Agenda item


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The Assistant Director for Health, Wellbeing and Public Protection presented the report to the Committee which was for the Parish Partnership Scheme and highlighted to the Committee the deadline of 6th December 2024. He explained there had only been one application submitted with costings by Councillor Kemp and Councillor Joyce which was for a Fixed VAS Speed Sign 20mph on Wisbech Road. He added he had included the other three applications which did not have costings. He outlined the recommendations which included these three applications to be submitted in 2025/2026 for delivery in 2026/2027. He reminded the Committee of the budget for KLAC and advised once there was the KLAC Support Officer in place, this Officer would be able to assist with the Parish Partnership Applications.


Councillor Heneghan commented her application was one which was not costed for three red light cameras, and she was disappointed she was unable to get the costings in time from Norfolk County Council as she had contacted them on numerous occasions for the relevant details. She added she had followed the correct process and did not feel her application should be delayed.


Councillor Rust commented her application for a Gold Standard Bus Shelter was also not costed and explained she first submitted it prior to the Scheme opening. She added she had submitted it to the appropriate organisation and expected to receive a costing from this. She commented she wanted to change the recommendation and proposed to accept all of the uncosted applications and worked hard before the deadline of the 6th December 2024 to ensure they are delivered this time and not delayed further. She confirmed she would send details of a company who deals with the red lights to Councillor Heneghan for costings.


Councillor Joyce commented he understood Councillor Rust comments but added a cap needed to be put in place for application which did not currently have costings. He added Norfolk County Council would know the costings in question. He commented further a figure or estimate would need to be added to the recommendations before agreeing the proposed recommendation.


Councillor Rust confirmed she had previous communication about the gold standard bus shelter and acknowledged the gold standard bus shelter was more expensive than a standard one. She commented further if the costings for a gold standard bus shelter exceeds the cap she would compromise and apply for a standard bus shelter.


Councillor Heneghan commented she had hoped there was more support and guidance with contacting Norfolk County Council and added she did not know how to navigate round this process. She expressed her concern for accepting the uncosted applications without a cap.


The Assistant Director for Resources and Section 151 Officer confirmed the budget in question was the £81,000 which had been allocated to KLAC. She advised there was £15,000 of that budget allocated to capital spend only and the remainder could be revenue or capital. She added there was £32,000 in funds which were being held as part of the Discovery Centre balances which was marked for projects which KLAC would bid for in the future. She provided a quote for two ended bus shelter from 2021 which was around £4,500 plus VAT and reminded the Committee to consider inflation but hoped this provided an estimate for their debate.


The Chair, Councillor Everett, provided context of the cost of a bus shelter in a London Borough but added the cost would differ due to the area. He added he agreed with the reservations from other Members of the Committee to accept the uncosted applications without a limit and what would happen if the applications were accepted, and the costs exceeds the cap.


Councillor Rust reminded the Committee as this was the Parish Partnership Scheme, 50% would be funded from Norfolk County Council.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Kemp referred to Officers from Norfolk County Council which could be contacted to retrieve quotes for the uncosted applications. She commented she was concerned Officer time would be paid for these applications by the KLAC Budget.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Colwell brought to the Committee’s attention he was aware there was a new highways engineer who had been appointed from the 2nd December 2024 which would be the reasoning of the delay in response from Norfolk County Council as there had been a vacancy of Officers. He commented he was shocked by the increase in the costs of items which had been put forward in the last 18 months. He added further he was cautious to accept the uncosted applications due to them being unknown.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Bone commented his application at the time did not include costings however he has now received them. He explained his application was for eight bollards on Stonegate Street to stop cars parking on the pavement and the costs received were £100 per bollard plus 50%. He added there would be no ongoing costs to this application and felt it should not be deferred to next year.


Councillor Ware commented her concerns and added there was further elements to be considered with a bus shelter such as expenses for the live time, damages, insurance, and maintenance. She commented further she was concerned the cap would not be enough to cover the costs of all the application and questioned if there was an order of priority.


Councillor Heneghan suggested Councillor Rust proposal was accepted with a cap of £10,000.


Councillor Joyce proposed the cap for the Borough Council to pay for the uncosted application exceed £10,000 and the cheapest are priorities first.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Kemp commented all the application should be approved as the Committee has the funding and residents approval, and all applications would serve a useful purpose.


The Assistant Director for Health, Wellbeing and Public Protection commented it was down to Members to decide on the uncosted applications with the timescale in mind and understand the revenue cost of the application. He added if the recommendation was to be amended, the Committee would need to understand if it was decided to prioritise the least expensive to most expensive. He reminded the Committee Norfolk County Council were to make the final approval of the applications. He added the KLAC Officer role would be a dedicated Officer resource and the reasoning it would be funded from KLAC budget.


The Vice-Chair, Councillor Jones proposed the recommendation be amended to “To consider for approval the three uncosted bids for submission in 2024/2025 for delivery in 2025/2026 subject to the cost to the Borough Council being no more than £15,000.”


Councillor Ware seconded the recommendation.


RESOLVED: 1) To consider for approval, subject to budget availability, the fully costed scheme.

2) For approved schemes that the sponsoring Councillor submits the bid to Norfolk County Council

3) To consider for approval the three uncosted bids for submission in 2024/2025 for delivery in 2025/2026 subject to the cost to the Borough Council being no more than £15,000.



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