The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager presented the Corporate Performance Monitoring Q3 2017/2018 report and advised that the report showed that 51% of targets had been met, and performance had improved against target for 17 targets.
Members were reminded that following the collation of the full report, those indicators that had not met their target were drawn out into an Action Report, which provided additional detail on what actions were being taken to correct performance that had a variance to target.
The Panel was informed that Appendix A set out the Environment and Community Panel and Regeneration and Development Panel indicators.
Members’ attention was drawn to the key points from the corporate performance monitoring report Q3 set out in section 2 of the report.
The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager reminded the Panel that following a scrutiny review, it was agreed that “Panels should consider their own performance indicators and they be encouraged to monitor the progress in line with the Corporate Objectives through that route.” Attached at Appendix A were the indicators which related to the remits of Environmental and Community Panel and Regeneration and Development Panel. To support corporate oversight, the full set of indicators would continue to be presented to the Corporate Performance Panel.
The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager responded to questions relating to the following indicators:
· CC!1: % of customer contact made by digital channels resulting in a reduction of face to face and telephone enquiries – in particular, how were customers encouraged to use the digital channels. It was noted that the OneVu account had been publicised to raise awareness and inform customers how to set up an account. Members were reminded that the CIC Manager had previously given a presentation to the Panel on the OneVu account and it was suggested than an update on the OneVu account be given at a future meeting. Following comments on the notes accompanying the indicator, the Policy, Performance and Policy Manager undertook to review the text and amend where appropriate.
· Column – Good Performance (Aim to maximise/minimise). Following comments, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager undertook to replace the text with: better than/worse than target.
· C02: Total of waste recycled and composted (tonnage) – The Panel commented that it would be useful to receive information on the % of recycling and it was therefore suggested that the relevant officer be invited to give a presentation at a future meeting.
· CO4: % of rent arrears on industrial estates – The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager undertook to find out the reason for the 3% increase from Property Services and forward the information direct to the Panel.
· CC2: Average no of working days lost due to sickness absence per FTE employee. Members were advised changes were being made to the sickness absence management system and that there was a return to work interview procedure in place. Comments were made that it would be useful to receive a breakdown for both short and long term sickness absence. It was noted that sickness absence was identified in a number of categories which included stress. The Panel was informed that the annual sickness absence monitoring report was available to view on InSite.
· EP6: % of applications refused. It was explained that indicators EP6, EP7 and EP8 were new indicators identified by the Panel and reminded those present that the Assistant Director – S Ashworth had previously given a presentation at a previous meeting to provide more information on specific planning indicators. It would be necessary to continue to monitor the indicators in future quarters to determine if they proved meaningful.
RESOLVED: The Panel:
1) Reviewed the performance Monitoring Report.
2) Agreed the actions outlined in the Action Report.
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