Agenda item

Matthew Henry, Property Services Manager will give an update to the Committee.


Matthew Henry, Property Services Manager provided the Committee with a briefing on a surgery proposal in King’s Lynn.


The Property Services Manager explained that the proposal still had to go through the NHS decision making process and also through the planning process.


The Chairman thanked the Property Services Manager for the briefing, and invited the Committee to ask questions/make comments.


In response to a question from the Chairman in relation to the location of the proposed new surgery, the Property Services Manager explained that the Council had worked with NHS to provide a site, but the location would be decided by the Health Service.  


The Property Services Manager also explained that the NHS was hoping that the proposal would enhance the health care provision for King’s Lynn and were looking at providing an endoscopy unit and would also carry out minor surgery.


In terms of whether any consultation regarding the proposal had been carried out, the Property Services Manager explained that he had held meetings with the Practice Manager who advised that consultation had been carried out.


Councillor McGuinness explained that consultation was likely to take place at the next stage as part of the NHS business case.


Councillor Bambridge advised that a lot of residents, which she represented, walked to St James Medical Practice.  They had been advised by the existing practice that a bus service would be provided to the new surgery.  She added that she had not had any communication from the practice in relation to the proposed move.  She further explained that a lot of residents in her ward did not have access to a car.  She wanted to express the concerns of residents in her ward.


Councillor Joyce stated that he was not opposed to the principle of the Council proposing a site, however he shared concerns regarding the proposed location of the surgery.  He also suggested that consideration should be given to a new surgery at South Lynn on the NORA site.  He did not want to see the existing provision for people lost who were able to walk to the surgery.


Councillor Howman suggested that Members could lobby the CCG on behalf of residents.


In response to a question from Councillor McGuinness, the Property Services Manager advised that the Council owned the land and was acting as a developer on behalf of the NHS.  The Borough Council had some time ago shown the NHS available sites in King’s Lynn, however this site was the NHS preferred option.


Councillor Collop stated that he had been to both surgeries and both were not the easiest to get to.  He added that where the position was of the proposed new surgery needed consideration however this facility was needed in the area.


Councillor Joyce suggested that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee could write to the CCG and NHS England expressing concern regarding the relocation of the surgery and that the Council did have other sites that could be considered in the town centre which would not disadvantage existing patients.


The Property Services Manager suggested that he could facilitate a meeting with the Practice, who could explain the process in more detail, which was agreed.


Councillor McGuinness explained that this was a delicate balance, as if the NHS generally needed a new surgery there was nothing stopping them from going to a third party for the site.  He added that there was a need for adequate parking.  Councillor McGuinness also advised that there was a drive within the NHS for 7 day services.  He was concerned that reference had been to the parking being used at weekends for football matches, etc.


The Property Services Manager advised that there was scope for additional parking to be provided if necessary.


Councillor Miss Bambridge referred to the additional housing development in the South Lynn area and stated that there was a need for another surgery in that area.


AGREED:       That the Property Services Manager arrange a meeting with the Practice Manager and the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Councillor Miss Bambridge and Councillor Mrs Wilkinson.