Agenda item

To consider the King’s Lynn Museum Report.


The Committee received the report from the Head of Operations and Learning as circulated with the Agenda.


Robin Hanley, Hannah Jackson and Oliver Bone presented the report.


The above officers responded to questions relating to:


·         The Breen brothers who went to King Edwards Seventh Grammar School in King’s Lynn and objects from the last two decades.

·         Ways to boost attendance at Museum events – for example, articles in Parish Council magazines, leaflet distribution to schools, on-line publicity and use of social media.

·         The Museum’s fortnightly History of King’s Lynn in 100 Objects series with the Lynn News generated significant interest - Medieval cheese press, a presentation sword given to Captain Manby, a gold ring and sailmaker’s leather palm.

·         Recent purchase of a painting by Henry Baines of the Cemetery Chapels at the Hardwick Road Cemetery.  Currently awaiting arrival from America, with plans to display the painting and linked information within the foyer case of the Lynn Museum.

·         Pilgrim badges collection.

·         Junior Friends of King’s Lynn Museum Scheme.

·         Forties Event.

·         HLF Funding for improving the interpretation and display of the South Gate which included a budget for volunteer development.

·         Pop up recital held at the Lynn Museum during King’s Lynn Festival.

·         Number of visitors on a Sunday.

·         Digital Pilgrim Project – The museum that 10 – 12 Curators will attend a networking and information sharing event to be held in the autumn.

·         King’s Lynn Pilgrim Trail.

·         Digital interpretations at the Lynn Museum.

·         Schools Programme/visits.

·         Outreach activities – new boxes of handling artefacts were being created for use with schools whilst at the museum.  The difficulties in providing outreach resources to schools and benefits of learning within the museum was discussed.

·         How Museum events were promoted.


S Thompson, Chairman of the Friends of Lynn Museum provided an overview of forthcoming events organised by the Friends.  It was noted that the Annual General Meeting would be held on 9 October 2017.  The Committee was currently looking for new Members, a Treasurer and Secretary.


Councillor Tyler provided background history on Lord Bentinck/Disraeli and commented that contact could be made with Buckinghamshire Museum to consider any joint working proposals.


Councillor Tyler advised that with regard to the Forties Event he had been contacted by a resident in his Ward about wartime and explained that he would schedule a visit to the gentlemen and forward any useful information onto officers at the Lynn Museum.


The visitor figures were tabled and it was reported that numbers were 1,000 down for the same period last year.  The Committee was provided with an overview of the campaign “History in your Hands” which had just been launched.


The Head of Museums and Operations updated the Committee on funding which had been awarded as set out below:


·         Arts Council – funding secured for a four year period 2018/2022 at £1.2m per annum.  It was reported that in addition to the £1.2m per annum an additional £1.7m had also been secured for the next four years to continue SHARE Museums East, supporting wider museums development across the East of England region.

·         Kick Dust Project, part of a one-off HLF programme.  The bid had been successful and the Museums Services had been awarded £750,000 for working with younger people aged between 16 and 24 years.  Only 12 grants had been awarded in the country.


Councillor Humphrey commented that it would be useful if in future reports text as follows be added under Resources Implications as the level of activity within the report would suggest significant levels of resources.  The Head of Operations and Learning undertook to include text under Resources Implications in future reports.


RESOLVED:  The Museum Trainee, Sam Bellotti be invited to attend a future meeting of the Committee.

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