Committee details

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Purpose of committee

Terms of Reference for the Guildhall Complex and Creative Hub Task Group


The Regeneration and Development Panel established the above Task Group at their Joint Meeting with the Corporate Performance Panel on 6th April 2022.


The Task Group will comprise of 6 Members.


The Corporate Performance Panel will be kept up to date on the work of the Task Group by being invited to meetings of the Regeneration and Development Panel when updates or recommendations from the Task Group are presented to the Panel.


Both Panels can request written updates from the Task Group as appropriate.


The Terms of Reference of the Task Group are:


·        Contribute to the creation of the CIO and be involved in governance structures.

·        Overview and monitor the evolving documents including the Vision Manifesto and Business Plan.

·        Liaise with the Town Deal Board as appropriate.

·        Scrutinise decisions and overview processes.

