The Cabinet considered the recommendations from the Standards Committee on the nomination of Ms Jill Bennett for Freedom of the Borough and made recommendations onto Council as set out below:
RECOMMENDED: That Council consider the recommendations from Standards and Cabinet at the Extraordinary meeting on 17 June 2024 to consider the proposal to bestow the Freedom of the Borough on Ms Jill Bennett which would be awarded as set out in recommendation 2 below:
1) That the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council being held after the Council meeting on 27 June 2024 to bestow the honour of Honorary Aldermen also include the award of the Honorary of Freedom of the Borough to Ms Jill Bennett, under s249 of the Local Government Act 1972, in recognition of the eminent service that Ms Bennett has given to the Borough and west Norfolk.
2) That the common seal of the Council be affixed to a certificate to be presented to Ms Bennett at that meeting.
Reason for decision
To give consideration to the nomination received.