Agenda item

To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.


The Mayor invited the following members of the public to come forward to ask their questions of Council:


1)         Joanne Rust


“King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council has a representative who sits on the County's Health Scrutiny Committee. What representations has she made in respect of the STP to ensure that our area receives its fair share of health funding and services to meet the needs of the population. In particular to keep open the Fermoy Unit? “


Councillor Mrs Nockolds gave the following response:


“The Sustainability Transformation Plan, STP, for Norfolk and Waveney was presented to the Health & Wellbeing Board as a complete plan on 18th October and submitted to NHS England on the 21st October.


At the moment I do not know the outcome although I have a meeting of the H&WB Board on the 23rd November.


The County's Health Scrutiny Committee does not have a role in drawing up the STP. I am sure the Chairman and Committee will arrange a meeting to scrutinise the STP. I am aware that this Committee has scrutinized Mental Health issues including the care and support given.

STP's are place based, system wide plans for health and social care and covers integration with local authority services including prevention and social care. The Plan covers the period Oct 2016 to March 2021.



The focus of the Plan is addressing 3 national challenges.

1. Inequalities in health

2. Ensuring quality & performance of health & social care systems

3. Ensuring a financially sustainable health & social care systems


To improve the governance of the STP, the Executive Board (by which District Councils and Norfolk Healthwatch are represented) have been given the responsibility of ensuring the STP programme structure is being delivered on time.

Within the programme structure a specific Mental Health work programme will be developed across the breadth of the STP.


A Clinical Reference group has also been established involving NHS Trust Medical Directors & CCGs Chairman to ensure that local clinical leaders are engaged in the STP process.


Within the coming months the STP will have to be shared with residents of Norfolk and Waveney and engage with organisations and professionals to shape the plan and develop the change.


Norfolk County Council have in place a Communication workstream programme for residents.

The programme will outline how health and social care services in Norfolk and Waveney will change as well as how the organisations will work together during the next 5 years.


The Local Transformation Plan, LTP,  was recently refreshed and agreed at the HWB in July to improve mental health outcomes for children and young people and is a high priority. An extensive redesign of the entire system will be undertaken over the next 2 years to maximise the opportunities for integrated pathways of care. The 5 CCG's in Norfolk & Waveney have committed to spend an extra £1.9m of funding to deliver the priorities set out in the LTP for instance, increase support for children & young people affected by domestic abuse, those with eating disorders and more support to schools.


A new Drop-In clinic for young people has recently been funded which operates twice each month in our Borough.


The Borough Councils Strategy Group, which involves, WNCCG, QE hospital, Freebridge, DWP, Police, Fire service, Probation Service, Library Service and ourselves, have agreed that mental health is one of the top key issues for our area and are meeting later this month. CEO of WN MIND will be in attendance. The meeting will discuss how as partners we can  join up some of our services and ensure mental health issues are incorporated in the strategy.


The WN Partnership  Improving Attainment Steering Group have also identified mental health as a key factor which impacts on children's educational attainment. The Group have made some provision within the improving Attainment budget to fund and provide training to teachers about Mental Health issues affecting young people. 2 successful training sessions have been delivered this month. These sessions have been attended by teachers from both Primary and High schools.


Further training is planned as the Partnership want to ensure the opportunity is available for as many schools as possible.


I personally will, along with my colleagues, try to achieve the best possible outcomes for our residents within a budget giving best value in a planned and caring way.”


By was of supplementary, Mrs Rust asked whether Borough Councillors refuse to support the STP which should be subject to wide consultation.


Councillor Mrs Nockolds responded that she wouldn’t vote against it but would continue to work in partnership across local authority borders.



2)         Michael Coote           


“I want to question why the agreed method and procedures have not been carried out as per the minutes of the Major Housing Consultative Group and why there has been no meetings arranged other than those as listed below.


A Major Housing Consultative Group has also been established made up of local stakeholders, meetings took place as listed below.

These minutes are available on the web site:



1. 24 March 2015.

2. 06 July 2015.

3. 29th March 2016

4. this is long overdue


I have asked several times when is the date of this long overdue meeting? When might this happen? I thought that these meetings would take place every 3 to 4 months a year, perhaps I misunderstood, but with such long gaps between meetings, one wonders if "direct public input is no longer welcome"?”


Councillor Beales responded:


“As you know there is a dedicated web page for the Major Housing Scheme signposted from the home page of the Council’s website.  The consultation page to which you refer reads as follows


A Major Housing Consultative Group has also been established made up of local stakeholders.  The Minutes for the first three meetings are available at the bottom of the page. 


Further meetings will take place to coincide with each planning application, with sub groups meeting if necessary to discuss different issues.  All interested parties will be kept up to date with all the issues being considered and will have the opportunity to express their views and provide input using their specialist knowledge and expertise to help shape housing development in these areas.


Further public consultations will be publicised as planning applications for each stage of the Major Housing Project are prepared.  I hope this reassures you that the meetings will take place as described an that input remains as important as ever.”


By way of supplementary, Mr Coote asked:


“expressing concern about the withdrawal of the provision of bungalows from local developments he said I find this unacceptable as there is no reason why mitigation could not allow for dormer type bungalows which allowed refuge in the event of flooding. It appears that the need to provide suitable accommodation for elderly and inform  is being avoided.  I consider that the Council’s flood risk design does not make proper provision to accommodate the elderly and infirm with mobility problems, how does the Council propose to remedy this situation?”


In response Councillor Beales explained that the draft application contained bungalows, but the Environment Agency turned the proposal down on flood risk and their advice was unequivicable , so there was nothing the Council could do in this situation.