To consider the King’s Lynn Museum Report.
The Committee received the report from the Head of Operations and Learning as circulated with the Agenda.
Hannah Jackson, Dayna Woolbright and Imogen Clarke from the Museums Services presented the report.
The above officers responded to questions relating to:
· Museum events being published on the Visit West Norfolk website.
· Social media to promote Museum events.
· Google Arts – allowed the Museum to create online exhibitions. The first exhibition Blubber, Bone and Baleen, exploring the history of the whaling industry using collections from Lynn Museum had received 5,000 hits. This initiative was covered by local media, Lynn News and ITV Anglia News.
In response to questions relating to the ‘mystery shopping’ scheme, it was explained that as a result of the comments received, the Museums team had updated information on the Museum website and answerphone and renovated the signage at the museum entrance, addressing comments relating to the appearance of the front of the museum which were made by the mystery shoppers.
S Thompson, Chairman of the Friends of the Museum reported that the Friends were continuing to officer a varied programme and that the newsletter was now being produced in a different format and printed in-house which gave a saving.
In response to a question regarding the Junior Friends of the Museum, S Thompson explained that the Friends often gained new recruits which events were being run in the school holidays. The Junior Friends had been introduced as a pilot scheme and Lynn Museum was the only museum in the area to trial the scheme.
The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Nockolds advised that Arts Council funding had been secured by the King’s Lynn Festival Board which will be used to provide pop up music event in the Museum, during one afternoon in July.
County Councillor Ward suggested that enlarged pictures be placed next to the display of pilgrim badges to enable visitors to view the collection easier. S Thompson added that the Friends could possibly assist with providing pictures for the pilgrim badges.
The Norfolk Museums Officer provided an overview of the TITAN scheme which had been introduced in 2015 and gave an example of assisting a young man who was a student of the scheme to return to his home.
The Head of Operations and Learning advised of a recent bid to the HLF for “Kick Dust” project which was part of a one-off HLF programme. The outcome of the bid would be announced in June 2017 and an update would be given at the next meeting.
In response to questions regarding opportunities for young people, the Head of Operations and Learning explained that wherever possible the Museums Service support work experience students, volunteering opportunities, etc. It was reported that a new trainee would commence with the Museums Service in April 2017.
The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Nockolds commented that the Museum could be promoted during the Hanse Festival period in the Newsletter.
The visitor figures were tabled and it was reported that numbers were 1800 down for the same period last year.
The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Nockolds thanked the Museums Services the report and congratulated officers on the work involved with Google Arts and wished Imogen Clarke, the Teaching Museum Trainee every success for the future. Imogen commented that she has thoroughly enjoyed her time with the Museums Services and the opportunity had equipped her with new skills and confidence which would assist her in obtaining future employment.
The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Nockolds also expressed thanks to the Friends of the Museum for the event held prior to the meeting, the unveiling of two restored paintings (the Langley portraits) which they had helped to restore.
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