Issue - decisions

20/06/2019 - Food and Garden Waste Treatment - Procurement

RECOMMENDED:  That the Executive Director for Commercial Services be authorised to commence two procurements for the Borough Council’s treatment of separately collected food waste and separately collected garden waste and grounds maintenance wastes.


a)    Food Waste treatment (anaerobic digestion) is procured within the existing Joint Venture arrangements.

b)    Garden Waste treatment (composting) is procured in the open market


Reason for Decision

The potential for savings in the procurement of the two treatment contracts for the separate waste streams was not delivered in previous procurement and by the very nature of the wastes local sites are required for the receipt of these wastes for treatment.  The joint venture company NEWS Ltd operates the only well placed transfer station available for the receipt of food waste and has experience in the receipt and arrangements for the treatment of food waste through anaerobic digestion.