that the permission has not yet been issued so the existing scheme could be amended.

15/06/2021 - SOUTHGATE REGENERATION AREA MASTERPLANNING ref: 1003    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


RESOLVED:   1)         That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director for Housing, Regeneration and Place in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Development and Regeneration to commission a masterplan for the Southgate Regeneration Area as set out in section 2 of the report.


2)               That delegated authority be granted to Assistant Director for Housing, Regeneration and Place in consultation with the Portfolio holder Development and Regeneration  to complete the necessary procurement, permissions and legal requirements for the works detailed in section 2 & 3 of the report


Reason for Decision


To guide the future regeneration of this gateway site to King’s Lynn’s town centre in line with the aims and objectives the Heritage Action Zone and the corporate business plan objective to ‘promote the borough as a vibrant place in which to live, to do business and as a leading visitor and cultural destination.

15/06/2021 - APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES ref: 1007    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


RESOLVED:            1)        That the Cabinet appoints representatives to serve in an Executive capacity on the outside bodies and partnerships requiring appointment in the Appendix attached, which includes the deletion of Alive Leisure Trust and Coastshare Ltd.


2)         That the appointment of an Executive member to West Norfolk Community Transport be considered when the appointment comes up at Council.


3)        That the reporting arrangements be noted, as shown in section 3 of the report.


4)        To note that all other appointments to outside bodies will be made at the Council meeting on 8th July 2021.


Reason for decision


To ensure continued involvement in the community by the Council and to take on board the suggestion from Councillor Moriarty that the WNCT be an Executive appointment.

15/06/2021 - APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES SUB COMMITTEES AND TASK GROUP ref: 1006    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


RESOLVED:1)         That officers be instructed to seek membership from Group Leaders for the CIL Spending Panel and Major Projects Board for 2021/22.  Councillor Dickinson to be included as the additional Cabinet Member on the Major Projects Board.


2)            That officers be instructed to seek the membership from Group Leaders for the Local Plan Task Group for 2021/22.


3)    That the Membership of the following bodies for 2021/22 be agreed as follows:         


Joint Safety and Welfare Committee – Councillors S Dark, P Kunes and D Tyler

Joint Employee Committee – Councillors R Blunt, I Devereux, P Kunes, G Middleton and S Dark.


Reason for Decision

To allow the business of the Council to continue into 2021/22.

15/06/2021 - CARAVAN SITES FIT & PROPER PERSON REPORT ref: 1005    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


RESOLVED:            1)         That the procedures detailed within the report be agreed.

2)         That the fee structure be included within the existing Caravan Site Licensing Fees Policy


Reason for Decision


To ensure enforcement of statutory Regulations in accordance with extant legislation and attached report and to clarify the procedures adopted therein.

15/06/2021 - ANTI FRAUD AND ANTI CORRUPTION STRATEGY ref: 1004    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


RECOMMENDED:      That the changes made to the anti-fraud and anti-corruption strategy be agreed and recommended for adoption of the new Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy documents.


Reason for Decision

To bring the documents up-to-date with the Council’s current requirements and ensure they are fit for purpose.



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


RESOLVED:              1)         That the Norfolk Green Infrastructure (GI) and Recreational impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) be approved to assist in the implementation of the existing adopted Local Plan and to support the current Local Plan Review.


2)         That delegated authority be granted for implementation of the GIRAMS to the Executive Director, Development Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder - Development.


Reason for Decision


To support the Local Plan process and meet our statutory requirements in respect of the Habitat Regulations

15/06/2021 - LOCAL PLAN REVIEW DRAFT FOR PRE-SUBMISSION CONSULTATION ref: 1000    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


RECOMMENDED:  1)         The Council approves the draft Local Plan Review for pre-submission consultation.


2)         Following that consultation the Council agrees to submit the Local Plan Review.


3)         That the final pre-submission version of the document and methods of public consultation be agreed by the Executive Director Planning and Environment in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development.


4)         The Council notes the updated Local Development Scheme timetable.


Reason for Decision

To consult on a draft Local Plan Review, and ensure an efficient process is used to gauge public opinion.


15/06/2021 - PORTFOLIO RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCHEME OF DELEGATION ref: 999    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021



RESOLVED:           That Cabinet note the list of portfolio responsibilities.


RECOMMENDED:   That the amended Scheme of Delegation be approved as a change to the Constitution by Council.


Reason for Decision

To ensure the scheme of delegation is in line with the portfolio areas of responsibility.


15/06/2021 - FORWARD DECISIONS ref: 998    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/06/2021

Effective from: 15/06/2021


The forward decision list was noted