Agenda item


The Panel was reminded that in March 2017 the Environment and Community Panel had established an Informal Working Group to look at the future operation of the West Norfolk Disability Forum.  Members of the Informal Working Group, Councillors Bubb, Fraser and Westrop, presented the report, which had been circulated with the agenda and set out the recommendations from the Informal Working Group.


Members were informed that attendance at meetings had been decreasing over the past few years and it was felt that this could be because there were many other routes for individuals and organisations to go through to raise issues or find out information.  Members of the Working Group commented that they felt that their recommendations would result in an improvement to the service as individuals and organisations would have a direct contact route, through the proposed Disabilities Champion.


The Chairman thanked Members of Informal Working Group for their report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Mrs Collop asked if other Members of the West Norfolk Disability Forum had been involved in the work of the Informal Working Group.  She was informed that, at this stage, the proposals were those of the Informal Working Group which was established by the Environment and Community Panel.  The proposals would have to be considered by the Environment and Community Panel and any recommendations would then be presented to Cabinet.  Members were reminded that any Member of the Council could attend any meeting under Standing Order 34.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge commented that she was previously a Member of the West Norfolk Disability Forum and she supported the recommendations put forward by the Informal Working Group.


Councillor Smith made reference to the proposal for Cabinet to appoint a Disabilities and Equalities Champion.  He was concerned with the title and suggested that consideration be given to ensuring that all relevant groups and vulnerable people were included in the role of the Champion. 


Councillor Mrs Wilkinson commented that it was a shame that the West Norfolk Disability Forum no longer delivered its objectives.  She asked if the Disability Champion role would be remunerated.  The Chairman felt that it would not be a paid position, but it would ultimately be up to Cabinet to decide.  Councillor Bubb commented that he anticipated that the role would be a central point for individuals and organisations to contact if they had any issues or concerns.  The Disabilities Champion could then monitor all ongoing issues and delegate them to the relevant officers for investigation.  The report also proposed that the Champion provide an update to the Environment and Community Panel on an annual basis, however the Panel could decide on more frequent updates if they felt it appropriate.


Members were informed that the Champion’s contact details would be made available to the public, so that if people did not have internet access they could contact the Champion over the phone, or a meeting could be arranged if required.


The Portfolio Holder for Community, Councillor Lawrence, commented that he supported the recommendations put forward by the Informal Working Group.  He was a Member of the West Norfolk Disability Forum and agreed with the comments of the Informal Working Group in that the Forum was not productive in its current format.  He explained that he would take forward any recommendations from the Environment and Community Panel to Cabinet as appropriate.  He thanked the Informal Working Group and officers for the report.


Councillor Mrs Collop asked who would be the Disabilities Champion, and she was informed that it would be a decision for Cabinet, however Councillor Mrs Fraser did indicate that she would be interested in the position.


The Assistant Director explained that there could be the opportunity for the Disability Champion to become involved in other projects, such as Lily.


The Chairman explained that the recommendations put forward by the Environment and Community Panel would be submitted to Cabinet for consideration.


RESOLVED: The Environment and Community Panel make the following recommendations to Cabinet:


1.     Disband the West Norfolk Disability Forum.

2.     Cabinet to give consideration to appointing a Disabilities/Equalities Champion.

3.     That the Environment and Community Panel be given the opportunity to look at the Borough Council’s Equalities Policy which is due for review and give consideration to establishing an Informal Working Group to input into the review if necessary.

4.     That the Environment and Community panel receive an update on the Equalities Policy on an annual basis.

5.     That ways to promote Equality on the Corporate Agenda be investigated.

6.     That a page be created on the website to promote the Equalities and Disabilities Champion.  An e-form to be created so that members of the public could report issues direct to the Champion.

7.     An e-learning package on disability awareness be made available to staff and Members.

8.     The Disabilities Champion to hold open forums as required, which will be open to all.

9.     The Disabilities Champion to report to the Environment and Community Panel on an annual basis.

10.  That the Opportunity Awards and other events hosted by the Forum be incorporated into other events already organised by the Borough Council.


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