Agenda item

To view the planning application visit; Simple Search ( and quote the planning reference number.


(i)            24/01540/FM


Erection of Central Sterile Services Department, alongside plant, provision of car parking, landscaping and associated works.| Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Site, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4ET





Erection of Central Sterile Services Department, alongside plant provision of car parking, landscaping, and associated works. Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Site, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4ET.


Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.


The Planner presented the application to the Sub- Group and highlighted the location of the site. She explained the access was unaffected and the application was for a building that included both single two storey elements with a connecting corridor to other parts of the hospital. The Planner explained the development of the site resulted in the loss of 26 parking spaces and it had been proposed for 21 parking spaces be relocated near to the helicopter pad; the remaining 5 parking spaces were to be relocated near the gas building and store would remain in situ. 


She added the application included removal of 9 mature oak trees. However, 59 new trees were to be planted to mitigate the loss (although the Planner acknowledged that it would take time for the replacement trees to offer similar benefits to the mature trees that were being lost.) 


The Planner outlined that the roof would include solar panels and that air source heat pumps were to be utilised to ensure energy efficiency was achieved. She explained to the Sub-Group the floor and landscaping plans of the application.


The Planner explained the need of a Central Sterile Services Department and that Queen Elizabeth Hospital had considered alternative options such as mobile temporary solutions and using surrounding Hospitals Sterile Service such as Norfolk & Norwich and Peterborough however the capacity and logistics meant this option was not appropriate. 


She added the application was for a modular building which was like others that had been erected. She explained the biodiversity net gain metric showed a biodiversity net gain of 11.29%. She added further there was no objection to contamination or air quality however CSNN requested a constructions hour condition be appended to any permission granted.


The Chair invited question and comments from the group.


Councillor Bone thanked the Planner for the presentation. He asked for further details on mitigation of loss of wildlife and biodiversity net gain.


The Planner highlighted the 59 trees planted following the removal of 9 oak trees and 385m of hedgerow and green roof on the top of the building. She added the work carried out would be outside of bird breeding season and that the installation of bat, bird and hedgehog nesting boxes was also proposed. She added further the metric had been investigated by the Senior Ecologist


Councillor Bone asked for clarification of the usage of parking spaces.


The Planner confirmed the parking spaces were previously used by staff members however there was potential for them to be used by staff members and the public. However, it was not necessary to control this aspect by condition because the existing spaces were not conditioned.


Councillor Ware commented the parking would be an improvement as these would be tarmacked and lined spaces rather than gravel.


Councillor Bone stated he supported the application due to the mitigation which has been put in place.


AGREED: The Sub- Group had no objections to the application.