Issue - decisions

09/06/2015 - Strategic Planning Issues - Potential Duty to Co-operate in preparing the Local Plan - Norfolk

The Local Development Framework Manager presented a report which explained that the Duty to Cooperate was an important element of Local Plan making. There were examples where Plans had been withdrawn or failed their examination because the approach had not been adequate.


The Borough Council does continue to cooperate with relevant organisations, but the approach needed to be formalised to minimise risks.


The proposed Non-Statutory Shared Strategic Framework for Norfolk would formalise the county’s approach to the Duty to Cooperate. It was a format that had been used elsewhere in the region with success in examinations of Local Plans.


The framework set out agreed approaches to common cross boundary issues across the county (such as housing, jobs, transport and water which was necessary to meet the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requirement to promote sustainable development and to assist economic growth whilst providing for environmental protection) for the Local Planning Authorities to seek to address in their Local Plans.


There would be an element of staff time and monetary contribution to produce the framework.


          Councillor Long asked if the approach would fit with cross county boundary co-operation as the Council area met with Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire.  It was confirmed that the approach also accommodated those boundaries.



RESOLVED: 1)       That the Borough Council is part of a shared non-statutory strategic framework in respect of the ’duty to co-operate’.


2)       That in principle it be agreed that Option 3 represents the most appropriate mechanism in the circumstances


3)       That an Officer Steering Group and employed project management plus limited consultancy is the most appropriate delivery model


4)       That a commitment is given to a budget of approximately £25k over two financial years.


5)       That the terms of reference for the Member Duty to Cooperate Group are agreed.