Issue - decisions

22/06/2022 - Resourcing - Development Management Team

RESOLVED:            1)         That the recruitment of the following new posts be approved:

·           1 x Principal Planner

·           6 x Planning Officers

·           1 x System and Performance officer

·           1 x Ecologist

·           1 x Cil Officer

·           1 x Technical Support Team Leader

·           1 x Technical Support Officer

·           1 x Arboricultural assistant/officer

·           1 x Enforcement Officer

·           1 x Enforcement Support Officer


2)    That the planning fee income in the budget be increased from £1.1 million to £2 million to more accurately reflect the income received over the past 3 years and the increase in planning fees set out in the Levelling up and Regeneration Bill.


Reason for Decision


To provide sufficient capacity and expertise to enable the DM team to respond to the number and complexity of planning applications and to provide sufficient resilience within the team; and


To enable planning applications to be determined more speedily and to achieve the performance measures that will be outlined in the Bill