Agenda item


The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager presented the report which outlined the changes to the Corporate Risk Register since the last monitoring report in April 2017.  The report gave details of the risks falling into the ‘Very High’ category and the associated work being progressed to mitigate the effects.


The Committee was advised that two risks had been removed from the register (section 2.3) and seven new ones had been added (section 2.4).  The risk scores for four entries had been changed as part of the review undertaken.


In response to questions, relating to 1.2 – Cost Reduction Programme (staff morale and Members expectations), the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that the Council had an annual training budget/plan.  Each employee received an annual appraisal at which any training needs were identified.  It was highlighted that the Council had a success track of redeploying staff dependent on the nature of the role, an example was given in that administrative posts were often redeployed into alternative roles within the Council.


Following a question relating to 1.4 – Due Dilgence and the score of unlikely instead of Possible, the Policy, Performance and Performance Manager explained that the Chief Executive and Executive Directors identified savings and how services could be delivered more efficiently.   It was noted that regular monitoring was undertaken by both Management Team and Extended Management Team and where appropriate actions were taken.  The Executive Director advised that as part of the budget monitoring exercise, the approach of identifying savings at an early stage enabled the Council to transfer any savings to the General Fund to mitigate any risk to enable the Council to balance its budget to 2021.  It was highlighted that the budget position was reviewed on an ongoing basis.


In response to questions relating to 1.9 – Capacity/staff levels, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that in some operational areas of the Council there both busy and quieter periods during the year.  The Council had no rules to enforce when staff took annual leave, but the Council adopted a flexible approach but encouraged staff to take a minimum amount of holiday during the busier periods, dependant on the needs of the service.  It was noted, however, that service managers could refuse annual leave requests.


The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager responded to questions relating to 1.15 – Pension Fund.  The Executive Director explained that non-council staff were currently able to join the pension scheme and gave an example of the arrangements for Alive Manager/Alive Leisure and added that this issue could be raised with them at a future meeting.  The Executive Director informed the Committee that the current arrangements had been set up with Alive Management/Alive Leisure to protect existing staff when the new arrangements were implemented.


Following questions on 1.16 Business Rates/businesses cease operation, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that the Borough Council had a Business Development and Marketing Officer who worked closed with businesses in the Borough and would therefore liaise with a business if there were any issues regarding payment of rent and negotiate a payment plan, if appropriate.


In response to questions on the Council’s strategic land and property acquisition, the Leader, Councillor Long commented that the Council considered opportunities as they arose and highlighted the importance of balancing when to purchase available land and development propels.  The Leader gave examples of the Council’s successful housing development at NORA, Lynnsport and Marsh Lane and explained that if the Council was not able to sell housing units, then the units could be offered for rent which would bring an income stream to the Borough Council.


Following questions on the new refuse/recycling contract, the Portfolio Holder – Environment explained that there was a process which the Council was required to adhere to.  He added that a clear specification had been subject to consultation and eight expressions of interests had been received.


The Chairman, Councillor Pope thanked the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager for the report.


RESOLVED:  The Committee considered the contents of the Corporate Risk Register and confirmed agreement with Management Team’s assessment of the risks to the Corporate Objectives.

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