The Assistant Director of Property and Projects introduced the report to the Board and explained the original ideas for the project, and, as set out in the report, outlined that as the project evolved there was consultation with planning and conservation, as well as other teams within the council.
Councillor Moriarty thanked the Assistant Director of Property and Projects for the report and encouraged consultation with the Conservation Officer and Planning. He commented about the difference in how the Planning and Regeneration departments worked.
Councillor Morley questioned the use of consultants and highlighted that he felt a high number had been used on this project. He questioned if value for money was being considered. He referred to the highlight report on the project and queried the number of FTE Jobs created.
The Chair, Councillor Beales commented the use of consultants was useful however recognised that the council must ensure the consultants work to our requirements. He added the use of consultants was to provide expertise in specific areas and also different ideas and options to consider.
The Assistant Director Property and Projects explained to the Board, the project was challenging, and that the initial concept designs had changed over time with multiple consultations with the relevant statutory bodies, including Historic England, and also following various Panel and Board meetings, as well as various public consultations.
The Assistant Director of Property and Projects referred to Councillor Morley’s comment regarding the use of consultants and advised there was not the skills in house which were required therefore use of consultants was needed.
The Chair, Councillor Beales commented consultees do not dictate what can be done but can provide a pragmatic approach and options for ways the project can be delivered.
Councillor Ware sought clarification on why the report did not mention engagement with the Landlord for the Custom House.
The Chair, Councillor Beales advised the lease on the Custom House needed to be extended.
The Assistant Director of Property and Projects confirmed he was in communication with the Landlord on extending the lease and provided reassurance that the Landlord was consulted and engaged with throughout. He confirmed to the Board he would provide an update on the progress.
Councillor Moriarty commented the consultants needed to know King’s Lynn and to ensure we provide a brief to them to provide a practical and reasonable end result. The Assistant Director advised that the Architect led Design Team had previous significant involvement, and knowledge, of King’s Lynn with their being involved in the development of the town-wide landscaping strategy which involved significant research relating to the town’s historical past and its evolution.
The Chair, Councillor Beales advised the Board the Custom House was a listed building therefore there were restrictions and parameters.
Under Standing Order 34, Councillor de Whalley asked for sustainable and functional aspects to be included in the business plan, which the Assistant Director Property & Projects had confirmed was about to be reviewed.
Councillor Morley echoed Councillor Moriarty’s comments about the consultants needing to know the local area.
The Executive Director advised contract management was required to highlight what could and couldn’t be done. He added that the specification for any outsourced work needed to be applicable and outline what could be expected.
The Assistant Director of Property and Projects recognised a lesson had been learnt that earlier engagement with Planning and the Conservation Officer was required. However it was noted that the Conservation Officer post was vacant for a significant period of time during the early stages of this project.
Councillor Ring agreed that the correct team including the Cultural Officer was needed for the Custom House and Riverfront. He added what needed to be identified was what was wanted to be delivered and the main focus was for the Custom House to be open to the public.
Councillor Ware commented that Members of that Ward needed to be included in the consultations and highlighted that the Councillor Ward Forums were not specifically covered in the report.
The Assistant Director of Property and Projects confirmed that Ward Councillors had been part of the engagement process undertaken including one to one briefings.
Councillor Long highlighted residents had been engaged with and the Councillor Ward Forum was part of the consultation.
Councillor Morley raised concerns over the construction element and timeline of the project.
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