Issue - decisions

24/09/2020 - Review of Standing Orders and Articles

RESOLVED:  That the Monitoring Officer be requested to draft further amendments and submit to the Leader for decision in time for submission to Council on the following areas:


1)    The setting of a time limit of questions of portfolio holders at Council of 30 mins and the Leader of 15 mins.  Those questions to be allocated in the order of largest opposition Group, smaller opposition group, then the Administration.

2)    That whilst the normal appointments to Chairs would remain with Annual Council, if there are vacancies during the course of the year, Council be able to appoint a replacement, nominated by the Leader as is the case for annual council.

3)    That once a decision is taken to continue to sit after 3hours of a meeting, a further vote is taken each hour thereafter.



RECOMMENDED:     That the draft amendments to the Standing Orders and Articles attached to the report be recommended to Full Council for approval, subject to the further amendments as set out in the minute which will be submitted directly to Council.


Reason for Decision


To ensure that the Council’s Constitution remains fit for purpose, reflects existing legislation and best practice

To take into account the comments of Cabinet members at the meeting.