Agenda item

The above report is on the Cabinet Forward Decision List for 28 July 2015 and has been identified by the Chairman for consideration by the Panel.


The Panel are requested to consider the report and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet.




The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager and the Regeneration Project Officer presented the Cabinet report which detailed the Stage 1 approval from the Heritage Lottery Fund Parks for People funding programme for the Seafront gardens and associated open spaces of the Green in Hunstanton.


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that the project would involve a comprehensive restoration of the seafront area to celebrate the original vision of Hunstanton.  The project would include activities and training events to engage local people and increase the awareness of the heritage of the town.


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager informed those present that representatives from the Heritage Lottery Fund had visited the project area.  A stage 2 bid would now be put together and submitted and, if successful, the Heritage Lottery Fund would contribute 80% of the project cost - £656,600.  The Council would fund the remaining 20% - £164,145.  Those present were provided with a breakdown of how the money would be spent which included capital works and activities.  Activities included the recruitment of two apprentices, training for volunteers and other awareness raising activities.


The Regeneration Project Officer informed those present that the Stage 2 submission would be put together and submitted in February 2016.  It was hoped that a decision on Stage 2 would be available in June 2016 and then works could be planned to start out of season in late 2016.


The Chairman thanked the officers for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


The Chairman commented that she was not unsupportive of the scheme, but suggested that the project could be perceived as a lot of money to be spent on a Green Space area.  She asked how consultees would be engaged in out of season periods.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that the consultation period would be ongoing throughout the Stage 2 bid development process and as soon as the initial concept was available consultation on the scheme would commence.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that the Heritage Lottery Fund had given Stage 1 approval to the scheme meaning that they felt that it would be a worthwhile and beneficial scheme which they were prepared to potentially award funding to.


The Executive Director explained that the money would be used for much more than just the Green Space area and would improve shelters, fencing, paths etc.  The Executive Director explained the potential award of funding would enable the Council to carry out works to future proof the area and any future capital funding required in the area would be reduced.


Councillor Mrs Bower commented that tourism was very important for Hunstanton and the areas included in the project were well used by visitors, but were in need of attention.  She commented that the project would be a very good investment for the Council as if tourism grew, so would the local economy.


Councillor Mrs Watson reiterated the comments made by Councillor Mrs Bower.  She explained that a lot of the street furniture was in a bad state of repair.  Councillor Mrs Watson commended the apprentice opportunities available during the project.


In response to a question from Councillor Smith, the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that a lot of work would be put in to the Stage 2 bid and it was hoped that funding would be awarded.  There was no ‘plan b’ and if funding was not awarded by the Heritage Lottery Fund the project would not proceed.


In response to a question from Councillor Crofts, the Regeneration Project Officer explained that there were two sets of public toilets included within the project area.  Structural condition surveys would be completed to ascertain the amount of work required, but it was likely that both sets would, at the very least, be refurbished.


The Portfolio Holder for Coastal and Tourism reminded those present that he had previously conducted a survey on the toilets in Hunstanton.  He explained that other public toilets in Hunstanton had recently been refurbished, but unfortunately had subsequently been vandalised.


Councillor Crofts commented that he felt ‘pay to use’ toilets should be installed in Hunstanton.  The Portfolio Holder for Coastal and Tourism explained that this type of facility could be expensive to run.  Councillor Bubb agreed with the comment made by Councillor Crofts.


The Executive Director, Commercial Services acknowledged that Members of the Panel had commented on the provision of pay to use toilets in the past and an item could be added to the Panel’s Work Programme to investigate the issue further.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment, Councillor Long explained that the Government had recently announced schemes to assist with the regeneration of coastal towns through the Coastal Communities Fund.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager felt that tourism and coastal resorts were quite high up on the Government’s agenda, consequently funds were becoming available for regeneration projects.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that the Council would be looking at other opportunities to bid for funding for other coastal projects as they became available.


RESOLVED: That the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet as set out below.


That Cabinet is recommended to:


a) Note the State 1 project approval from the HLF.

b) Delegate authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder to develop the proposals to a Stage 2 submission.

c) Approve the Council’s contribution of £164,145 to the project if the stage 2 application is successful as detailed in Section 4 of the report.

d) Request a further report to Cabinet in February 2016 prior to submission of the Stage 2 scheme.

Supporting documents: