Agenda item


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The CIL spending Panel considered the applications and made the following decisions and recommendations to Cabinet where the application was for over £50,000:


25         West Winch - car park resurfacing (£67,023.18 requested)


As a member of the public was present for the item the following item was taken first.

The application had been re-submitted.


Agreed:            That Cabinet be recommended to approve the £67,023.18


28         Nordelph  - river railings (£13,720 requested)


Agreed:            That £13,720 be approved.


22         Sedgeford - cemetery path (£5,280 requested)


Agreed:            That £5,280 be approved.


50         Clenchwarton – Hall Road parking (£31,000 requested)


Under standing order 34 Councillor Bearshaw addressed the Panel in support of the application.  He undertook to chase the parish’s annual report on CIL spend which was overdue due to not having a permanent clerk in place for some time.  He also confirmed that the parish’s CIL money would be going into the project.


Agreed:            That £31,000 be approved.


41         Emneth Central Hall - carpark resurfacing (£22,299 requested)


Agreed:            That £22,299 be approved.


52         Tilney All Saints Village Hall – refurbishment (£8,800 requested)


Under standing order 34 Councillor Bearshaw addressed the Panel in support of the application.


Agreed:            That £8,800 be approved.


20         Shouldham - Lynn Road Trod extension  (£16,145.82 requested)


Councillor Moriarty, Ward Member did not vote on the application.


Agreed:            That £16,145.82 be approved.


27         East Rudham – kerbing (£11,963 requested)


Agreed:            That £11,963 be approved.


13         Thornham Village Hall – Replacement Pavilion  (£89,809.75 requested)


The Panel noted that no Parish CIL funding match funding had been received. It was noted that the parish had £18,589.90 in unallocated CIL funding.  Councillor de Whalley indicated he wouldn’t penalise a group for lack of support by the Parish Council.

The Panel was informed that the report for the current financial year from the parish council had not yet been received.  It was noted that parishes were chased at year end for the statutory reports to be submitted.


Councillor Sandell drew attention to the fact that the Village Hall in the same location had many of the facilities such as providing refreshments, that were being provided for the new pavilion.


It was noted that it was not possible to defer an application to the next round in the governance documents.  The Panel was informed that the new Pavilion was to provide facilities for the sports group in the village. 


Under standing order 34, Councillor Parish reminded members that often the Village Hall Committees were the same people as the parish council, he considered it would be unusual for a parish council not to know about application, and that Thornham Parish had very good facilities.


It was noted that the match funding was from community funding, national funding and parish precept funding but not CIL.


A discussion was held on proposals for funding.  Councillor Sandell proposed that £70,000 be awarded.  Councillor Bone seconded the proposal.  On being put to the vote proposal was carried.


Agreed:            That £70,000 be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


35         St Martha’s Early Years -  Playground redevelopment (£10,000 requested)


Agreed:            That £10,000 be approved.


36         St Nicholas Church Gayton - Car Park (£3,364.49 requested)


Councillor de Whalley spoke in support of the application as Ward Member but did not vote thereon.   It was noted that the parish council had not supported the application with CIL funding.  On being put to the vote the application was approved.


Agreed:            That £3,364.49 be approved.


47         Pentney Parish Council – Narborough Road Playground replacement (£30,000 requested)


It was noted that the 2023-24 report on CIL from the parish council had not yet been received so it was not known whether the parish’s £7,497 had been spent.

Councillor Moriarty, as Ward Member did not vote thereon. It was noted that the parish would undertake their own equalities impact assessment for the equipment, and it was proposed to install some inclusive equipment.


Parish precept was being allocated towards it.


It was suggested that any application made should have an updated report relating to CIL funding.  This should be included in the governance review.


Councillor Sanell proposed £25,000, seconded by Councillor Bone.  On being put to the vote this was agreed.


Agreed:            That £25,000 be approved.


12         Welney Hurn Drove – resurfacing stage 2 (£4,681)


Agreed:            That £4,681 be approved.


51         Docking Parish - Community Orchard (£12,406.30 requested)


The officer recommendation for this was for refusal.  Councillor Sandell referred to the apparent high level of CIL funding held by the parish, but the parish were in the process of updating their accounts.  She spoke in support of the community project and the village’s bio diversity proposals.  


Speaking in support of the proposal, Councillor de Whalley proposed the award of £6,203. Councillor Sandell seconded the proposal.  On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed.


Agreed:            That £6,203.15 be awarded.


30         Outwell Parish Council – River Railings (£106,716.54 requested)


Councillor de Whalley drew attention to the similarity with the Nordelph application and the fact it related directly to the infrastructure for the area.


The Chair drew attention to the difference in the 3 quotes which appeared to be for different works.  It was also commented that the spec followed would be subject to the applicants carrying out their own assessments and specifications dependent on where the railings were to be installed.


By way of clarification officers read out from the application that the existing railings had fallen into repair with no organisation taking responsibility for them, hence the Parish Council carrying out the repairs.


Agreed:            That £106,716.54 be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


17         Springwood High School – Theatre and lighting upgrade (£69,789.52 requested)


Councillor de Whalley commented that the school appeared to provide facilities for community usage and claimed energy savings for the lighting.  He asked for more information on the effectiveness of the proposals


Officers confirmed the applicant had stated the new LED lights were 500% more effective. Under standing order 34, Councillor Parish confirmed the high electricity usage and heat production of LED lights.


Members referred to the community use of the facilities.


Agreed:            That £69,789.52 be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


33         Wootton Park Pavilion upgrade (£100,611.50 requested)


It was noted that the application was for the benefit of North and South Wootton, with £10,000 North Wootton parish CIL funding.  In response to questions as to why South Wootton hadn’t contributed, it was reported that they had spent their allocation on their village hall refurbishment.


Agreed:            That £100,611.50 be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


21         Wiggenhall St Germans Memorial Hall – Car Park resurfacing (£42,000 requested)


In response to questions on the quotes provided it was noted that not all of the quotes were for the same specification.  The preferred quote was for removal and resurfacing rather than just resurfacing.  Concern was raised about the need to have identical quotes having identical specifications.


Agreed:            That £42,000 be awarded.


42         Barroway Drove Village Hall – Lighting and alarm upgrade  (£3,991 requested)


Agreed:            That £3,991 be awarded.


43         Heacham Parish Council - Solar Power in Old Friends Hall (£9,749.06 requested)


The Chair commented on the different prices for the quotes provided.

Under standing order 34, Councillor Parish commented that he did not get involved in CIL bids, but the person who wrote them was very thorough.


Agreed:            That £9,749.06 be approved.


48         Heacham Parish Council – Outdoor Amenity Enhancement (£24,672, updated to £18,172 requested)


Officers explained that the project comprised 4 elements, totalling £18,172, for which quotes had been received for some of the works.  The Brays pit was a specialist quote.  Quote C was not received.  Three quotes had not been received for each separate element of the proposal, but 5 quotes for the 4 elements.  It was noted that when considering the governance element the requirement for 3 quotes for each element should be included.  The revised figure requested was £18,172 which had taken into account match funding etc.


Agreed:            That £18,172.00 be awarded.


10         Terrington St Clement Community School PTA – Playground shelter (£15,792 requested)


In presenting the item it was noted that it had scored 12, not 11 as in the report.  The Chair drew attention to the disparity in the quotes received, and questioned the specification for each.  It was noted that whilst the application was not CIL match funded by the Parish Council, it was 52% match funded.  Members supported the application.


Agreed:            That £15,792 be awarded.


14         Holme–next-the-Sea Parish Council – Path works (£22,804.80 requested)


Agreed:            That £22,804.80 be awarded.


16         Ashwicken Primary School PTA – Playground markings (£3,368 requested)


Councillor de Whalley as ward member supported the application but did not vote thereon.  No support was shown by the Parish CIL allocation.


Agreed:            That £3,368 be awarded.



38         Emneth Playing Field Committee – Carpark resurface (£113,580 requested)


In discussing the application, attention was drawn to the level of funding already allocated to Emneth in this round


At 11.20 – 11.30 the Panel went into recess to assess the figures.


On discussing the match funding it was noted that the Playing Field Committee were contributing 1%  with some from parish precept.


The Chair proposed £110,000. This did not have a seconded, therefore fell.


Councillor de Whalley proposed £100,000, seconded by Councillor Sandell.  On being put to the vote this was agreed.


Agreed:            That £100,000 be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


45         Nordelph Village Hall – Sustainability Efficiency and Repair (£43,800 requested)


It was noted that the 1% match funding was received from local community grants.  Councillor de Whalley drew attention to the other grants also available for such schemes.


Agreed:            That £43,800 be awarded.


09         Welney Residents REC – Sandgate Meadow Park – Adult gym equipment (£11,676.20 requested)


It was noted that the CIL allocation for Welney had already been allocated to another project.


Agreed:            That £11,676.20 be awarded.


18         Watlington Primary School Library Refurbishment (£18,000 awarded)


There was no CIL allocation from the Parish.  The fact that the school was sharing the facility with its community was commended.


Agreed:            That £18,000 be awarded.


26         Southery Village Hall – Refurbishment (£77,445.31 requested)


It was confirmed that this project shared the environmental aspirations of previous applications. The listed community support was reported.


Agreed:            That £77,445.31 be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


46         North Creake Parish Council - MUGA  (£103,395 requested)


Councillor Sandell, as Parish Councillor and Ward Member spoke in support of the application and referred to the support for the improved facilities by the community she did not vote thereon.


Councillor de Whalley and Blunt supported the application.


Agreed:            That £103,395 be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


19         Upwell Parish Council -  Hall Roof Skylight (£4,740 requested)


In response to a question of whether planning permission was required, it was confirmed that the parish would have permitted development rights.


Agreed:            That £4,740 be awarded.


34         Crimplesham Parish Council – Double swing set, ivy tangle climber and goal posts (£13,000 requested)


Councillor Moriarty, Ward Member did not vote on this application.


Agreed:            That £13,000 be awarded.


15         Walpole Parish Council – outdoor equipment (£10,529 requested)


Councillor Blunt as Ward Member spoke in support of the application. He did not vote thereon.


Agreed:            That £10,529 be awarded.


40         Wereham Parish Council – Historic Monument refurbishment – Wereham Village Spring (£3,537 requested)


H Wood-Handy declared an interest as a resident of the village.


Agreed:            That £3,537 be awarded.


04         Stow Bridge Village Hall and Playing Field – New inclusive Play Equipment (£15,000 requested)


The Panel sought clarification on the marking for the item, the support and the breakdown of the figures which did not appear to tally.  It was noted that the match funding was contribution for future insurance and inspections which were not classed as infrastructure, but it was agreed to support this application.  It was noted that the governance document was a grey area which would be clarified in the future.


Agreed:            That £15,000 be awarded.


05         Feltwell British Legion Building – New Furniture (£6,500 requested)


The officer recommendation on this application was for refusal as it was not an infrastructure application.


Agreed:            That the application be refused as it was not for infrastructure.


29         Upwell Parish Council – Upwell Hall Flooring and Heaters (£2,000 requested)


Councillor Sandell commented on the underspend of CIL funding in the village.  It was clarified that a parish couldn’t spend from one project bid for to another.  £10,040 had been returned to the central CIL pot.  The Parish CIL allocation had now been allocated.


Agreed:            That £2,000 be awarded.


11         Feltwell Pre School Play Group – Play ground resurfacing (£16,240 requested)


Members spoke in support of the application.


Agreed:            That £16,240 be awarded.


32         West Lynn Community Action Group - West Lynn Footpath (£287,000 requested)


Councillor de Whalley spoke in support of the application which he drew attention to the fact that it supported the active travel element of the Corporate Strategy. 


Councillor Blunt asked if any support had been received from Norfolk County Council, it was confirmed none had been received, except for the Norfolk County Councillors support with her £5,000 highways allocation.


Agreed:            That £287,000 be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


08         Emneth Bowls Club – New toilet block (£4,422 requested)


The Chair drew attention to no match funding the unallocated parish CIL of nearly £4,000 available.  Attention was drawn to the funding already allocated to the village.


Agreed:            That £4,422 be awarded.


07         Emneth Bowls Club – Grass Cutting Machinery (£13,000 requested)


The officer recommendation was for refusal as it was not Capital Expenditure or infrastructure support.


Agreed:            That the application be refused.


44         Titchwell Parish Meeting – Titchwell Speed Reduction (£21,000 requested)


The Chair asked for clarification on whether the County Council was reducing the speed limit in Titchwell.  It was reported that it was a project to undertake research to see if it was possible to reduce the speed limit.  Norfolk County Council hadn’t raised concern about the speed.  Norfolk County Council was obliged to carry out the research into whether a speed reduction was required if someone applied.


Councillor Sandell asked if a TRO was being requested.  Councillor Blunt sought clarification if this was to do the research on the car numbers and speed.  He confirmed it was expensive to do, but there was no parish Council for Titchwell as it was a Parish Meeting.


It was confirmed that £5,000 was for the signage and £15,000 was for the research.


Councillor Sandell suggested that as it was a small village the County Councillor could contribute to this.

The Chair commented that he felt the County Council should pay for this. It was confirmed that the £21,000 was the total requested.


The Panel did not consider this was for infrastructure, or for the CIL fund.


Agreed:            That the application be refused.


The summary of the total amount allocated, subject to Cabinet ratification, was £1,399,258.57 from a pot of £1.47m.


There were no questions on the officer report submitted.


The Chair thanked officers and colleagues for the work involved.


A paper of additional information provided is attached to the minutes.






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