Agenda item


Simon McKenna – Chief Executive, Nina McKenna – Director of Culture and Communication and Tommy Goode – Director of Business Development from Alive Leisure were present at the meeting and provided the Panel with a presentation, as attached.


The Panel were reminded that as part of the Service Level Agreement, Alive Leisure were required to provide updates to the Environment and Community Panel.  Simon McKenna provided information on key performance indicators, as included in the presentation and explained that they were still in draft at the moment as budgets had not yet been finalised.  He felt that Alive Leisure was in a healthy position and had met a lot of its targets.


The Panel was informed that last year was the 25th Anniversary of the opening of Lynnsport.  An event was held to mark the occasion and a DVD of the opening was shown. 


Simon McKenna explained to the Panel that the new road had been completed and he felt that it was well used and, along with the increase in car parking, had made a positive difference to people using Lynnsport.  He also explained that as part of the works there were four new floodlit tennis courts and the additional facilities had benefitted the centre.


The Skate Park was due to reopen shortly and had been rebranded.  Simon McKenna reminded those present that previously the Skate Park had issues with condensation and had to close periodically.  A grant had been awarded to improve the environment within the skate park by installing a new roof and insulation.  Work to the inside included creation of a first floor which could be used as café and spectator space.  There was also room to hold workshops and classes.


Nina McKenna provided an overview of activities at the Corn Exchange.  She explained that recently the Corn Exchange had held its first week long play, the Mousetrap, which had proved popular.  There had also been lots of sold out performances.  The Pantomime had also been the most financially beneficial Pantomime at the Corn Exchange so far with over 20,000 tickets sold.  Relaxed Autism friendly and signed performances were also held and had proved popular.  The 2017 Pantomime would be Jack and the Beanstalk and sales were currently tracking ahead of Cinderella. 


Alive Leisure were working with partners on Arts Development and were offering outreach work.  Alive Leisure was currently in the process of establishing a two year development plan.


The Panel was provided with information on School Summer Holiday activities which were subsidised.  This meant that the majority of activities could be offered for £1.  Alive Leisure also held two open days during the year, which were well attended.


Tommy Goode provided an overview of the fitness campaign which was currently running.  He explained that staff and customers had been used in the adverts and he felt that it had been well received.  Alive Leisure also now offered Personal Training.


The Panel was informed that Alive Leisure was in the process of introducing a new computer management system which would allow users to book online.  It would also improve the background functions and enable reports and analysis to be run.


Tommy Goode reminded those present that the Tennis Courts had opened in June 2016 and various activities had been offered to promote the facility.


The Panel was informed that work was ongoing to improve fitness income.  A review of fitness would be presented to the Alive Leisure Board for consideration before being discussed with Alive Management.  Tommy Goode also provided the Panel with an overview of Sports Development including GEAR and Adaptive Sports Days.


The Chairman thanked the representatives from Alive Leisure for their presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


In response to a question from Councillor Bubb, Nina McKenna explained that the Corn Exchange Cafe opened from 10am to 3pm.  It was not financially viable to extend these opening hours and the busy period was from 11.30am to 2pm.  She also explained that work was ongoing to promote the disabled swimming sessions.


In response to a further question from Councillor Bubb, Simon McKenna explained that customers had been interested in the work ongoing around Lynnsport and positive feedback had been received on the increase in Car Parking and the new Road.


Councillor Mrs Collop raised concerns that some aerobic classes had been cancelled because of exams at the College and she felt that people who paid monthly for classes should receive some sort of compensation.  Tommy Goode explained that the users had met with the Fitness Manager to express their concerns and alternative options would be looked at for the future.


Councillor Bird referred to the facilities available in Hunstanton and Simon McKenna explained that some of the facilities were not in Alive Leisure’s control.  He explained that the future of the Oasis was being looked at and would be discussed with Alive Leisure and Alive Management.


RESOLVED: The update was noted.

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