Agenda item


The Regeneration, Heritage and Economic Development Manager presented the report.  He explained that the Borough Council had been awarded Heritage Action Zone status by Historic England.  The award had been granted on an ‘in principle’ basis, subject to submission of a detailed Delivery Plan. 


The Regeneration, Heritage and Economic Development Manager explained that following a visit from Historic England’s Urban Panel, the Council were advised to apply for Heritage Action Zone status.  He explained that this was a new initiative and only ten places in the country had been granted Heritage Action Zone status.


The Regeneration, Heritage and Economic Development Manager provided the Panel with more information on what a Heritage Action Zone was and the key benefits, as set out in the report.  He explained that Heritage Action Zone areas would be priority areas for funding, although a strong business case would still be required, and nothing was guaranteed. 


The Panel was informed that a Delivery Plan would need to be in place by March 2017 and the zones would be launched, nationally, on 20th March 2017.  Work would now be carried out to put together the Delivery Plan and regular meetings would continue with Historic England.


The Panel was referred to governance and management arrangements as set out in Appendix 3 and the Panel was informed that the Heritage Champion, Councillor Mrs Wright would also be involved.


The Chairman thanked the Regeneration, Heritage and Economic Development Manager for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel.


Councillor Mrs Wright thanked all the officers involved for achieving Heritage Action Zone status.  She explained that the aim of a Heritage Action Zone was to achieve economic growth by using the historic environment as a catalyst.  She explained that the Council would have better access to bids, which would be a huge help to King’s Lynn.  The Regeneration, Heritage and Economic Development Manager explained that a strong business case would still be required to support bids and nothing was guaranteed.


Councillor Tyler asked how the Heritage Action Zone would fit in with existing plans for King’s Lynn and the Regeneration, Heritage and Economic Development Manager explained that they would work in synergy and the Heritage Action Zone Board would need to prioritise and manage projects and initiatives.  The Council would work with Historic England on the delivery plan, which would be a live document and could be amended if priorities changed.


Councillor Beales, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Projects and Assets explained that the Council had a very good working relationship with the Local Enterprise Partnerships.  He also thanked Councillor Mrs Wright as she had been very involved in the process and had organised the visit to King’s Lynn by Historic England’s Urban Panel.


Councillor Mrs Wright commented that she had terrific support from officers.  She also explained that she would ensure that the Regeneration and Development Panel were kept up to date on progress as appropriate.


RESOLVED: That the Regeneration and Development Panel support the recommendations to Cabinet as set out below.


It is recommended that Cabinet:


1. Accepts Historic England’s ‘in-principle’ award of the Heritage Action Zone status for King’s Lynn.


2. Approves the King’s Lynn Heritage Action Zone boundary, shown as the development boundary in Appendix 1.


3. Approves the King’s Lynn Heritage Action Zone Intervention Logic Framework as detailed in Appendix 2.


4. Approves the King’s Lynn Heritage Action Zone governance and management arrangements as shown in Appendix 3.


5. Delegates authority to the Executive Director for Commercial Services and the Regeneration, Heritage and Economic Development Manager in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Projects and Assets to agree the Delivery Plan with Historic England.