Agenda item


Mr Lee, the Licence Holder, presented his case.  He apologised if he repeated himself from detail provided at the previous Hearing relating to Hanse House.  He noted that the complainant had indicated that there was music at the Rathskeller on most weekends, but this was not the case.  He commented that only eighteen entries on the complainant’s noise log related to the Rathskeller and he felt that there may be some mistakes in her observations.


He explained that on the 18th April 2015 a noise nuisance had been logged on the Applicant’s noise log which stated that the music could be heard until 10.30pm, which was well within the licensed hours.


He also referred to the log entry for 11th July 2015 which stated that the Applicant had left her property at 9.30pm to sleep elsewhere as she had been kept up the night before due to noise nuisance from another venue.  Mr Lee said that this did not have any relevance to the Rathskeller.


Mr Lee referred to the entry for the 31st July 2015 in which Ms Watling said she had listened to her own music via headphones due to noise from drumming from a live band.  Mr Lee said that there were no drums that evening, it was an open mic night and on that occasion it was a poet.


Mr Lee referred to the log entry for 19th December 2015 in which Ms Watling reported that Bass from a live band was audible.  Mr Lee stated that the Band playing was called Hush and used Bongos and acoustic Guitar.


Mr Lee referred to New Year’s Eve 2015 in which Ms Watling had indicated that music had been played until 12.30am, and she had questioned if this was a breach of the Licence.  Mr Lee confirmed that it was New Year’s Eve and extended hours were permitted, so there was no breach of the Licence.


The Chairman thanked Mr Lee for presenting his case and invited questions from all parties.


Ms Watling asked Mr Lee if she felt it was appropriate to play loud music even during licensed hours.  Mr Lee responded that he did not think the music was too loud and no other complaints had been received.  He stated that the Police had commended him on how the Business had been operating within its Licence.  He stated that Ms Watling had complained at 9.00pm on New Year’s Eve and had been seen at the Premises taking decibel readings.  Ms Watling stated that she had entered the premises on one occasion to take photos of the open windows and was asked to leave.


Lucy Lee, the Licence Holders Daughter, stated that she had seen Ms Watling looking in through the windows and taking photos, so she had asked her to leave.  She felt that Mrs Lee was not polite and could still have photos of customers, which she should not have kept.  Mr Lee stated that it was unacceptable to take photos of customers.


The Community Safety and Neighbourhood Nuisance Officer asked what outdoor monitoring was carried out and how often.  Mr Lee stated that monitoring was done every thirty minutes when music was being played, and was carried out by a member of staff.  If any problems were observed, they would be rectified.  Mr Lee confirmed that no formal written record of the observations was kept.


In response to a question from Dr Litten, the Licence Holder confirmed that many of the events at the Rathskeller involved amplified music, but not all of them.