RESOLVED: That the Performance Management Report the delivery of targets against the Corporate Strategy be noted and the comments raised at the corporate Performance Panel regarding contracts awarded to SMEs be incorporated into the reporting process.
Reason for Decision Cabinet should use the information within the management report to review progress on the agreed actions and indicators and satisfy themselves that performance is at an acceptable level. Where progress is behind schedule members can seek additional information to explain variances. |
Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.
The Chair, Councillor Beales introduced the item and advised the report had been to the Corporate Performance Panel. He invited the Corporate Performance Officer to present the report.
The Corporate Performance Officer presented the 2024-25 Q1 Performance Management Report which outlined information on the progress made on key actions in the 2024/2025 annual plan and performance levels achieved on key performance indicators (KPI) up until the 30th June 2024. She highlighted the Corporate Strategy Monitoring report which included the annual plan which had resulted in an increase from 38 to 66 actions to be monitored. She brought to Cabinet’s attention, 37 of those actions were on track, 9 actions had minor issues or delayed, 8 actions were completed and removed from Q2 Performance Management Report, 12 actions were in partnership with others and added going forward these actions would be included in the report as information only.
The Corporate Performance Officer explained additional charts were added into the report for each quarter to be compared for each corporate priority. She referred to the 64 key performance indicators and explained 37 of the KPI’s, which was 77% had met or exceeded the targets, 11 of the KPI’s which was 23% had not met the targets.
She referred to indicator1.5 which related to percentage of major planning applications with an extension of time. She provided reassurance progress had been made and there was a reduction to 50% at the 31st August 2024. She referred to indicator 1.9 which related to the number of new homes delivered within the Borough to meet the housing need. She added only a low number had been delivered however information had been received for Q2 which meant this number had increased. She explained indicator 3.4 had changed from green to red rating due to events happening nationally to the number of social media post compared to previous years. It was brought to the Cabinet’s attention indicator 3.6 which related to reduce revenue expenditure by 5% had reduced from green to red and advised reassurance was provided by the Assistant Director, work would be undertaken by budget monitoring.
Under Standing Order 34 Councillor Kemp referred to page 27 of the report and highlighted the amber action which was the Car Parking Strategy item. She commented there had been capacity issues and other deadlines but felt this strategy was an important part of the decarbonisation and the climate change strategy. She sought clarification if there was additional parking at the West Lynn ferry and the Travel Hub on Nar Ouse Way was part of Transport Strategy and if this was progressing.
Councillor Long referred to the Corporate Performance Panel meeting and the discussion about percentages of waste which had been recycled and commented he had spoken to the Waste and Recycling Manager who advised the data previously used was now reported nationally and annually in arrears. He made reference to the importance of knowing how much of the total tonnage was recycled.
Councillor Squire agreed with Councillor Long’s comments and explained the data report nationally and annually in arrears would impact the targets which had been set. She added if the target was not met this would not be down to level of work on recycling and food waste which had been carried out by the Borough Council. She referred to the current campaigns in place to increase recycling but also stressed the importance of limiting the contamination of recycling. She added it was likely the food waste target was to be met by the end of the year with the free caddy bag campaign for some areas in December.
Councillor Beales commented the new home delivery was dependent on the new government ambitions. He outlined the Corporate Performance Panel comments to Cabinet.
RESOLVED:That the Performance Management Report the delivery of targets against the Corporate Strategy be noted and the comments raised at the corporate Performance Panel regarding contracts awarded to SMEs be incorporated into the reporting process.
Reason for Decision Cabinet should use the information within the management report to review progress on the agreed actions and indicators and satisfy themselves that performance is at an acceptable level. Where progress is behind schedule members can seek additional information to explain variances. |
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