Agenda item


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The Panel were provided with an update on Cycling Development and the Cycle Hire Centre at Lynnsport which had been funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  It was noted that funding had been awarded for cycle hire and cycling development and an outline of the schemes progressed had been set out in the report, which included learn to ride sessions and a Halloween event.  It was noted that development work had been positive, but the cycle hire take up had been poor.


The Chair thanked the Director of Business Development at Alive West Norfolk for their report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Spikings commented that ensuring that cyclists were safe, especially at night and over the winter, was important and she asked if some of the remaining funding could be used to promote cycle safety, including purchase of high-vis and lights.  Councillor Spikings also commented that the provision should be rolled out into communities and not limited to Lynnsport.  The Director of Business Development, Alive West Norfolk acknowledged that Lynnsport was perhaps not the right place for the hire scheme and other areas would be explored to increase take up as the scheme was not sustainable in its current form.  In relation to promoting cycle safety and the provision of safety equipment, it was explained that this was not prescribed as part of the current funding arrangement, but could be investigated.


Councillor Sayers promoted the importance of active travel and safety.  He noted that investigations were ongoing into procuring a disabled cycle and he asked officers to be mindful of the turning circle on some disabled bikes and how some narrow streets and cycle paths were currently unable to accommodate them.  Councillor Sayers commented that infrastructure to support the types of cycles being used was required.  The Director of Business Development explained that a variety of models of cycles were being looked at.


Councillor Collingham commented that the cycle hire scheme was a good scheme to support, however other locations needed to be considered to increase take up and she suggested Hunstanton and Sandringham.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Councillor Morley commented that he had concerns about the use of the funding and advised the Panel to have a wider look at the scheme and see if it could be provided elsewhere.


Councillor Spikings felt that the scheme had potential and would like to see other options explored.  In response to a question from Councillor Spikings it was confirmed that there had been no loss of cycles.


Councillor Ryves commented that alternative locations needed to be explored to enhance the tourism offer of the area.


RESOLVED: 1. The Corporate Performance Panel noted the report.

2. Officers to explore alternative venues for the cycle hire scheme and keep the Panel updated as required.

3. Officers to investigate if the remaining funding could be used to promote cycle safety, and the Panel to be kept updated as required.

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