Issue - decisions

14/11/2018 - West Winch/North Runcton Strategic Growth Area - Infrastructure Delivery Plan


RECOMMENDED:      1)       That the Infrastructure Delivery Plan(IDP) document and the levels of costs outlined within it are used to prepare a suitable S106 agreement to accompany planning approvals for development sites on the Growth Area.


2)       Authority is delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader to agree the form of planning application and associated documents and submit them.


3)       Authority is delegated to the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader to sign off Option 3 if the Business Rates Pool bid is successful, or the use of alternative funding options if necessary, and the appropriate amendments to the Capital Programme are made.


4)       Authority is delegated to the Property Services Manager in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder to acquire land within the growth area should the situation arise.


5)       That officers seek to establish a South East King’s Lynn Delivery Group (comprised the Borough Council, Norfolk County Council, landowners/developers and parish councils) to co-ordinate the preparation and submission of a masterplan; outline planning application for the whole area (excluding Hopkins Homes area) and the associated processes.


Reason for Decision


To aid the co-ordinated development of the Strategic Growth Area.