Agenda item


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager and the Regeneration Programmes Manager provided the Panel with an update on the Riverfront Delivery Plan.


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager informed the Panel that a tender exercise had been carried out and consultants had been appointed to review the existing studies of the area, meet with key stakeholders and carry out a public consultation before presenting their findings.


The Panel was reminded that the baseline report which was part of the Urban Design Analysis had been circulated with the Agenda for the meeting. 


The Chairman welcomed Simon Davis and Niall McNevin to the meeting, who provided the Panel with information on the area and suggested options.  The Panel was also provided with the results of the public consultation exercise.  The Panel was informed that over 200 people had responded to the public consultation exercise. 


The Regeneration Programmes Manager explained that the next step was for the all data and information to be reviewed and fedback to the Council.  Then a final options report would be created and consideration would need to be given to the preferred option.  The Regeneration and Development Panel would be kept updated on progress at the relevant time and it was possible that another public consultation exercise would be carried out on the final options report.


The Chairman thanked Simon Davis and Niall McNevin for attending the meeting and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Crofts stated that the area in question was unique and contained lots of Listed Buildings.  He felt that more needed to be done to promote the area to tourists, especially those who came in on bus trips.  He commented that not many bus trips came to King’s Lynn and more should be done to encourage this.  He suggested that provision for a bus park be included in the area.


Councillor Mrs Watson suggested that installing additional pontoons would be good for the area, however they would need to be publicised and there would need to be more activity in the area to draw people in.


Councillor Pope addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  He stated that there was a problem with siltation at the Nar Loop and Niall McNevin commented that any options for this area would look at issues such as this.  He explained that barriers could be put in place so that water could flow out to the River Nar, but the Nar couldn’t flow into the Loop, which could reduce siltation.  He explained that river flows, drainage and siltation would be looked at with regards to the body of water and possible future uses.  Councillor Pope referred to the Marina proposals and commented that he hoped that the same mistakes were not made this time.  The Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Councillor Beales explained that the Council had moved on from the Marina.  He explained that assets acquired during the Marina proposals were still owned by the Council and would assist in the delivery of the Riverfront Project.


Councillor Bambridge asked who would undertake any development, whether it would be the Council or an outside developer.  She also made reference to the lock gate and if it would be costly to open the gate at the Purfleet.  She also referred to potential proposals for King’s Staithe Square and reminded those present that the area was residential and needed to take into consideration the comfort of residents.  She also referred to the Harding’s Way Bus Route and suggested that one possibility could be to open the route up to users of the Boal Quay Car Park.  Councillor Bambridge commented that the promotion of King’s Lynn was important and marketing needed to be targeted.  Councillor Beales, The Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, responded to the comments made by Councillor Bambridge, he explained that the area would be respected and preserving the heritage was key.  He commented that different options could be looked at in terms of who would develop site.  Development could be carried out in partnership, similar to the development at Marsh Lane and Lynnsport, it all depended on how much control Members wanted to retain.  The Portfolio Holder explained that at the moment this was just the idea stage and now was the time to put suggestions forward which could be taken into consideration.  The Portfolio Holder agreed that marketing of the area was important and that it needed to be targeted.  He also explained that density, height and mass of development would be carefully considered; however he reminded those present that the area was currently less dense than it had been in the past. 


Councillor Crofts suggested that work be carried out to encourage more boats into King’s Lynn and this could be achieved by additional pontoons.  He also felt that some of the areas for development may not be commercially viable, therefore required public body intervention in order to stimulate development.


The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, Councillor Nockolds explained that the existing pontoons were promoted independently and jointly with Fosdyke and Wisbech.  Councillor Collingham commented that it was a challenge to sail into King’s Lynn because of moving sandbanks, tides and flows.


Councillor Collingham commented that the area needed to cater for the needs of young people, which would draw families into the town centre.  She felt that a play area and facilities for children should be introduced and she suggested a pirate ship play area.  The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health explained that the West Norfolk Tourism Forum’s Destination Management Plan mentioned the need for high quality attractions to draw in young children. 


Councillor Bubb commented that he would not be keen on any development close to the Nar Loop and suggested floating houses as an idea.  He also commented that hidden railway lines could be reinstated as they were part of the town’s heritage and could be a feature of the area.


The Chairman informed those present that he had previously been Project Manager for the North Sea Haven project and he provided information on weaknesses in the area, siltation, engineering and drainage.  He also referred to the idea of opening up the inland waterways and felt that this could be achieved by putting some pontoons near the Southgates.  The Chairman commented that traffic was an issue in King’s Lynn and something needed to be done to assist the traffic flow in King’s Lynn.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Long agreed that traffic was getting worse in King’s Lynn and Norfolk County Council were aware of problems.  Collaborative working between the Borough and County was being looked at and better solutions were needed.  The Leader of the Council referred to the underused bus route at Harding’s Way and felt that this could handle more traffic if required.  The Leader of the Council also referred to Air Quality issues in the town centre.


The Portfolio Holder for Regeneration thanked the Panel for their input.  He also referred to the Chairman’s technical knowledge of the area and suggested that he may like to have further input in the project.


Councillor Bambridge proposed that the Chairman of the Panel, Councillor Gidney be consulted on the Riverfront Delivery Plan because of his technical knowledge of the area.  The Proposal was seconded by Councillor Crofts and agreed by the Panel.


RESOLVED: (i) The update was noted.

(ii) The comments of the Panel be taken into consideration.

(iii) That the Panel recommend that the Chairman, Councillor Gidney, be further consulted on the project as appropriate.