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The Environmental Health Manager presented the report and explained the Borough Council had a responsibility as a Category 1 responder under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to develop and maintain a plan to ensure that key services were continued. He highlighted to the Committee the difference in the Significant Incident Team and the Emergency Planning Team.
The Environmental Health Manager referred the Committee to 1.2 of the report which outlined a framework of the business continuity management. Additionally, he referred to 1.4 which showed a flow chart of how the initial Council response in different scenarios would be carried out Further in the report. He then highlighted para 2.2 which advised a risk assessment had been undertaken to identify potential threats, in which threat cards were updated in September 2023 and include, loss of staff, loss of ICT, loss of King’s Court and fuel shortage.
Finally, the Environmental Health Manger highlighted the progress made since the last report and the forward work plan.
The Chair invited questions and comments from the Committee.
Councillor Long commented the report outlined there was plans ready when needed and sought clarification on the resilience within available properties we had if we lost King’s Court.
The Environmental Health Manager confirmed properties such as Valentines Road in Hunstanton were an example of alternative sites which staff could work from. He added this planning prior to the Covid outbreak enabled staff to be quickly redeployed to other sites to reduce staff numbers at King’s Court during the pandemic. He added remote and home working would be considered as an advantage in the business continuity plan.
Councillor Bearshaw referred to the recommendations and commented it was difficult to review the business continuity in the detail. He referred to part 3 and 4 of the report and asked if a bow tie analysis had been carried out as this part of the report did not reflect this being done.
Councillor de Winton sought clarification if our data was stored off site or are we reliant on the cloud.
The Assistant Director for Resources and Section 151 Officer advised Councillor Bearshaw, she would liaise with the relevant Officer and respond to his question.
In addition, she provided assurance in response to Councillor de Winton’s question, there was various methods in which the data was backed up and stored and confirmed this included being stored off site. She added she would provide a robust response from the IT Manager.
Councillor Morley, Portfolio Holder for Resource added the data was backed up and stored at a remote and isolated site in Fakenham.
Councillor Devulapalli asked if we liaised with other organisations and local authorities on the business continuity plan.
The Environmental Health Manager explained this was the Borough Council business continuity arrangements however there was Norfolk Resilience Forum which provided information and support and other agencies such as the National Cyber Security Centre.
The Chair, Councillor Ryves asked if the subsidiary companies were considered as part of the business continuity plan.
The Environmental Health Manager confirmed business continuity would be considered and implemented as part of the procurement and contract agreement if needed.
Councillor Beales, Portfolio Holder provided assurance to the Committee on the software and infrastructure and all expected scenarios were catered for and practiced to ensure the plan works.
RESOLVED: The Audit Committee reviewed the progress made and endorsed the approach being taken to the Council’s business continuity arrangements.
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