Agenda item

The Committee are invited to note the report.


In presenting the report, the Audit Manager explained that the report presented the changes to the Risk Register since the last monitoring report in November 2014 and gave details of the risks falling into the ‘Very High’ category and the associated work to mitigate the effects.


The Committee was reminded that it received reports on a half-yearly basis on the position of the Corporate Risk Register, with the last one presented in November 2014.


The Audit Manager explained that the Risk Register was reviewed by the Executive Directors on a 6-monthly basis.  A summary of the changes to the Risk Register since the last monitoring report were detailed at section 2 of the report.  It was highlighted that there were currently no ‘Very High’ risks on the Risk Register.


Members’ attention was drawn to the changes to the Register as set out below.


To be removed


1.12 – Co-op Bank Financial Standing.

2.6 – Joint Venture.

2.8 – Major Housing Development.




2.9 – Major Housing Development Planning Permissions.

2.10 – 5 year Land Supply.

2.11 – Housing Market.


Risk Rating Amendments


1.7 - Community Relations.

2.7-  Capital Receipts.

5.14 - VAT Trust arrangements.


In conclusion, the Audit Manager advised that the Risk Register continued to be actively monitored by Senior Management on a regular basis.


The Chairman, Councillor Humphrey referred to the risk rating amendments – 2.7:  Capital receipts and how this affected the planning of the Capital Programme.  In response, the Assistant Director explained that the Committee had received the Capital Programme Outturn report on 8 June 2015, the progress/update would be monitored via the Monthly Monitoring Report. The Capital Programme would then be adjusted accordingly dependant on the funding available.


The Leader, Councillor Daubney added that a decision could be made if a project, etc. was considered important and recognised as a priority to proceed.  It was explained that the Capital Programme could be modified at the appropriate time if determined necessary.


In response to questions from Councillor Collop regarding the high risk items – the major housing planning permission and the VAT trust arrangements, the Leader, Councillor Daubney explained that each risk was assessed under the criteria – likelihood and impact.  It was highlighted that the Council did not have influence over the major housing planning permission and that the application would be submitted to the Planning Committee for consideration.  The Leader, Councillor Daubney advised that a Consultative Group had been set up and the first meeting had been constructive, a second meeting had also been scheduled.


The Leader, Councillor Daubney undertook to keep Members informed regarding the major housing project.


In response to questions from Councillor Collop relating to the requirement for the Council to identify a 5 year land supply, the Audit Manager explained that if the Borough Council did not have a 5 year land supply and planning permission was refused and went to appeal and approved, the Council would incur costs and would impact on the Local Development Framework.


RESOLVED: The Committee noted the report.

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