Agenda item

Item requested by the Chairman.  To discuss transport and traffic issues.


The Chairman explained that he had requested that this item be added to the agenda as he felt that issues with traffic in the town centre were getting worse.  He suggested that the Panel could look at issues and come up with ideas and potential solutions.  The Chairman provided examples of accidents which had happened in the town centre and had resulted in queuing traffic and problem areas.


Councillor Mrs Collingham explained that she had previously suggested a park and ride trial using an empty field next to the hospital, but she had been told that the traffic levels in King’s Lynn would not make a park and ride facility viable.  She commented that she would like park and ride to be investigated by the Panel as a solution to the traffic issues in King’s Lynn.


Councillor Bambridge commented that she felt that the traffic in King’s Lynn had been worse since the new timed traffic lights had been installed.


Councillor Baron Chenery of Horsbrugh asked if the Chairman was suggesting if just issues in King’s Lynn be looked at, or the wider Borough.  He also asked if other transport issues such as Railways could be considered.  The Chairman suggested that initially the Panel should focus on traffic in King’s Lynn, but could look at other areas in the future.


Councillor Kunes commented that one way to alleviate traffic heading south out of King’s Lynn would be to open up Hardings Way bus route to traffic although he acknowledged that some local residents were opposed to this solution.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Rochford, commented that the problem was that King’s Lynn could not be looked at in isolation, the focus needed to be on the long term.  He explained that any proposals in the future to alleviate traffic in King’s Lynn needed to consider that the town was a mediaeval town, with little opportunity to change road layouts, and the use of the car would increase.  It was not an option to reduce the amount of vehicles in the town centre, instead ways to manage the traffic needed to be looked at.  The Vice Chairman also referred to businesses in the town centre and surrounding King’s Lynn which had lots of employees.  He suggested that work be carried out with the bigger businesses to look at how traffic issues could be resolved, for example shuttle busses, or additional bus services.


Councillor Mrs Watson commented that traffic on the A149 had a knock on effect on traffic issues in the town centre, especially during the holiday season.  She felt that if options to alleviate issues in this area were looked at, this could assist with issues in the town centre.


The Chairman thanked Members of the Panel for their comments and reminded them that King’s Lynn would expand, more houses would be built and this would add to the amount of traffic in the area.


The Business Manager summarised the comments made by the Panel and suggested a possible way forward.  He explained that some of the issues raised related to operational issues, for example synchronisation of traffic lights, and details of issues could be passed onto the Norfolk County Council Highways Operational Team.  The Business Manager explained that the issues regarding traffic being backed up due to an accident on one of the main routes, could be passed onto the tactical teams including the Police, Norfolk County Council and the Borough Council.  He explained that the Police and Norfolk County Council were already doing some work in this area following a recent incident in a different part of the Borough which had caused issues with traffic flow.  The Business Manager also felt that the Panel wanted to look at strategic issues and long term considerations.


The Business Manager suggested that the next step for the Panel could be to invite representatives from Norfolk County Council Highways to a future meeting of the Regeneration and Development Panel to gather more information on what was happening now and what was planned for the future.  The Panel could then decide on how they could potentially be involved in the future and suggest ways that issues could be tackled. 


The Portfolio Holder for Development, Councillor Blunt welcomed the suggestions made by the Business Manager and commented that he felt it was important for the Panel to initially know background information and have an understanding of what was already planned for the future.


The Vice Chairman suggested that the King’s Lynn Area Consultative Committee could be invited to the meeting when Norfolk County Council officers were present.


The LDF Manager reminded the Panel of the King’s Lynn Area Transport Study which had been used in the formulation of the Local Plan.  He also reminded Members that the Council had an Air Quality Management Plan, which included an action plan.  The Panel was reminded that the Environment and Community Panel received annual updates on Air Quality from the Environmental Health Manager.


The LDF Manager also informed the Panel that Norfolk County Council and Cambridgeshire County Council had recently commissioned a study on behalf of the Local Enterprise Partnerships to look at the A10 corridor.


RESOLVED: That representatives from Norfolk County Council Highways be invited to a future meeting of the Panel and the King’s Lynn Area Consultative Committee be invited to the meeting.