Issue - decisions

14/11/2019 - Revised Unreasonable Complainants Policy

RECOMMENDED:      1)         That the revised policy on managing the behaviour of unreasonable complainants be approved subject to:


·        the addition of reference to the use of social media to further persistent complaints

·        a further discussion between the Chair and Vice-Chair and Councillor Moriarty on the minor points raised.


2)         That delegated authority to make minor amendments to the policy be granted to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council.


Reason for Decision


To ensure a clearly defined process is in place for the management of unreasonably persistent complainants, to provide fairness, transparency and accountability within the process, to safeguard the health and wellbeing of officers handling such complainants and to ensure the policy is in line with the Local Government Ombudsman’s best practice.


The reference to CPP wishing to review the policy annually was a matter for CPP to decide, not a matter of a Cabinet decision.